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03Lion Dance 舞狮子

Derived from the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), the lion dance is an excellent traditional art that adds infinite fun to any celebration including the Lantern Festival. Two performing types have formed during its long development. In north China, the lion dance focuses on skills, and in the south the lion dance pays more attention to the animal resemblance. 舞狮起源于三国时期(220-280),是一种优秀的传统艺术,为包括元宵节在内的任何庆祝活动增添了无限的乐趣,在其漫长的发展过程中形成了两种表演类型。在中国北方,狮舞注重技巧,而在南方,狮舞更注重动物的形似。One actor manipulates a small lion made of quilts resembling a real one, and with two persons acting like a big lion, one manages the head part and the other, the rest. Under the guidance of a director, the lions sometimes jump, leap, and do difficult acts such as walking on stilts.一个演员操纵着一只用棉布做成的小狮子,就像真的狮子一样,另外两个人扮演一只大狮子,一个负责头部,另一个负责其余部分。在指挥者的指导下,这些狮子有时会做出腾跃、跳跃,以及其他一些高难度的动作,例如蹬高。Because the acting is always amusing, spectators enjoy it very much. According to ancient custom, the lion is a symbol of boldness and strength that can protect people, so by performing the lion dance, everyone prays for an auspicious and happy life.因为表演总是很有趣,观众非常喜欢。根据古代习俗,狮子是勇敢和力量的象征,可以保护人们,因此,通过舞狮,每个人都祈求吉祥和幸福的生活


04Walking on Stilts 踩高跷

Walking on stilts, another folk art, traces its origins to the Spring and Autumn period (770BC - 476BC). Performers not only walk on stilts by binding them to their feet, but also do some breathtakingly difficult moves. As actors impersonate different characters like monks, clowns, and fishermen and perform vivid and humorous acts, the art amuses many people.踩高跷是另一种民间艺术,它的起源可以追溯到春秋时期(公元前770 - 476)。表演者们不仅要把高跷绑在脚上走,还会做一些极其高难度的动作。由于演员扮演不同的角色,如僧侣、小丑和渔民,并表演生动和幽默的行为,这种艺术使许多人感到有趣。


05Eating Yuanxiao 吃元宵

Yuanxiao, also called tangyuan, is a dumpling ball made of sticky rice flour stuffed with different fillings. Eating yuanxiao has become an essential part of the festival. The methods for making Yuanxiao differ by region and fillings include sugar, rose petals, sesame, sweetened bean paste, and jujube paste. Some do not have fillings. Because tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed, and each has a unique taste, it is very popular.元宵,也叫汤圆,是一种用粘糯米和各种馅料做成的球团。吃元宵已经成为这个节日必不可少的一部分。制作元宵的方法因地区而异,馅料包括糖、玫瑰花瓣、芝麻、豆沙和枣泥。有些没有馅料。因为汤圆可以煮、炸或蒸,而且每一种都有独特的味道,所以很受欢迎。Yuanxiao is round in shape so it is endowed with the meaning of reunion, harmony and happiness. During the night of the festival, family members sit together to taste yuanxiao and appreciate the full moon.元宵的形状是圆的,所以被赋予了团圆、和谐和幸福的含义。在元宵节的晚上,一家人围坐在一起品尝元宵,欣赏满月。


06Welcoming Zigu 迎紫姑

Besides these activities, there is Welcoming Zigu (a kind and poor girl in folklore), in which women make straw and cloth images of Zigu and say consoling words to her expressing people's goodness and their pity for the poor. 除了这些活动外,还有迎紫姑(民间传说中善良而贫穷的女孩)的活动,妇女们用稻草和布扎成真人大小的紫姑肖像,对她说安慰的话,表达人们的善良和对穷人的同情。Because appreciating the lanterns offers a good chance for young boys and girls to communicate with each other, the Lantern Festival is also regarded as Chinese Valentine's Day.因为赏灯为年轻的男孩和女孩提供了一个相互交流的机会,元宵节也被视为中国的情人节。





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