
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-08 01:09:33

Zengzi Slaughters Pigs

Zeng Shen was born in the State of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. He was a famous disciple of Confucius and was honored as Zeng Zi. He was humble and famous for his filial piety.

Zeng Zi was deeply taught by Confucius. He was not only a good scholar, but also an honest man. He never cheated others, even for his own children.

One day, Zengzi's wife wanted to go to the fair. The child was crying and wanted to go too. Zeng Zi's wife lied to him and said, "Dear boy, wait at home. I'll come back and kill a pig for you." The child believed it and stayed at home until his mother came back. In the evening, when the child saw his mother coming back, he ran to meet her, Shouting, "Kill the pig, kill the pig." Zengzi's wife said, "That pig has been our food for several months. How can we kill it at will?" The child began to cry.

When Zeng Zi knew this, he came out without another word and went straight to the pigpen with a knife in his hand. The wife asked, "What were you doing in the pigpen?" Zengzi said, "Kill the pig." The wife said: "I was just cheating the child, why should I take it seriously?" Zeng Zi said: "To the child should be more said to do, otherwise, let the child learn to lie?"

Zengzi finally did kill the pig for the child to eat and entertained the neighbors. The story of Zeng Zi killing pigs has been handed down to this day.

We should take Zeng Zi as an example in our daily life. We should be honest and do not break faith with others.





有一天,曾子的妻子要去赶集,孩子哭闹着也要去。曾子的妻子骗他说:“乖孩子,在家里等着,我回来给你*猪吃。” 孩子信以为真,待在家里等母亲回来。傍晚,孩子看见母亲回来了,一边跑上前去迎接,一边喊着:“快*猪,快*猪。” 曾子的妻子说:“那猪是咱家好几个月的口粮,怎能随便*呢?” 孩子哭了起来。

曾子知道了以后,二话没说,举着菜刀出来了,直奔猪圈。妻子问:“你跑到猪圈里干什么?” 曾子说:“*猪。” 妻子说:“我不过是骗骗孩子,何必当真呢?” 曾子说:“对孩子就更应该说到做到,不然,让孩子学撒谎吗?”






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