welcome to you中文翻译,welcometoyou正确吗

首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 22:46:27

我们常常说,欢迎某某某来某处。经常都会说,Welcome to Somewhere!

欢迎你来中国,Welcome to China!


welcome to you中文翻译,welcometoyou正确吗(1)

那么,Welcome you to China!


welcome to you中文翻译,welcometoyou正确吗(2)

那再看看这个,You're welcome to come to China!

这个听上去有那种意思了,但还不是很准确。"You're welcome to do sth. "在国外代表的是"你可以自由地做你想做的事情。"

welcome to you中文翻译,welcometoyou正确吗(3)

能够表达出“欢迎你来中国”的意思的应该是:"We would love for you to come to China!" 或者 "I would love for you to come to China!"

welcome to you中文翻译,welcometoyou正确吗(4)

At the period of the pandemic, plenty of Chinese people abroad and foreign friends want to come to China. We hope everyone can obey Chinese law and the regulations against the Coronavirus, cooperate with the job of the anti-pandemic. China is willing to stand up for the world. The Spring Equinox had come yesterday, wish to see the bright sunshine, feel the warmth of Spring and view flowers in blossom.





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