
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-25 15:11:40

The FlyingTurtle


Huang Xiaohua was a cute and pretty girl who lived in the countryside with her parents. She loved animals and plants, and she spent her free time exploring the forest and the fields around her home. She had a pet turtle named Xiaobo, who was her best friend. Xiaobo was born with a special ability: he could fly. He had a pair of tiny wings on his shell that allowed him to soar in the air. Huang Xiaohua was the only one who knew about his secret, and she always kept him safe and happy.

One day, Huang Xiaohua decided to take Xiaobo to the city for a visit. She had never been to the city before, and she wanted to see what it was like. She also wanted to meet her e-friend, Liu Xiaolong, who lived there. Liu Xiaolong was a handsome and brave boy who loved photography and film. He had an online blog where he posted his pictures and videos of the city life. Huang Xiaohua had been following his blog for a long time, and they had become good friends through their messages. They had agreed to meet at the park, where Liu Xiaolong worked as a part-time photographer.

Huang Xiaohua packed her backpack with some fruit, peanuts, chinese chestnuts and special candies for the trip. She also brought some water and cola for herself and Xiaobo. She put Xiaobo in a small cage and covered it with a cloth. She didn't want anyone to see him flying or catch him. She told her parents that she was going to visit her neighbour's daughter in the next village, and they gave her some money and wished her a good day.

Huang Xiaohua took the bus to the nearest CRH station, where she bought a ticket to the theatre. She boarded the CRH train with Xiaobo and found a seat near the window. She was very excited and nervous about her adventure. She looked out of the window and saw the countryside passing by. She saw green fields, wild flowers, trees and animals. She felt happy and peaceful.

She also saw some things that made her sad and angry. She saw factories that spewed smoke into the air, making it dirty and unhealthy. She saw rubbish everywhere, polluting the land and the water. She saw people who looked sick and unhappy, living in poor conditions. She wondered why they didn't care about their environment or themselves.

She decided to write a message to Liu Xiaolong on her phone. She told him that she was on her way to meet him, and that she had brought something special for him to see. She also asked him how he felt about living in the city, and if he ever wanted to visit the countryside.

Liu Xiaolong replied quickly. He said that he was looking forward to meeting her too, and that he was curious about what she had brought for him. He said that he liked living in the city, because it was exciting and full of opportunities. He said that he had never been to the countryside, but he would like to go someday.

Huang Xiaohua smiled at his message. She thought that he was very kind and interesting. She hoped that he would like Xiaobo as much as she did.

She put away her phone and looked at Xiaobo. He was asleep in his cage, snoring softly. She stroked his shell gently and whispered: "Don't worry, Xiaobo. We'll be fine in the city. We'll have fun with Liu Xiaolong, and then we'll come back home."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep too.

The train arrived at a station after two hours. Huang Xiaohua woke up and got off with Xiaobo. She looked around and gasped in awe.

The city was huge and crowded with people, cars, buildings and noise. It was nothing like the countryside she knew. It was bright and colourful, but also chaotic and confusing.

She felt scared and lost.

She checked her phone for directions to the theatre where Liu Xiaolong worked. It was not far from the train station, but she had to cross several streets and walk through many shops and restaurants.

She held Xiaobo's cage tightly in her hands and started walking.

She saw many things that amazed her along the way.

She saw skyscrapers that reached the sky, with glass windows that reflected the sun.

She saw shops that sold everything from clothes to electronics to books to toys.

She saw restaurants that served food from different places, even different countries: sushi from Japan, pizza from Italy, hamburger from America.

She saw people who wore different styles of clothes: suits, dresses, jeans, skirts.

She saw tourists who took pictures of everything they saw: buildings, statues, fountains, parks.

She saw a lot of things that she had never seen before.

She also saw a lot of things that she didn't like.

She saw traffic jams that made the air smell bad and the noise unbearable.

She saw rubbish bins that overflowed with waste and littered the ground.

She saw a lot of things that she wished she didn't see.

She felt curious and disgusted at the same time.

She checked her phone again and saw that she was almost at the theatre. She was relieved and happy. She couldn't wait to meet Liu Xiaolong and show him Xiaobo.

She turned a corner and saw the theatre. It was a big and beautiful building with a red sign that said "The Hongxing Theatre". It had a large entrance with a glass door and a metal detector. There was a queue of people waiting to enter. They looked excited and eager.

Huang Xiaohua joined the queue and waited for her turn. She looked at her phone and sent a message to Liu Xiaolong. She told him that she had arrived at the theatre and asked him where he was.

Liu Xiaolong replied quickly. He said that he was inside the theatre, working on a photo shoot for a famous actress. He said that he would finish soon and come out to meet her. He asked her to wait for him at the entrance.

Huang Xiaohua smiled at his message. She thought that he was very cool and talented. She wondered what the actress looked like and what kind of photos he took.

She put away her phone and looked at Xiaobo. He was awake in his cage, looking around with curiosity. He seemed to like the city more than she did. He flapped his wings slightly, making a soft sound.

Huang Xiaohua shushed him and covered his cage with the cloth again. She didn't want anyone to hear him or see him. She hoped that Liu Xiaolong would come soon and take them somewhere more quiet and private.

