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小学期末考试前必看 最好是朗读2遍 部分要求背诵

Unit 1


was(am,is 的过去式)是 were (are的过去式)是China 中国

went (go的过去式)去 parent父,母;家长 hometown故乡 took( take的过去式)带,拿 lake 湖 did( do 的过去式)做


winter vacation 寒假

a boat tour 乘船游览

visit the Great Wall 参观长城

visit the museum 参观博物馆


---how was your winter vacation?---你的假期怎么样?

---It was wonderful. I went to Taiwan with my parents.---很棒。我和我的父母去了台湾。

---I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.---我乘船游览了日月潭。

How about you? 你呢?

How was the weather there? 那里的天气怎样?


1. -How was your winter vacation? 你的寒假过得怎么样?

-It was wonderful. 它很棒。

问句结构: How was your 假期?

答语结构: It was 形容词.



- How was your summer vacation? 你的暑假过得怎么样?

-It was great! 很好!

2. I visited the Great Wall. 我参观了长城。


例如: They watched TV last night. 昨天晚上他们看电视了。

3. -Were you in China? 你去中国了吗?

-No, I wasn't. 不,我没有。

问句结构: Was/Were 主语 介词 地点( 其他)?

答语结构: Yes, 主语 was/were. /No,主语 wasn't/ weren't.

问句是由were 引导的过去时的一般疑问句,用于询问对方过去是否在某地。

was是am, is 的过去式, were是are的过去式。


例如: Was Peter at home last night? 皮特昨天晚上在家吗?

Were you in the USA last winter vacation? 去年寒假的时候你(们)去美国了吗?

4. I played chess with my father.


该句型是般过去时的肯定句,句中的谓语动词要用一般过去式,表示过去发生的事情。with 作介词,表示“和.....一起”。


I took a trip with my parents last week.


They went to Sun Moon Lake with Miss Gao.


[拓展] 动词过去式的变化规则:



例如: visit - visited watch - watched


例如: like - liked

③以“辅音字母 y”结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-ed。

例如: carry - carried


例如: plan - planned


例如: am/is - was go - went

5. Who was the winner? 谁是获胜者?


例如: Who was your Chinese teacher? 谁是你(们)的语文老师?

Who was the first? 谁是第一名?



elephant 大象 map 地图 hill 小山 under 在......下面 animal动物 saw (see的过去式)看见 hungry饿的 ate (eat 的过去式)吃


over there在那边

next to 紧挨着

have a look看一看

under the tree 在树下

behind the hill在小山后

take us to the zoo带我们去动物园

take a photo of 给......照张相


There is a map over there. 那边有一幅地图。

There are some elephants behind the hill.有些大象在小山后面。

---What animals did you see? ---你看到了什么动物?

---I saw an elephant/some monkeys/three tigers. ---我看到了一头大象/一些猴子/三只老虎。

---Did you eat the bananas? ---你们吃香蕉了吗?

---Yes, we ate the bananas./No, we didn’t. ---是的,我们吃了香蕉。/不,我们没吃。


1. There are some elephants behind the hill.


句型结构: There is/are 某人/物 介词 地点.

there be 句型 用来表示某处有某人或某物,其中there没有实际的意义,某人或某物是句子的主语,be动词由后面所接的人或物的数来决定。


There is a cat in the kitchen. 厨房里有一只猫。

There are some flowers in the garden. 花园里有一些花。

[拓展] therebe句型中,be动词的形式要遵循“就近原则”,


2. Let's go and have a look. 我们去看一看吧。

句型结构: Let's 动词原形( 其他).

该句型用来提出建议,其中let's是let us的缩写形式,后面接动词原形。

例如: Let's clean the blackboard. 我们一起擦黑板吧。

3. What animals did you see, children? 孩子们,你们看到了哪些动物?

句型结构: What... did 主语 动词原形( 其他)?


例如: What did you eat for breakfast? 早饭你吃了什么?

4. -Did you give bananas to the monkeys? 你们喂猴子们吃香蕉了吗?

-No, we didn't. 不,我们没有。

问句结构: Did 主语 动词原形( 其他)?

答语结构: Yes,主语 did. /No,主语 didn't.

问句是由did引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句, 用于询问对方过去是否做过某事,句中的谓语动词要用动词原形。“give sth. to sb.” 意为“把某物给某人”,就相当于 “give sb. sth. ”。

5. The pandas were lovely, too. 熊猫也很可爱。



We saw pandas, tigers, bears and elephants, too. 我们也看了熊猫、老虎、熊,还有大象。

too还可以表示“太; 过于”。

例如: It's too dry in Beijing in autumn. 北京的秋天太干燥了。



doctor 医生 tired 疲倦的 fight 战斗,与......作斗争 love 爱 learn 学习 hard 努力


search for 搜索;查找

Medal of the Republic 共和国勋章

Young Pioneer 少先队员


---Why did he go to Wuhan? ---他为什么去武汉?

