
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-05 03:42:31


罗伯特 · 麦卡弗里













The Park on Country LaneS. Robert McCaffrey

In the Spring at the little park on Country Lane, a small boy sits

on theswings underneath the green, budding branches of the tall shade tree. Thesun is shining and the high-pitched laughs and squeaks of children playing fill the air. The boy watches them over in the sandbox, on the slide, running to catch a seat on the red and blue merry-go-round whose chrome handlesglisten in the sun.The harder the boy swings his feet, kicking outward while leaning backagainst the will of the chains in his hands, the higher he climbs. On the swings,the chase isn’t important and the sand doesn’t get inside safe from the darkness,the other children, even the screams of his parents as their distance from eachother grows.

In the Summer, at the little park on Country lane, a young man strugglesawkwardly within a group of friends on the basketball court—flat, gray cement—near the fences which separate the park from the manicured lawns andsculpted hedges of neighboring suburban homes.The young man ducks, pivots, looks for the ball, and dodges back to thethree-point line drawn in chalk an hour before the game. He barely notices theunwelcome sweat on his brow and under his shirt, and the heavy feeling in hischest—he hasn’t played basketball since his parents’ divorce.A short, thin teenager, a natural, ducks gracefully under the outstretchedarms of the other players with an agility that continues to surprise everyone.His path to the basket blocked, he fires the ball with its tan and orange rubberover his shoulder—not to the players inside the key, but to the young man,quiet and patient, who stands on the three point line. Two points would tie thegame; three would win.The young man catches the ball, cradles ithands and frantic bodies. It circles the rim then drops off the side. Someonenear the court calls “Time!” and the other team huddles to congratulate themselves.His teammates look at each other, anxious to redeem their loss, but theyoung man has left the game already, his eyes concentrated on a lonely figureon the swings. The tall shade tree above has given her shelter from the glare ofthe late afternoon sun, leaving her concealed in cool shadows. He grins sheepishly as he approaches her, taking pleasure in her smile and the playful winkfrom her eye. “Nice shootin’, Tex,” she teases warmly in a false Southerndrawl.The young man sits down on the swing next to hers. She receives hisoutstretched hand with hers and together they sit in the peace of the advancingevening, swinging and watching the sun turn the sky to a fiery expanse ofcrimson and magenta as it hastens for slumber under the distant horizon.





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