come to后加什么词,come to后面加动词的什么形式

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to come to inf. 原来意思是表示两个相继的动作(先来,来了后做某事,而且做某事是来的目的),但是在口语中,很少这样说,更多是说come and inf. (而且这种说法即使come和后面的动词在形态上发生了变化仍然可以,这一点与try and inf. 和wait and inf. 不同)。

Come and have a drink. 来喝点东西吧。

He came and had a drink(不说came to have). 他来喝了点东西。

He often comes and spends the evening with us(不说comes to spend). 他常常来同我们一起度过傍晚(参见go and inf., hurry up and inf., stay and inf.)。这种以and代替to的用法,甚至扩大到另外一些句子。

I would like to take a minute and thank (不说take a minute to thank) all those who have helped me make the project successful. 我要抽出一分钟的时间,感谢所有帮助过我成功完成这个项目的人士。


I have a friend who comes (= who is) from England. 我有一个来自英国的朋友。试比较:I have a friend who came from England. 我有一个从英国到这里来的朋友。

She comes from Scotland, but her mother's Welsh. 她原籍苏格兰,但她母亲是威尔士人。

Many of the reports about the snowmen are probably hoaxes, but others come from people of unquestionable honesty. 有关雪人的报道,许多可能是骗局,但是另一些报道则来自正直老实不成问题的人。如果整个时间框架是过去的,那么come就要改成came。

此外,come还在一些场合起类似to be的系动词(copula)作用,此时它可以转成为表示延续状态的第一类动词,可以有一般现在时。

The Knopf edition (= an English version of Tolstoy's War and Peace), in contrast, comes laden with a long introduction by Pevear, heavy annotation, a historical glossary of people and places and a summary of the action. (Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 81) 诺普夫版则反之,加上了佩维阿尔的一篇长长的序言,又有大量的注释、人名地名的历史词汇表以及故事梗概。

it comes to...如果放在when引入的从句之中,此时意思是“在...方面,当涉及...之时”(里面的come要有时态变化)。

This was probably true when it came to George Washington. 如果说的是乔治·华盛顿,也许的确是如此。但是如果It comes to...是主句,或是从句不用when而用别的主从连词(例如if)引入,则意思是“问题归结为...”。

If it comes to a choice between X and Y, he would not hesitate to opt for X. 如果问题归结为要X还是要Y,他会毫不犹豫地要X。




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