would和like的用法区别,would和would like的用法

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would和like的用法区别,would和would like的用法(1)


主题句: I’d like to go fishing tomorrow.


考点一、短语 would like 的用法

(1)would like sth. “想要…” ,would 可缩写 ’d, would like和want 意思接近,would like 比want 委婉、有礼貌

eg. I’d like a cup of tea. 我想喝一杯茶

My brother would like a T-shirt as a birthday present.


(2) would like to do sth. 想要/愿意做某事

eg. I’d like to visit the Great Wall next week.


I would like to help you.我愿意帮你。

(3) would like sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事

I’d like you to help me with my English.


(4) Would you like…? 你想…吗? 委婉地请求或建议。

Would you like some apples? 你想要一些苹果吗?

Would you like to go to a movie with us? 你想和我们一起去看电影吗?

肯定回答多用Yes, please./Yes, I’d (We’d) like (love) to等;否定回答常用No, thanks.

例:-Would you like to drink some tea?你要喝茶吗?

-Yes, please./ No, thanks.好的,谢谢。/不,谢谢。

-Would you like to go shopping with us? 你愿意和我们去购物吗?

- Yes, I’d like to. 非常乐意。

考点二go fishing 去钓鱼

类似的短语有:go skating 去滑冰

go shopping 去购物

go swimming 去游泳

go camping 去野营


1.—Would you like some more rice? -- . I’m full.

A. Yes, please. B. I’d like to. C. No, thanks. D. No, I won’t.

2. –Would you like (去游泳)with us?

--OK. to(我很乐意).

3. I’d like him (send ) me a photo of his.

4. Would you like to visit the Great Wall ? (变同义句)

______ you ______ to visit the Great Wall ?

5. would, drink, to, what, you, like (?) 连词成句

答案:1. C 2. to, go ,swimming; I’d, like(love) 3. to send 4. Do, want

5. What would you like to drink?




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