She reached the front of the queue and showed her ticket to the gatekeeper. He scanned it with a device and nodded at her. He said: "Enjoy the show."

Huang Xiaohua thanked him and walked through the metal detector. It beeped loudly and flashed red lights.

The gatekeeper stopped her and asked her to open her backpack. He said: "Sorry, miss. You have something metal in your bag. I need to check it."

Huang Xiaohua felt nervous and scared. She opened her backpack slowly and showed him the contents: fruit, peanuts, chinese chestnuts,special candies, water, cola.

The gatekeeper looked at them and frowned. He said: "What are you doing with all this food? You can't bring it inside the theatre. There's a cafeteria inside where you can buy food."

Huang Xiaohua felt confused and embarrassed. She said: "But this is my lunch. I brought it from home."

The gatekeeper shook his head and said: "No, no, no. You can't do that here. This is against the rules. You have to leave it here or throw it away."

Huang Xiaohua felt angry and sad. She said: "But this is my food. I made it myself. It's healthy and delicious."

The gatekeeper said: "I don't care what it is or how it tastes. You can't bring it inside the theatre. It's either here or in the bin."

Huang Xiaohua felt tears in her eyes. She didn't want to leave her food or throw it away. She had made it with love for herself and Xiaobo. She had spent a lot of time.

She had spent a lot of time and money on it. She didn't want to waste it or lose it.

She looked at Xiaobo and saw that he was looking at her with concern. He seemed to understand her feelings. He nudged her hand with his nose and made a soft sound.

Huang Xiaohua smiled at him and felt a surge of courage. She said to the gatekeeper: "No, I won't leave my food or throw it away. It's mine and I have the right to keep it. You can't take it from me."

The gatekeeper looked surprised and annoyed. He said: "Hey, don't be rude to me. I'm just doing my job. You have to follow the rules or you can't enter the theatre."

Huang Xiaohua said: "Well, then I won't enter the theatre. I'll wait for my friend outside. He works here as a photographer. His name is Liu Xiaolong. Do you know him?"

The gatekeeper said: "Liu Xiaolong? Yeah, I know him. He's a good kid. He takes great photos. Why are you waiting for him?"

Huang Xiaohua said: "Because he's my friend and I came here to meet him. We're e-friends from the countryside. He invited me to see the city and the theatre. He also wants to see what I brought for him."

The gatekeeper said: "What did you bring for him?"

Huang Xiaohua said: "Something special and amazing. Something that can fly."

The gatekeeper said: "Something that can fly? What is it? A bird? A plane? A drone?"

Huang Xiaohua said: "No, none of those things. It's something much better and more beautiful. It's something that you've never seen before."

The gatekeeper said: "Really? What is it then? Show me."

Huang Xiaohua hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to show Xiaobo to a stranger, but she also wanted to prove her point and impress the gatekeeper.

She decided to take a risk and show him.

She lifted the cloth from Xiaobo's cage and revealed him to the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper gasped in shock and awe.

He saw a small turtle with a green shell and a pair of wings.

He saw Xiaobo flying in his cage, flapping his wings and spinning around.

He saw Xiaobo smiling at him and waving his legs.

He saw something that he had never seen before.

He saw something that was special and amazing.

He saw something that made him forget about his job and his rules.

He saw something that made him feel happy and peaceful.

He said: "Wow! That's incredible! That's amazing! That's wonderful! What is it? Where did you get it? How does it fly?"

Huang Xiaohua smiled proudly and said: "This is Xiaobo, my pet turtle. He was born with wings and he can fly. He's my best friend and he came with me from the countryside. He likes fruit, peanuts and chinese chestnuts. He also likes cola, but only a little bit."

The gatekeeper said: "That's amazing! He's so cute and pretty! Can I touch him? Can I hold him? Can I feed him?"

Huang Xiaohua said: "Sure, you can touch him and hold him, but be gentle and careful. He's very sensitive and delicate. You can also feed him, but only with healthy food. No rubbish or junk food."

The gatekeeper said: "OK, OK, I'll be gentle and careful. I'll also feed him with healthy food. Don't worry, I won't hurt him or harm him."

He reached out his hand and touched Xiaobo's shell softly. He felt its smoothness and warmth.

He lifted Xiaobo out of his cage gently and held him in his arms. He felt his weight and his heartbeat.

He fed Xiaobo with some fruit and sandwiches. He saw him eating happily and gratefully.

He played with Xiaobo and made him fly around. He saw him enjoying himself and having fun.

He talked to Xiaobo and made him laugh. He heard him making cute and funny sounds.

He bonded with Xiaobo and became his friend. He felt a connection and a love.

Huang Xiaohua watched them with a smile. She was glad that the gatekeeper liked Xiaobo and treated him well. She was also glad that Xiaobo liked the gatekeeper and trusted him. She thought that they were both kind and good.

She checked her phone and saw that Liu Xiaolong had sent her a message. He said that he had finished his photo shoot and was coming out to meet her. He asked her to wait for him at the entrance.

