
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-08-24 17:59:33


1. environmentalist环境保护者
2. this walk promises to be an informative(增长见闻的) tour
3. accessible to all
4. provides an insight into
5. ensure 确保 v
6. step out of your comfort zone
7. breathtaking(令人惊叹的)views of
8. in the presence of 有...在场
9. suitable clothing
10. essential必要的
11. inappropriately
12. be refused permission to participate
13. principle原则n
14. the chief officer
15. Classic(经典的) short stories
16. Original(原创的) works
17. submit stories for a contest
18. submission提交n
19. discourage使沮丧
20. Expand扩大v
21. Additionally此外
22. innovative创新的
23. achieve实现 获得v
24. reliable可靠的
25. remotely monitored远程控制
26. significantly显著地
27. emission排放
28. BMF employees live out sustainability(可持续性) in their everyday lives.
29. are passionate about热爱 喜爱
30. Availability可得性
31. Strength优势
32. Given the astonishing potential(惊人的潜力) of AI to transform(改变v) our lives, we all need to take action to deal with our AI-powered future
33. This absorbing (吸引人的)new book
34. addressing (解决v)the challenges posed(形成v) by the forthcoming AI revolution (变革)
35. She writes from the practical angle of a business person rather than as an academic
36. capable有能力的
37. set out to (着手做) raise awareness of
38. essential 必要的
39. prevent an extinction-level event for humanity
40. ill-intentioned不怀好意的
41. competent能胜任的 有能力的
42. unacademic非学术的
43. is packed with(充满) complex(复杂的) codes
44. Adopts(采用v) a down-to-earth writing style
45. is intended for 用于
46. Observe(遵守v) existing regulations
47. Clarify(澄清v) the definition
48. Tang and Shakespeare were contemporaries当代人
49. concern担忧n v
50. A statue commemorating(纪念v) Shakespeare
51. Boosts(促进v) local economies
52. Minimize(将...最小化)pressure on
53. mindfully谨慎地
54. creative有创造力的
55. ease减轻 pressure
56. alternative替代物n
57. Skipping(跳过 避开) major holidays or rush hour.
58. compete with
59. Do your part to preserve(保护v) what makes a destination special in the first place.
60. Virtually几乎
61. string串起 将...连在一起v
62. assess评估v
63. admire羡慕 钦佩 欣赏v
64. barrier障碍n
65. well-informed消息灵通的;见多识广的;熟悉的;博学的
66. persuade说服v
67. tricks花招 技巧
68. ambition雄心抱负
69. appetite胃口
70. costume服装
71. signal标志 示意v
72. confirm确认v
73. represent代表v
74. accompany陪伴v
75. identify确认 识别v

