
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-05 19:07:03

推荐好书-《Bridge to Terabithia》 仙境之桥

《Bridge to Terabithia》


作者:凯塞琳·帕特森 (Katherine Paterson)







Of course he was going to run. He had gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at it -- and Lord, had he worked -- he could be the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest -- not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. The very best.




Jess drew the way some people drink whiskey. The peace would start at the top of his muddled brain and seep down through his tired and tensed-up body. Lord, he loved to draw. Animals, mostly. Not regular animals like Miss Bessie or the chickens, but crazy animals with problems -- for some reason he liked to put his beasts into impossible fixes. This one was a hippopotamus just leaving the edge of the cliff, turning over and over -- you could tell by the curving lines -- in the air toward the sea below where surprised fish were leaping goggle-eyed out of the water. There was a balloon over the hippopotamus -- where his head should have been but his bottom actually was --"Oh!" it was saying. "I seem to have forgot my glasses."




Miss Edmunds was one of his secrets. He was in love with her. Not the kind of silly stuff Ellie and Brenda giggled about on the telephone. This was too real and too deep to talk about, even to think about very much. Her long swishy black hair and blue, blue eyes. She could play the guitar like a regular recording star, and she had this soft floaty voice that made Jess squish inside. Lord, she was gorgeous. And she liked him, too.




It was a beautiful spring morning. Early wildflowers were dotting the deep green of the fields, and the sky was clean and blue. The creek had fallen well below the bank and seemed less terrifying than before. A large branch was washed up into the bank, and he hauled it up to the narrowest place and laid it bank to bank. He stepped on it, and it seemed firm, so he crossed on it, foot over foot, to the other side, grabbing the smaller branches which grew out from the main one toward the opposite bank to keep his balance. There was no sign of his paints.





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