
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-02 18:42:01

① be based on 基于

② act as a complement to 作为……的补充

③ release…from… 将……从……中解放出来



My view on college students’ quitting school

In recent years, more and more college students quit school ahead of schedule. Except the minority quitting for objective reasons like health problem, most students leave with the pursuit of an ideal career, as well as more fortune and experience.

Several factors may contribute it emergence. In the first place, some students often think that the cost of spending four years on college campus is too high, and the job market is getting fiercer. Therefore, when there is a satisfying job available, it’s worth quitting. In the second place, some hold that the real world is a better school for them to get practical knowledge than traditional school. Last but not least, the publicizing and popularity of some successful businessman like bill gates and steve jobs, who didn’t finish school but ended up with a great fortune and achievement, set examples for the young generation emphasizing individuaility and personality.

However, I don’t think it rational for college students to quit school. Armed with high education and more mature personality, better prepared graduates can fight for their future more easily. In a word, college education pays off.


① ahead of schedule 提前

② with the prusuit of 追求

③ opportunity cost 机会成本

④ ended up with a great fortune and achievement 最终财运亨通,成就非凡



On a second suburban campus of a university

The second campus of university springs up like mushroom in suburban areas in recent years. It is really hard to say when the first second campus came out, or which university was the origin, but this pattern is quickly replicated, and now it’s challenging to find out a university with one campus only.

The causes for this fashion may be obvious. Firstly, the new enrollment policy encourages universities to admit freshmen on a much larger scale than the past. Therefore, the orginal facilities, incluing apartments, classroom, dining hall, all become insufficient. Secondly, the land in urban areas is costly, and universities can hardly afford it.

As a student of a university with a second campus, though enjoying much more space, I have also experienced inconvenience between the two campuses, because of the divided education resources, the less direct communication with other teachers and students, and the time-and money-consuming come-and-go. Therefore, we should think twice before another second campus is set up.



① spring up like mushroom 如春笋般涌现

② on a much larger scale 以更大的规模

③ not only can accommodate the swelling student body, but… 不但可以满足日益膨胀的学生群体的需求,而且……

④ think twice before… 三思而后行







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