1. habitat restoration栖息地修复
2. restore修复v
3. conduct invasive (侵入的) plant removal(祛除n)
4. sensitive敏感的 resources
5. protecting endangered濒危的 species
6. arrangement安排
7. confirm确认v
8. completed Volunteer Agreement Form完成的表格
9. have the parent/guardian approval section signed监护人批准部分签字
10. fulfills满足 履行 实现v
11. mineral矿物的
12. ecosystem生态系统
13. biological生物的
14. uniform制服n,统一的adj
15. perform acupuncture (针灸) on a rabbit
16. defensive防御的
17. occasionally偶尔地
18. combine(结合v) traditional Western treatments with acupuncture, chiropractic (按摩疗法) and herbal(草药的) medicine.
19. alternative(替代的 另一类的) treatments
20. found little relief缓解n
21. techniques技术n
22. ease (减轻v) her dog’s suffering
23. an additional(额外的) five months
24. adjustment调整n
25. He’s odd奇怪 古怪的
26. He’s strict严厉的
27. The complexity(复杂性) of veterinarians’ work
28. The effectiveness(有效性) of holistic medicine
29. prove Farber’s point证明观点
30. emphasize强调v its importance
31. Advocate提倡v
32. comprehension理解n
33. reduced concentration, an entertainment(娱乐) mindset (心态) and a tendency(倾向) to multitask while consuming digital content
34. The benefits of print reading particularly shine through when experimenters move from posing simple tasks – like identifying the main idea in a reading passage – to ones that require mental abstraction – such as drawing inferences from a text.
35. People often link their memory of what they’ve read to how far into the book it was or where it was on the page.
36. equally important is the mental aspect 表语提前的完全倒装句
37. propose提出(v) a theory called “shallowing hypothesis”
38. people approach(处理v) digital texts with a mindset suited to social media, which are often not so serious, and devote less mental effort than when they are reading print.
人们阅读电子文本时 带着一种与社交媒体互动的心态,即并不严肃的心态,与阅读纸质文本时相比,所投入的脑力劳动更少。
39. Audio (音频) and video can feel more engaging(吸引人的) than text
40. Assigning(布置 分派v) an online talk
41. psychologists have demonstrated(证明v) that
42. view identical(相同的) pieces
43. Digital texts, audio and video all have educational (教育的)roles, especially when providing resources not available in print.
44. for maximizing learning where mental focus and reflection are called for, educators shouldn’t assume all media are the same, even when they contain identical words.
45. treat digital texts lightly 轻松随意地对待
46. select digital texts randomly随机地
47. are suitable for 适用于
49. are more convenient to prepare
50. more informative有信息量的 than text
51. imply意味v
52. multiple多个的 learning techniques
53. be entirely replaced 被完全替代
54. In the race to document the species on Earth before they go extinct, researchers and citizen scientists have collected billions of records.
55. biodiversity生物多样性
56. Detecting(发现 探测v) shifts(变化n) in the number and variety of species in an area,
57. With the rise(上升 增强 改善n) of technology
58. make observations(观察n) of
59. with the aid of a mobile application 借助移动应用程序
60. “These observations now outnumber(多于...) the primary data that comes from physical specimens
61. Using a global dataset of 1.9 billion records of plants, insects, birds, and animals, Daru and his team tested how well these data represent actual global biodiversity patterns.
63. reveal揭露v
64. these data are biased(有偏差的) and favor(偏向于) certain regions
65. These data are also biased toward(偏向于) certain species with attractive or eye-catching features(特点n).
66. imperfect
67. inform users of oversampled areas and lead them to places – and even species – that are not well-sampled.
68. confirm the identification(识别) of their uploaded image
69. in electronic form电子格式
70. Threatened (受到危险的)species
71. Observational(观察的) data.
72. Unreliable (不可靠的)data
73. it’s vital(重要的) to submit(提交v) a perfect, professionally presented manuscript
74. No editor is likely to tolerate容忍 a writer who does not take the trouble to spell words correctly.
75. reference books参考书
76. Differentiating(区分v) it from other words whose meanings are similar, but not identical(相同的).
77. Combinations结合n
78.  and idiomatic phrases习语
79. check the origin (起源n)of
80. influential 有影响力的
81. dull 乏味的
82. A few minutes spent casting your eye over a page or two can be a rewarding(值得的) experience.
83.  It takes no account of (不考虑 不顾及)the context.
84. The design features(具有...特点v) ten steel “sepals (萼片)” made of glass and aluminium (铝).
85. The Glasshouse stands ___as_______a great achievement in contemporary design, to house the plants of the southwestern part of China at the end of a path retracing (追溯) the steps along the Silk Route___which/that____ brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the___richness_______ (rich) of gardening in England.
86. motivate激发 使有动力v
87. demotivate使失去动力v
88. boredom无聊n
89. regularly定期的 经常的
90. deserve值得v
91. achievement成就
92. risk风险n v
93. principle原则n
94. opponents对手
95. admire羡慕 欣赏 钦佩v
96. reliable可靠的
97. appealing吸引人的
98. mature成熟v

2024-1 浙江高考

1. a dventure 冒险( n v )

2. a dventur ous ( adj )敢于冒险的;充满冒险的

3. a dapt 适应 调整 修改( v )

4. o riginal 原始的 原创的 最初的;原作( n )

5. c reative 有创造力的

6. p resence 出席 存在( n )

7. c redit (影片等)作品

8. d emonstrat e 示范 证明 演示( v )

9. f und 资金 经费( n );为 ... 提供资金( v )

10. e ducational 教育的( adj )

11. s helter 躲避 提供庇护( v );庇护所 ( n )

12. i ntend 打算 想要 意图( v )

13. p urpose 目的( n )

14. a ssume 设想( v )

15. s tuff 填塞( v )

16. v oluminous 大量的 adj

17. u nbeatable 不能超越的 无与伦比的

18. t rap 使 陷入 / 困住( v )

19. e ntertain 使快乐 招待( v )

20. r escue 拯救 ( v )

21. u rgent 紧急的

22. c ostl y 昂贵的 代价大的

23. i nsurance 保险( n )

24. a ddress 演说 解决 ( v )

25. d rought 干旱( n )

26. d oubter 怀疑者( n )

27. s ignificant 重要的

28. g iven 考虑到(介词)

29. o pposite 相反的

30. c oncerning 关于(介词)

31. h ence 所以 ( adv )

32. p roceed 进行 开展 ( v )

33. c onserve 保护( v )

34. f ormation 形成( n )

35. f orecast 预测( v n )

36. d isastrous 灾难性的

37. i nvestigate 调查 研究( v )

38. r esident 居民

39. i llustrate 说明 演示 证明( v )

40. o riginally 起初 原来 独创地( adv )

41. s elect 选择( v )

42. v ersion 版本( n )

43. t empt 诱惑

44.delivery 运输 演说 分娩( n )

45.various 多的

46.ancestor 祖先( n )

47.response 反应( n )

48.mechanism 机制( n )

49. r eward 奖励( n v )

50.satisfaction 满意( n )

51.reshape 重塑 改造( v )

52.dramatically 剧烈地 明显地 戏剧性夸张地

53.involve 涉及 包含( v )

54.obtain 获得( v )

55.resist 阻挡 抵制 耐得住( v )

56.tempting 有人的

57.prize 珍视 重视( v )

58.connectivity 连通 联结( n )

59.ceaselessly 不停地

60.consumption 消耗( n )

