
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-25 02:30:05










五,听力方面,建议多听:TED,BBC, VOA。






To make an imagine, when we are 90 years old, looking back, what do we want to have accomplished, experienced, and given in this lifetime?

What matters most to you?

A great career?

A loving husband?

A big and luxury house?

Beautiful children?

A great amount of money?

A high powered job?

According to author, all above things can't bring real security, real security is knowing that you have all you need inside yourself to weather life’s challenges.

When you count too heavily on outside things—events, people, jobs, money, and possessions—to bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of security, a wake-up call will surely push you toward another path, a more grounded and self-affirming way of living that honors who you are at your core.

So how shall we do?

We could have something all our own to shape and mold—something no one could ever take away from us.

In this way, It is important to redefine success, purpose and true quality of life in terms that are meaninhful to you!

When we encount difficulties and dark days, we' d better embrace the reality, face the reality, see the reality, commit to doing small thing about it.

We really have to build something that no one can take away even we don't have a job, and our self-worth and identity should come from ourselves not outer world.

What is something?

Looking deeply into our intuition—the inner wisdom that provides direction and guidance— is a vital part of who we are, what we want to achieve, what we value most importantly, what we shape and mold who we are. Something that makes you feel heartfelt comfortable, joyful, fulfilful, happy from your inner world.

Something makes a real you and gets you to be what you want to be.

It is a very wonderful book with many good recommendations and inspiring stories. You could find many " symptoms" that ever happened on you, and you could learn something from these real experiences.




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