---To fight Covid - 19.---抗击新冠肺炎。

---How old was he at that time? ---那时他多大?

---He was eighty-four. ---他八十四岁。

---He was awarded the Medal of the Republic. ---他被授予共和国勋章。

---We must learn from him. ---我们必须向他学习。

---We should study hard and serve the people when we grow up.



1. Now search for information about him from the Internet. (现在从互联网搜索有关他的信息。)

(1 )这里search做不及物动词, 意思是“在……搜索、查找”。

(2 )search可以做及物动词使用, 意思是“搜查”。如:

They searched every room in the house, but could not find Jim.

(他们搜查了那座房子的每个房间, 但是找不到吉姆。)

(3 )search 作为及物动词时还有 “搜身” 的意思。如:

The policeman searched Gorge to see if he had a gun. (警察给乔治搜身看他是否有枪

2. He looked very tired.


这句子中的look 是系动词, 是“看起来” 的意思。

3.He was awarded t he Medal of t he Republic. (他被授予“共和国勋章”。)

(1)award是“发给、授予 (奖品等)”的意思。如:

They awarded Peter the first prize. (他们授予彼得一等奖。)


Peter was awarded the first prize. (彼得被授予一等奖。)


(2 )republic是“共和国”的意思。中华人民共和国全称是: the People's Republic of China。

3. We must learn from him. (我们应该向他学习。)

learn from是“向……学习”“从……中学习”的意思, 如:

We must learn from Lei Feng . (我们应该向雷锋学习。)

You can learn a l ot fromt his book. (你可以从这本书学到很 多知识。)

Unit 4


climb 攀爬 water水 thirty 渴的camera 照相机sky 天空cloud 云gate 大门pick 采;摘

village 乡村;村庄


spring outing 春游

go for a spring outing 去春游

get on上车

climb a mountain爬山

Come on 快点、加油

at the top of在......顶端


---What are you going to take with you?---你将要带些什么呢?

---I’m going to take some water with me.---我将要随身带些水。

---What is she going to do?---她将要做什么?

---She is going to take a photo.---她将要照相。

---What is she doing now?---她正在做什么?

---She is taking a photo of her pupils.---她正在给她的学生照相。

---Now the boys and girls are picking red tomatoes?---现在男孩们和女孩们正在摘红色的西红柿。

---They got to a samll village by bus.---他们乘坐公共汽车到了一个小村庄。


1. -What are you going to take with you? 你会随身携带一些什么东西?

-I'm going to take some water with me. 我将要随身带些水。

问句结构: What be(am/is/are) 主语 going to 动词原形( 其他)?

答语结构: 主语 be going to 动词原形( 其他).

问句是由what引导的一般将 来时的特殊疑问句,用于询问某人计划或打算做什么。答语中“take sth. with sb.”意为“随身带某物”,with为介词,后面sb.用宾格形式。

[拓展] with的用法

(1) 表示“用; 以”。

例如:I can eat noodles with chopsticks. 我可以用筷子吃面条。

(2) 表示“随身携带”。例如:I have no money with me. 我没带钱。

(3) 表示“和....一起”。

例如:I will go with my cousin. 我将会和我的堂弟一起去。

2. -Are you going to wear sports shoes? 你将要穿运动鞋吗?

-Yes, I'm going to. 是的,我将要穿运动鞋。

问句结构: Be(am/is/are) 主语 going to 动词原形( 其他)?

答语结构: Yes, 主语 be (going to). /No,主语 be not (going to).



例如:-Is she going to go swimming after school? 她放学后会去游泳吗?

-Yes,she is./No,she isn't. 是的,她会去。/不,她不去。

3. Th pupils are getting on the bus. 学生们正在上公交车。

该句型是现在进行时的肯定句, 用于描述某人正在做某事。

句型结构为“主语 be 动词-ing形式( 其他).”。

4. take 的用法

(1) 表示“乘(车、船等)”。

例如:I will take a train to Beijing. 我将要乘坐火车去北京。

(2) 表示“带(走);拿(走);取(走)”。

例如:Remember to take an umbrella with you when you go out. 出门的时候记得带把伞。

(3) 表示“吃(饭);服(药)”。

例如:Take this medicine three times a day. 每天服药三次。

(4) 表示“花费(时间)”。

例如: It takes about two hours. 大约花费两个小时。

[拓展] take的常见搭配

take off (飞机)起飞; 脱掉(衣服等)

take a walk 散步

take care 当心

take a photo 拍照

take turns 轮流(做某事)

take exercise 做运动

Unit 5


Sports Day运动会 meter 米 long jump 跳远 high jump跳高 proud自豪的;骄傲的


Sports Day运动会

run 100 meters跑100米

do long jump跳远

do high jump 跳高

fall down 跌倒

be good at擅长

be proud of 为......自豪

try to do well尝试做好


---Who will run 100 meters?---谁将参加100米跑?

