
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-05 01:12:00





Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem?



重点单词:anti-social behavior / lack of respect / causes / measures


原因1:政府缺乏对媒体的暴力内容的监管(be lack of censorship of violence in the media)

------现在媒体上充斥着很多暴力内容(be filled with violent contents), 很多青少年不成熟(be immature),在遇到问题的时候会去模仿暴力行为去解决问题(imitate violent behavior to deal with issues when being confronted with disputes ), 导致很多反社会行为(result in the increase in anti-social behavior)

●原因2 : 贫富差距加大导致人们心里不平衡(the widening gap between the rich and the poor leads to mental imbalance),做出一些极端行为(conduct some extreme behavior)

-------贫富差距的加大导致产生社会阶层(trigger social stratification),穷人可能会受到很多不公平的对待或者不被尊重(be treated unfairly and disrespectfully),穷人会做出一些反常行为来发泄自己不满和抱怨(act abnormally to release their depression and complaints)

解决办法1: 学校加强德育来培养孩子的好的品行(offer moral education to cultivate children's good behavior)

------通过教一些德育课,培养孩子明辨是非的能力(foster abilities of distinguishing right from wrong),建立正确的价值观和社会责任感(establish correct moral values and social responsibility),规范自己的行为(regulate their behavior),选择正确的方式去解决问题(handle the issues in a reasonable way)

●解决办法2: 政府可以提高社会福利(improve social welfare),减少贫富差距(reduce the income gap )

-------发展经济(develop the economy),让大家都过上富裕的生活并且享有好的福利待遇(lead a rich life and enjoy good welfare)消除社会阶层和歧视(eliminate social class and discrimination),减少反社会行为(decrease anti-social behavior)


There is a widely perception in contemporary society that the amount of anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others is proliferating. In the following essay, the causes of this issue will be firstly discussed and some feasible solutions to it will be offered successively.

To my knowledge, the root cause of this issue is that the environment and society we live in tend to be out of control morally. It is not perplexing to figure out the proportion of teenagers who act anti-socially and lack respect for others is increasing at a high speed. But if we notice what have been broadcast by TV, and radio programs and the information available on the Internet, we will not be surprised at this. Since there is no strict censorship either in mass media or video products, violence, self-centricity, delinquency and so on are everywhere, so that youngsters, being affected easily by others, tend to imitate the same actions they have known. Another contributing factor is that due to the faster and faster pace of living, people tend to be under a society with greater pressure. Consequently, they are more likely to be cynic and act abnormally to unleash their complaints and discontentedness on others.

To ameliorate this situation, I assert that its root causes must be first addressed. Perhaps the most effective way is education. By teaching the youth what is right and what is wrong, the society helps them to establish their own values based on the social moral standard. Additionally, outstanding models should be praised or awarded while the delinquents must be punished seriously. One further method of solving this problem lies with the government which is responsible to help people in need get out of pressure. It might be useful to build a beneficial welfare system.

Based on the arguments mentioned above, I am convinced that if we can finally solve the problems indeed, then the amount of the anti-society behaviors and lack of respect will be greatly reduced.





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