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译者:Miss Sun


Mark Twain is born in 1835 in Florida Missouri, USA. His real name is Samuel Clemens and he is the sixth of seven children. His father is a lawyer. When he is four years old, the family moves to Hannibal, Missouri, a port town on the Mississippi River. 马克·吐温于1835年出生在美国密苏里州佛罗里达。他的真名是塞缪尔·克莱门斯,在七个孩子中排行老六。他父亲是个律师。在他四岁的时候,全家搬到密苏里的汉尼拔,密西西比河沿岸的一个港口城市。

In 1847, Twain starts working as a journalist for the Hanniba Journal, his brother's newspaper. In 1853 Twain goes to work in New York and other important American cities, but then he decides to be a riverboat pilot. He works on the Mississippi River and later uses this experience in many of his stories. Twain marries Olivia Langdon and they have one son and three daughters. 在1847年,吐温开始在他哥哥的《汉尼拔日报》当记者。在1853年吐温去纽约和其他重要的美国城市工作,但后来他决定成为一个内河船领航员。他在密西西比河边工作,后来在他的许多故事中都用到了这种经历。吐温与奥莉薇·兰登结婚,生有一儿三女。

In 1876 Twain writes The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and his masterpiece, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, follows in 1884. In 1882 Twain publishes The Prince and the Pauper. This is an example of historical fiction and is very different from his other stories.在1876年吐温写了《汤姆·索亚历险记》,紧接着在1884年写了他的杰作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。在 1882 年吐温出版了《王子与贫民》。这是历史小说的一个例子,与他的其他故事截然不同。

Mark Twain travels all over the world and is a wonderful ambassadors for America. He continues writing until he dies in1910. He is very successful and well remembered also for his wise words. Here is an example of what Mark Twain says, 'lf you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.' 马克·吐温周游世界,是美国出色的大使。他继续写作直到1910年去世。他是非常成功的,也是因为他睿智的话而广为人知。这里有一个马克·吐温所说的例子:“如果你说的是真话,你就不必记住任何东西。”


The Prince and the Pauper is set in 1547 and it tells the story of two young boys who are born on the same day into two very different families. The two boys are identical in appearance. Ogne of the boys is Prince Edward, son of Henry VIIl, King of England. The other boy is Tom Canty, a paupers who lives with his cruel father in Pudding Lane,London.《王子与贫儿》故事发生在1547年,讲述了两个小男孩在同一天出生在两个截然不同的家庭。这两个男孩长得一模一样。其中一个男孩是爱德华王子,英国国王亨利八世的儿子。另一个男孩是汤姆·坎蒂,一个和他残酷的父亲住在伦敦布丁巷的贫民。

One day, Tom Canty is outside the gates of the royal palace when he sees the prince in the garden. The boys meet and Prince Edward takes Tom Canty to his room. The boys talk and then decide to exchange clothes. The prince wears Tom's clothes and Tom wears the prince's clothes. A soldier thinks the prince is a beggar and sends him away. The prince cannot return to the palace. From that moment Tom Canty lives the life of the prince. The real prince suffers in the role of the poor boy. 一天,汤姆·坎蒂在王宫的大门外,看到了在花园里的王子。男孩们见面了,爱德华王子把汤姆·坎蒂带回到他的房间。男孩们谈了谈,然后决定交换衣服。王子穿着汤姆的衣服,汤姆穿着王子的衣服。一个士兵认为王子是个乞丐,把他撵走了。王子不能回到王宫了。从那一刻起,汤姆·坎蒂过上了王子的生活。真正的王子在这个穷孩子的角色中遭受着苦难。

The boys have a number of adventures and they learn different things that help them to survive. Eventually they are able to return to their lives but they are very different from before. Prince Edward becomes a generous king. The wise Tom Canty becomes the king's best friend.男孩们经历了许多冒险,他们学到了帮助他们生存的不同东西。最终他们能够回归他们的生活,但他们与以前非常不同了。爱德华王子成了慷慨的国王。聪明的汤姆·坎蒂成了国王最好的朋友。

The Prince and the Pauper is a wonderful story of adventure with a strong message. lt teaches the reader that expensive clothes and riches are not important: we must not judge a person by his clothes. It shows the importance of equalitys, honesty and respect.《王子与贫民》是一部精彩的冒险故事,传达出强烈的信息。这本书告诉读者,昂贵的衣服和财富并不重要:我们不能用衣服来判断一个人。它表明了平等、诚实和尊重的重要性。

The Prince and the Pauper is translated into many languages and there are many film and TV versions of the story.《王子与贫民》被翻译成多种语言,还有很多电影和电视版本的故事。来源:伴你学英语公众号(ID:gh_5c9592fefed1)






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