---I will.---我。

---Peter is running 100 meters. He is running very fast.---彼得正在跑100米。他正跑的飞快。

---“come on, Peter!”Lily is shouting.---“加油!彼得!”莉莉在大喊。

Yang Ming is doing high jump. He is falling down.杨明在参加跳高比赛。他跌倒了。


1. Who will run 100 meters? 谁要跑100米?


2. How about you, Julia? 茱莉亚,你怎么样?

how about 意为“.....怎么样?”,其中about是介词,其后可以接名词、代词宾格或动词-ing形式。用于提出建议、请求或询问状况。

例如: How about your grandpa now? 你爷爷现在身体怎么样了?

How about having some bread? 吃点面包怎么样?

How about the weather today? 今天的天气怎么样?

How about that film? 那部电影怎么样?

3. He is good at it. 他很擅长它。

be good at 意为“擅长”,后面可以接名词、代词宾格或动词-ing形式。


例如: She is good at English. 她擅长英语。

My brother is good at singing. 我弟弟擅长唱歌。

4. “Come on, Wang Tao!" my friends shouted to me.


come on 是一个固定短语,在句中表示鼓励,意为“加油”。

它在不同的场合有不同的含义,表示催促命令,意为“快点儿”; 用于挑衅激怒对方,意为“来吧”。

例如: Come on! We will be late for the school bus.快点儿! 我们赶不上校车了。

Come on! I'm not afraid of you. 来吧!我不怕你。

[拓展] shout to sb.和 shout at sb. 辨析

shout to sb.意为“对着某人大喊”,

而shout at sb.则表示因生气而“对某人吼叫”。

例如: “Watch out!” he shouted to his wife.他对妻子大声喊道:“当心!”

Don't shout at the children.不要对孩子们大声吼叫。

Unit 6


first 第一 second 第二third 第三drink 喝tired 疲倦的sad 难过的fourth 第四

angry 生气的


100-meter race 100米赛跑

the winner 获胜者

cheer up振作起来


---Who is the winner of 100-meter race?---谁是100米赛跑的获胜者?

---Peter is the first. Wang Ming is the second. And Li Hua is the third.


I didn’t so well in high-jump.我跳高跳得不好。

I’m only the fourth in high-jump. 我跳高才得第四。

We’re proud of you. 我们为你感到骄傲。

He looks tired. 他看起来很疲惫。

He looks very sad. 他看起来很难过。

Who is angry?谁是生气的?


1. Who is the winner of 100-meter race? 谁是百米赛跑的获胜者?


例如: Who is the winner of long jump? 谁是跳远比赛的获胜者?

2. Peter is the first. 彼得是第一名。



例如: Autumn is the third season of a year. 秋天是一年中的第三个季节。

[拓展] 序数词的构成规则

(1) 1~3的序数词分别为first、second、third,要特殊记忆。

(2) 4~19的序数词由相应的基数词加后缀th构成,

其中特殊的有five- fifth(第五)、eight eighth(第八)、

nine- ninth( 第九)和twelve- twelfth(第十二)。

(3) 除10以外的整十的序数词,要先把相应的基数词词尾的y变成ie,再加-th。

例如: twenty 一 twentieth(第二十) thirty 一 thirtieth(第三十)

(4) 20以上的序数词,是把相应的基数词的个位数变成序数词即可。

例如: twenty-one 一 twenty-first(第二十一)

fifty-four 一 fifty-fourth(第五十四)

3. He looks tired. 他看起来很疲倦。

句型结构: 主语 looks 形容词.


look 在此处是感官动词,意为“看起来”,后面接形容词。

例如: Look at the baby panda! It looks cute.看这只熊猫宝宝。它看起来很可爱。

[拓展] 常见的感官动词


4. I didn't do well in high jump. 我跳高跳得不好。

do well in意为“做得好”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。表示否定意义时在do前面加助动词和not即可。例如:

Simon does well in math. 西蒙的数学学得很好。

Our class didn't do well on the Sports Day. 我们班在运动会上表现得不好。

5. Who is angry? 谁生气了?



例如: Who is tired?谁累了?

Unit 7


floor 楼层twelfth 第十二 living room 客厅;起居室 bridge 桥 fifteenth 第十五


live in 住在

living room 客厅

come for a visit 来访

come in 请进

under the bridge 在桥底下

on the bridge 在桥上面


---Which floor do you live on?---你住在哪层楼?

