there be句型的就近原则五个,there be句型的就近原则顺口溜

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There be句型

There be 某人/物 (在)某地”→ 表示“(在)某地某人/物”

be am, is, are,was were等形式

there be句型的就近原则五个,there be句型的就近原则顺口溜(1)


1、There be 句型中,be动词的形式要遵循就近原则:即由最靠近be的名词决定。

There is a map,a computer and some books on the desk.


There are two bedrooms and a small study on the second floor.


There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有些水。

2、There be 句型的否定句,直接在be后加上not;


Yes,there is/are是的,有。否定回答:No, there isn’t/ aren’t不,没有。


3、There be句型的特殊疑问句:

1)对名词前的数量词提问,常用how many/much(多少)来提问。如果是不可数名词

则用how much;如果是可数名词,不管是单数还是复数都用how many。

There is some milk in the bottle.

How much milk is there in the bottle?

There are ten cars behind the house.

How many cars are there behind the house?

There is one/a car behind the house.

How many cars are there behind the house?


用“What’s (What is) 地点介词短语?”。

-----There are five eggs and two apples on the desk.


-----What’s on the desk? (在)桌上有什么?

------There is some water in the bottle.(在)瓶子里有些水。

------What's in the bottle? (在)瓶子里有什么?


-----What’s on the desk? (在)桌上有什么?

------There are five eggs and two apples on the desk.


----- What’s in front of the yard?(在)院子前面有什么?

------There is a road in front of the yard.(在)院子前面有一条路。

3)“What’s (What is) 地点的介词短语?” 常用There be句型来回答:

-----What’s on the desk? (在)桌上有什么?

------There are five eggs and two apples on the desk.


----- What’s in front of the yard?(在)院子前面有什么?

------There is a road in front of the yard.(在)院子前面有一条路。

4、There be 句型中,表示地点的介词短语一般放在句末,但有时也可以放在


There is a big tree in front of the classroom.


=In front of the classroom(,)there is a big tree.

5、There be 句型中,there是引导词,本身没有实际意义,其主语是be动词后

面的名词,而且充当主语的名词前常常有表示数量的限定词来修饰,如a/an ,two ,four,some , any,much ,many, a lot of等。

There is a bank on the street corner.在街角有家银行。

There are two apartment buildings near my house.在我家附近有两幢公寓楼。

但名词前一般不用形容词性物主代词(my,his,your,their,her,our...)或名词所有格(‘s)修饰。如果名词前有这些修饰时,常用“人/物 be 地点介词短语”。

错误:There is my book on the desk. There are Tom’s books on the shelf.

正确:My book is on the desk. Tom’s books are on the shelf.

6、There be 结构与have的区别:

There be 常用来表示“在某地 某人/物/事”,表示客观上的存在,不说明所有关系。而have/has“有”,表示所属关系,即“所有,占有”。

There are many trees in our school.我们学校有许多树。

There are fifty students in our class,我们班级有50个学生。

They have a lot of money.她们很有钱。

The woman has five children.这位妇女有五个孩子。

7、There be sb. doing sth (在)某地 → (在)某地有某人正在做某事

Look! There are many boys running on the playground.


There are some old people living here.一些老人正住在这里。

8、There is /was something wrong with her eyes.她的眼睛出问题了(病了)。

There is /was something wrong with his bike.他的自行车出问题了。

There is /was nothing serious with .............

9、There be 句型也可用于“There be 某事/物 (在)某时”


There is some homework on Sundays. (在)星期日有些家庭作业。

10、There be 句型中一般将来时态的应用。

基本结构:There will be ...

=There is / are going to be ... →意为“将会有....”

There is going to be a football game tomorrow afternoon.


=There will be a football game tomorrow afternoon.

There are going to be two meetings this afternoon.


=There will be two meetings this afternoon.

备注:there be 句型不能与have/has 同时存在一个简单句中。

误:There is going to have a football match this afternoon.

正:There is going to be a football match this afternoon




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