承担某人责任英文,承担责任 英语

首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-08 06:51:36

1. Take into account (考虑到):

To consider or include in one's plans or calculations.

2. Take advantage of (利用):

To make the most of an opportunity or situation.

3. Take a risk (冒险):

To engage in an activity that may have an uncertain or negative outcome but also has the potential for success or reward.

4. Take the lead (带头):

To be the first or to take control in a particular situation.

5. Take measures (采取措施):

To implement actions or steps to address a problem or achieve a certain goal.

6. Take responsibility (承担责任):

To accept the consequences or obligations that come with a particular role or task.

7. Take into consideration (予以考虑):

To think about or factor in when making a decision or forming an opinion.

8. Take action (采取行动):

To do something to address a specific issue or problem.

9. Take a stance (采取立场):

To adopt a particular position or viewpoint on a given matter.

10. Take a break (休息):

To pause or temporarily stop working or engaging in an activity.

11. Take the initiative (采取主动):

To be proactive or take the first step in a situation.

12. Take the opportunity (抓住机会):

To make use of a favorable circumstance or chance.

13. Take the plunge (决定做某事):

To make a decision, especially a bold or risky one.

14. Take a stand (表态):

To express one's opinion or position on a certain issue.

15. Take effect (生效):

To become operative or take force.

16. Take someone for granted (对某人理所当然):

To not value or appreciate someone as much as one should.

17. Take the blame (承担责备):

To accept responsibility or be held accountable for a negative outcome or mistake.

18. Take a hit (遭受打击):

To experience negative consequences or setbacks, especially in terms of finances or reputation.

19. Take a loss (遭受损失):

To experience a financial loss or failure in a business or investment.

20. Take the long view (长远眼光):

To consider or plan for the future, beyond immediate concerns or short-term gains.

承担某人责任英文,承担责任 英语(1)




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