---I live on the twelfth floor.---我住在第12层。

----Which floor does Tom live on?-----Tom住在哪层楼?

---On the seventeenth floor. ---住在第17层楼。

Look!I live in that tall building. 看!我住在那栋高楼里。

Wow, it’s a lovely living room. 哇,真是间可爱的房子。

We’re good neighbors. 我们是好邻居。


1. I live in that tall building. 我住在那幢高楼里。

“主语 live(s)/lived in 地点.” 表示“某人居住在某地。”

例如 : They lived in the village before. 他们以前住在乡村。

2. -Which floor do you live on? 你住在几楼?

-On the twelfth floor. 十二楼。

该句型用于询问对方住在几楼,回答用 “On the 序数词 floor.”。

例如: -Which floor do you live on, Helen? 海伦,你住在几楼?

-On the fifth floor. 五楼。

3. I can see the bridge from the window. 我可以透过窗户看到桥。



例如: She can speak English well. 她英语讲得很好。

He can't do any kung fu at all. 他一点儿武术都不会。

另外, can还可以表示请求或许可,意为“能;可以”。


Can you tell me the way to the cinema? 你能告诉我去电影院的路吗?

4. Mr. Wang also lives in this building. 王老师也住在这幢楼里。


例如: My father is also a doctor. 我爸爸也是一位医生。

Tom likes grapes. I also like them. 汤姆喜欢葡萄。我也喜欢。

5. Really? 真的吗?



-I'm going to live in America with my parents next year. 明年,我跟我的父母将去美国定居。

-Really? 真的吗?

6. So you're neighbors. 所以你们是邻居。

该句中的so用作连词,意为“因此; 所以”。

例如: I was hungry, so I ate a hamburger. 我饿了, 所以吃了一个汉堡包。



I was so happy to get a present from my uncle. 收到我叔叔的礼物我非常开心。

Unit 8


date 日期 lucky 幸运的 Mrs. 夫人;太太


in three days 三天后

Children's Day儿童节

so lucky 太幸运了

on the calendar 日历上

be difficult 困难的

write Christmas card 写圣诞贺卡

say Merry Christmas to his friends 对他的朋友说圣诞快乐

be busy with her Christmas tree 忙着装饰她的圣诞树

Christmas Day 圣诞节


---What’s the date today? ---今天的日期是多少?

---It's May 29th.---是5月29日。

My birthday will come in three days.我的生日在三天后。

It's difficult to find on the calendar.在日历上很难找。

December 25 is Christmas Day.12月25日是圣诞节。

January 1 is New Year's Day.1月1日是元旦。

June 1 is Children's Day.6月1日是儿童节。

September 10 is Teachers'Day.9月10日是教师节。


1. -What's the date today, Wang Tao? 王涛,今天是几号?

-It's May 29. 今天是5月29日。

该句型用来询问日期, 答语结构为: (It's) 具体日期。

[拓展] 询问日期还可以用“Whenis... ?”。

例如: When is Children's Day? 儿童节是哪一天?

When is your birthday, Jack? 杰克,你的生日是哪一天?

2. My birthday will come in three days. 三天后就是我的生日。

“in 一段时间”用在一般将来时的句子中,表示“(一段时间)之后”。

例如: I will finish my homework in ten minutes. 十分钟之后, 我将会完成我的作业。

3. It's easy to remember. 它很容易记住。

“主语 easy / diffcult to do.” 表示“做...很容易/难”。



He's easy to get along with. 他很容易相处。

The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。

4. When is your birthday, Wang Tao? 王涛,你的生日是什么时候?

句型结构: When is 形容词性物主代词/名词所有格 birthday?


例如: When is your mother's birthday? *妈的生日是什么时候?

5. Mr. King is busy writing Christmas cards. 金先生正忙着写圣诞贺卡。

be busy doing sth. 是固定用法,意为“忙于做...”。

例如: My mother is busy cooking dinner. 我妈妈正忙着准备晚餐。

be busy with sth. 也用于描述忙于做某事。


She is always busy with the housework on the weekend. 她周末的时候总是忙着做家务。

6. January 1 is New Year's Day. 1月1日是元旦。


例如: November 14 is my birthday.

11月14日是我的生日。 December 25 is Christmas Day.

12 月25日是圣诞节。

[拓展] 中外节日及日期

New Year's Day 元旦 (January 1)

Women's Day 妇女节 (March 8)

May Day 劳动节 (May 1)

Children's Day 儿童节 (June 1)

Teachers' Day 教师节 (September 10)

Christmas Day 圣诞节 (December 25)




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