承担 英文,承担用英文怎么说

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assume英 [əˈsjuːm] 美 [əˈsuːm]

v. 假定,假设,认为;装出,做出;承担,就职;呈现,具有;夺取,篡夺

[ 第三人称单数 assumes 现在分词 assuming 过去式 assumed 过去分词 assumed ]


assume office 就职 ; 就任 ; 到任

Assume Skin Pose 还原姿势 ; 还原姿式 ; 采用蒙皮姿势 ; 采用贴皮姿势

Assume Formlessness 无招胜有招


v.take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof"I assume his train was late"

同义词: presume take for granted

take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities"When will the new President assume office?"

同义词: adopt take on take over

take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect"She assumed strange manners"; "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"

同义词: acquire adopt take on take

take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person同义词: bear take over accept

occupy or take on"He assumes the lotus position"

同义词: take strike take up

seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession"He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"

同义词: usurp seize take over arrogate

take up someone's soul into heaven"This is the day when May was assumed into heaven"

put clothing on one's body"The queen assumed the stately robes"

同义词: wear put on get into don

以上来源于: WordNet


assume responsibility 承担责任

assume liability 承担责任

subjective assume 主观臆断

vt. 承担;假定;采取;呈现undertake , adopt , accept , shoulder , sustain

vi. 装腔作势;多管闲事attitudinize , put on the dog

词根: assume

adj.assumed 假定的;假装的

assuming 傲慢的;不逊的;僭越的

assumptive 假定的;设想的;傲慢的

adv.assumedly 大概;多半

n.assumption 假定;设想;担任;采取

v.assuming 假设(assume的ing形式)


Assume A knows B is guilty.


We were wrong to assume she'd agree.


He managed to assume an air of calm.


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