
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-14 18:29:27




1. Have you met Mr. Li ___?

A. just B.ago

C.before D. a moment ago

2.-----Have you been to Beijing?

----No, I ____.

A.has B.have

C.hasn't D.haven't

3.I ____the film already.

A.saw B.have seen

C.see D.will see

4. Have you ever____to Canada?

A.be B.are C.been D.is

5. He ____Water World last year.

A.went to B.goes to

C.has been to D.has gone to

6.---Have you ever been to Sanya?

---Yes, I’ve ____been there twice.

A.already B.never

C.neither D.yet

7.Tom hasn’t been to Italy____, but he has ___been to America.

A.already,yet B.yet,already

C.already,already D.yet,yet

8.I haven’t seen the film___.

A.yet B.ever C.already D.just

9.----What are you going to do tomorrow?

-----I ___yet.

A. didn’t decide B.won’t decide

C.have decide D.haven’t decided

10.----I have never been to Tokyo.


A. So do I B.So have I

C. Neither have I D. Neither do I


1-5:CDBCA 6-10:ABADC


1. ___you ever ____(be ) to America?

2. ____you ____(find) your watch yet?

3. -----Are you thirsty?

----No, I ___just ___(have) some orange.

4. We ____already _____(return) the book.

5. Both of them_____ (come) to Hongkong ten days ago.

6. I ___(not finish) my homework yet.

7. Cindy _____(join) the book club last week and she ____(read) four books already.

8. He ____(buy)a CD yesterday, but he ____(read) it yet.


1. Have been 2.Have found 3.have had 4.have returned5.came 6.haven’t finished 7.joined, has read 8.bought, hasn’t read


1. He has already finished his homework.(改为否定句)

He ____finished his homework _____.

2. I have finished my homework.(改为否定句)

I ___ ____my homework.

3. I have already been to Beijing.(改为一般疑问句并否定回答)

____ you____ to Beijing ____? _____, _____ _____.

4. You have never been to Shanghai before.(改为反意疑问句)

You have never been to Shanghai before,_____ ____?

5. He has worked in Beijing for a year. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____he worked in Beijing?

6. Emily doesn’t do well in Chinese. Her brother doesn’t do well in Chinese, either.(合并为一句)

Emily doesn’t do well in Chinese, ____ ____her brother.


1. hasn’t yet 2.haven’t finished

3.Have yet, No, I haven’t

4.Have you 5.How long has

6.neither does



1. ----How long have you collected shell?

------_____nine years.

2. He's skated _____more than five hours.

3. Alice ran ____twenty minutes yesterday.

4. I’ve learned English___I was seven years old.

5. My mother has taught English ___last year.

6. She has cried _____the whole morning.

7. Great changes have taken place____you left.

8. He has lived here_____he came to CQ.

9. The boy has been away____two hours ago.

10. She has read the book____eight o’clock.


1.For 2.for 3.for 4.since 5.since

6.for 7.since 8.since 9.since 10.since


A. 变成延续性V。

borrow/ lend_____ buy_______

get to know____ become______

put on______ catch a cold _____


B. 变成be adj/ adv /prep....


close______ open______

finish/ end____ die_______

marry ______ join_______

fall ill_______ fall asleep ____

return/ come back / go back______

arrive/ come/ go /reach/ get/ move to


A. 变成延续性V。

borrow/ lend-keep

buy -have

get to know-know


put on-wear/be on

catch a cold-have a cold


B. 变成be adj./ adv. /prep.....

begin/start-be on

leave - be away (from)

close-be closed

open-be open

finish/ end-be over

die-be dead

marry-be married

join-be in / be a member of

fall ill-be ill

fallasleep -be asleep

return/ come back / go back-be back

arrive/ come/ go /reach/ get/ move to -be in/at...


1. Both his parents look sad. Maybe they ____what’s happened to him.

A.knew B.have known

C.must know D.will know

2. ----Our country ____ a lot so far.

---- Yes. I hope it will be even ____.

A. has changed; well


C.has changed; better

D.changed; better

3. She ____already ____in this school.

A.was; studying B.will ; study

C.has; studied D.are; studying

4. We ____Xiao Li since she was a little girl.

A.know B.had known

C.have known D.knew

5. Harry Potter is a nice film. I ___it twice.

A.will see B.have seen

C.saw D.see

6. ----___you ___your homework yet?

----Yes. I ___it a moment ago.

A. Did; do finished

B.Have; done; finished

C.Have; done; have finished

D.Will ; do; finished

7. Miss Green isn’t in the office. She ____to the library.

A.has gone B.went

C.will go D.has been

8. The famous writer____one new book in the past two years.

A.is writing B.was writing

C.wrote D.has written

9. Mr. Black ____in China since five years ago.

A.lived B.has lived

C.lives D.is going to have

10. My parents ___Shandong for ten years.

A. have been in B.have been to

C. have gone to D. have been

11.----These farmers have been to America.

----Really? When ____there.

A.will they go B.did they go

C.do they go D.have they gone

12. His father_____the Party since 1978.

A.joined B.has joined

C.was in D.has been in

13. Hurry up! The play ____for ten minutes.

A.has begun B.had begun

C.has been on D.began

14. When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus ___for 20 minutes.

A.has left

B.had left

C.has been away

D.had been away

15. His uncle_____for more than 9 years.

A.has come here

B.has started to work

C.has lived here

D.has left here

16. -----Do you know him well?

-----Sure. We _____friends since ten years ago.

A.were B.have been

C.have become D.have made

17. Tom _____the CD player for two weeks.

A.has lent B.has borrowed

C.has bought D.has kept

18. He is so tired that he ____for ten hours.

A. has been asleep

B.has fallen asleep

C.has gone to bed

D.has gone to sleep

19. Her grandfather ____in 1987. He ___for 29 years.

A. die; died

B.has died; has been dead

C.dying; died

D.died; has been dead

20. ____has Mr. White been a member of Greener China since he ____to China?

A. How soon; comes

B. How often; got

B. How long ; came

D. How far; arrived

21.It ___ten years since he left the army.

A.is B.has C.will D.was


1-5:BCCCB 6-11:BADBAB 12-16:DCCCB 17-21:DADBA


1. I bought this book two days ago.(改为同义句)

I ____ _____this book since two days ago.

2. We’ve lived in CQ since five years ago.(改为同义句)

We’ve lived in CQ____ ____ ____.

3. I have lived here since I was a child.(对划线部分提问)

_____ ____ ____ you lived here?

4. This factory opened twenty years ago.(改为同义句)

This factory ___ ____ ___for twenty years.

5. She borrowed the dictionary three weeks ago.(改为同义句)

She ____ ____the dictionary for three weeks.

6. The old man died last year.(改为同义句)

The old man ___ ____ ____for a year.

7.The Green family moved to France two years ago.(改为同义句)

___two years___the Green family moved to France.

8.The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago.(合并为一个句子)


9. He left 10 years ago. (改为同义句)

=He ten years.

=He ten years .

=It 10 years since he .

=It 10 years since he .

=Ten years since he .


1. have had 2.for five years

3.How long have 4. has been open

5.has kept 6.has been dead

7.It’s since

8.The bus has been here for ten minutes.(答案不唯一)

9.has been away for,

has been away since ago,

is left,has been left,has passed left





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