
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-05 19:25:02

教育机构:educational institution

小学:elementary/primary school

附属小学:attached primary school

实验小学:experimental primary school

高小:higher primary school

初小:lower primary school

中学:high/middle school

附属中学:affiliated middle school

初级中学(美):comprehensive school

四年或六年制中学(美):high school

初中:junior middle school

高中:senior middle school

职业中学:vocational middle school

专科学校:specialized high school

职业专科学校:professional/vocational school

农业学校:agricultural school

工艺学校:arts and crafts school

盲哑学校:blind and mute school

烹饪学校:cooking school

戏剧学校:drama school

外国语学校:foreign languages school

卫生学校:health school

护士学校:nurses training school

体育学校:physical culture/sports school

建筑工程学院:architectural engineering school

商学院:business school/college

电影学院:film academy/college

财经学院:finance and economic institute

医学院:medical school/academy

外交学院:Foreign Affairs University

农业大学:agricultural university

夜大学:evening university

重点大学:key university

国立大学:national/state university

师范大学:normal/teachers’ university

私立大学:private university

理工大学:science and engineering university

大学董事会:board of trustees

教务处:academic administration

研究生部:graduate department

研究生院:graduate school

教育部:Ministry/Department of Education

国家教育委员会:State Education Commission

教育局:Board of Education




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