Huang Xiaohua replied to him and said that she was waiting for him at the entrance with a surprise. She also said that she had made a new friend who wanted to meet him too.

Liu Xiaolong said that he was curious and excited. He said that he would be there in a few minutes.

Huang Xiaohua told the gatekeeper that her friend was coming soon and that he worked at the theatre as a photographer. She also told him that he was her e-friend from the city and that he had invited her to see the city and the theatre.

The gatekeeper said that he knew Liu Xiaolong too. He said that he was a good kid who took great photos. He said that he had seen some of his pictures and videos on his blog. He said that he liked his work and admired his talent.

Huang Xiaohua said that she liked Liu Xiaolong's work too. She said that she had been following his blog for a long time and that they had become good friends through their messages. She said that she couldn't wait to meet him in person and show him Xiaobo.

The gatekeeper said that he couldn't wait to meet Liu Xiaolong too. He said that he wanted to thank him for bringing Huang Xiaohua and Xiaobo to the theatre. He said that they had made his day better and happier.

They waited for Liu Xiaolong together, chatting and laughing.

They saw Liu Xiaolong walking towards them, carrying a camera bag on his shoulder. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and bright eyes. He wore a blue shirt, black jeans and white sneakers. He looked cool and confident.

He saw Huang Xiaohua standing at the entrance, holding a backpack in her hands. She was short and pretty, with long hair and sweet smile. She wore a pink dress, white socks and red shoes. She looked cute and innocent.

He also saw the gatekeeper standing next to Huang Xiaohua, holding a turtle in his arms. He was old and chubby, with grey hair and a friendly face. He wore a uniform, a badge and a hat. He looked kind and happy.

He recognized Huang Xiaohua from her photos on her phone. He recognized the gatekeeper from his work at the theatre. He didn't recognize the turtle from anywhere.

He walked up to them and greeted them with a smile.

He said: "Hi, Huang Xiaohua! I'm Liu Xiaolong! It's so nice to finally meet you!"

He said: "Hi, Uncle Zhang! I'm Liu Xiaolong! It's good to see you again!"

He said: "Hi, little turtle! I'm Liu Xiaolong! Who are you?"

Huang Xiaohua smiled back at him and hugged him warmly.

She said: "Hi, Liu Xiaolong! I'm Huang Xiaohua! It's so nice to finally meet you too!"

She said: "And this is Xiaobo, my pet turtle who can fly. He's very special and amazing."

Liu Xiaolong looked at Xiaobo with surprise and wonder. He saw his green shell and his wings. He saw him flying in Uncle Zhang's arms. He was saying again and again: "Wow! He's incredible! He's amazing! He's wonderful! How did you get him? How does he fly?"

Huang Xiaohua told him the story of how she found Xiaobo in the forest and how he became her best friend. She told him how they came to the city to meet him and how they met Uncle Zhang at the theatre. She told him how much she loved Xiaobo and how much he loved her.

Liu Xiaolong listened to her story with interest and admiration. He said: "That's amazing! You're so lucky to have such a special friend. He's so cute and pretty. Can I touch him? Can I hold him? Can I take a picture of him?"

Huang Xiaohua said: "Sure, you can touch him and hold him, but be gentle and careful. He's very sensitive and delicate. You can also take a picture of him, but only with his permission. He's very shy and modest."

Liu Xiaolong said: "OK, OK, I'll be gentle and careful. I'll also ask for his permission. Don't worry, I won't hurt him or harm him."

He reached out his hand and touched Xiaobo's shell softly. He felt its smoothness and warmth.

He lifted Xiaobo out of Uncle Zhang's arms gently and held him in his hands. He felt his weight and his heartbeat also.

He asked Xiaobo if he could take a picture of him. He saw him nodding and smiling.

He took out his camera and snapped a photo of Xiaobo. He saw him flying in the air, flapping his wings and spinning around.That's a brilliant photo!He showed Huang Xiaohua and Uncle Zhang the photo. They saw Xiaobo looking happy and beautiful.

They all smiled and praised Liu Xiaolong for his photo. They said that he was a great photographer and that he had captured Xiaobo's essence.

Liu Xiaolong thanked them for their compliments and said that he was glad that they liked his photo. He said that he wanted to take more photos of Huang Xiaohua and Xiaobo together. He said that he wanted to make a film about them and their friendship.

Huang Xiaohua agreed to let Liu Xiaolong take more photos of her and Xiaobo together. She said that she was happy that he wanted to make a film about them and their friendship.

Uncle Zhang offered to help Liu Xiaolong with his film project. He said that he could lend him some equipment and some space at the theatre. He said that he could also be his assistant and his adviser.

Liu Xiaolong accepted Uncle Zhang's offer to help him with his film project. He said that he was grateful for his generosity and his support.

They all decided to work on the film project together. They said that it would be fun and meaningful.

They left the theatre and went to a nearby park where they could take more photos and videos of Huang Xiaohua and Xiaobo.

They had a wonderful time together, laughing, playing, flying, eating, talking, filming.

They became good friends who shared a bond and a love.

They made a film that was special and amazing.

They made a film that was better and more beautiful than anything else.

They made a film that made them happy and peaceful.




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