61.temptation 诱惑( n )

62.mental 精神的 思想的

63. e ffective 有效地

64.nutritional 有营养的

65. a bsorb 吸收( v )

66.selective 认真挑选的,选择性的

67.diverse 不同的 多样的

68.obvious 明显的

69.lose sight of 忽略

70.self-motivated 积极主动的

71.slide 滑动 下跌( v )

72. e ase 减轻 缓和( v )

73.stay on track 在轨 按计划进行

74.interaction 互动( n )

75.register 登记 注册( v )

76.multi 前缀“多”

77.criticism 批判( n )

78.humbling 令人羞辱的

79.educational 教育的 有教育意义的

80.virtually 几乎( adv )

81.physical labor 体力劳动

82.assumption 设想( n )

83. i nform ed 有知识的 有见识的 了解情况的

84.admirable 令人钦佩的 出色的

85.encounter 遇到( v )

86.lecture 讲课 演讲( v )

87.approach 靠近( v )

88.finance 提供资金( v )

89.typical 典型的

90.obvious 明显的

91.remarkable 引人注目 非凡的

92.anticipate 期待 预期( v )

93.recall 回忆( v )

94.negotiate 协商 谈判( v )

95. e ngage with 与 ... 互动 / 建立联系;

96. engage in 参与 从事 ...

2023 全国甲

1. d esirable 可取的 值得拥有的

2. rank 排名 v

3.cuisine 美食 n

4.combine 结合 v

5.elegant 优雅的

6.piec e together 拼合 v

7.She credits these skills to (归因于) her late grandfather

8.accompan y 陪伴 v

9.A day’s work was rewarded with £ 5 in pocket money

10.saves her from losing any deposit (定金 押金)

11.Personalize (使 个性化) my room

12.lead the charge 带领

13.specialist 专家

14.Split (分开 分担) the rent with a roommate

15.time-consuming 耗时的

16.Philosophy 哲学 理念

17.Reawaken (再次唤醒) my love for philosophy

18.an appealing (吸引人的) exercise

19.decod e ( 解读 ) their messages and adding his own interpretation (理解) .

20.draws readers in (吸引人) with its apparent simplicity (简洁) and gradually pulls them in deeper thoughts on desire, loneliness, and aging ( age   v 变老)

21.It’s worth your time

22. o bjective客观的

plai n 平淡的

23.ambitious 有雄心抱负的

24.conflict 冲突 n v

25.revere 敬畏 v

26.expand 扩大 v

27.cruel and continuous hunting by settlers

28.has twice attempted to delist (从清单上去除) grizzlies

29.loosen legal protections

30.Precaution 防范 预防措施 n

31.typically 典型地

32.expansion 扩大 n

33.opposition 反对 n

34. s tressed 焦虑紧张的

35.optimistic 乐观的

36.foster 培养 v

37. i ntolerable 无法忍受的

38.Accusation 指责 控告

39.a more weighty (重大的) warning about environmental destruction

40.squeez e 挤 v

41.comment 评论 n v

42.gesture 姿态 n 用动作示意 v

43.thrilled 兴奋的

44.sympathetic 有同情心的

45.cautio n 警告提醒 v 小心谨慎 n

46.vivid 生动逼真的

47.vague 模糊的

2023 全国已

1.highlight 突出强调 v 最好的部分 n

2.suspicion 怀疑 n

3.ban 禁止 v

4.all walks of life 各行各业

5.specializ e in 专攻

6.geographical 地理的

7.variation 变化 n

8.distinctive 独特的

9.character 角色

10.is decisive 关键性的 in

11.route 线路 n

12.stressful 有压力的

13.managed my time wisely

14. team up with other photographers.

15. a dventurous spirit

16. d istinctive styles

17. a musing 好笑的

18.Britain has a reputation (名声) for less-than-impressive cuisine (美食)

19.frequently 经常地

20.whose recipe (食谱) books frequently top (居于首位 v ) the best seller lists

21.Campaign 活动 n

22.becoming more adventurous (敢于创新的) in their cooking habits

23.Stick to (坚持于) a traditional diet

24.There has been a rise in the number of

25.Documentaries (纪录片) about food

26.an increasing number of

27.lacks authentic (地道的) tastes

28.It deserves a high reputation

29. A uthoritative 权威的 专断的

30.Profitable 盈利的 有利可图的

31. i nfluential 有影响力的

32.Diverse 多样的 丰富的

33.privilege 特权 荣幸 n ;特别优待 v


35.literate 受过教育的 有读写能力的

36.accidentally 意外地 无意地

37.deliberately 故意地

38.twist 扭曲 v

39.reliable 可靠的

40.represent 代表 v

41.rule over 统治

42.voyage 航行 n

43.miscomprehension 误解 n

44.Several studies have backed this up 支持

45.creativity 创造力

46.requirement 要求 n

47.can be very rewarding 有回报的

48.Beijing is a city bridging (连接 v ) the ancient and the modern

49. g lorious 灿烂辉煌的 history

50.distinct 清楚的 明显的

51.visual contrast 视觉对比

52.make a good combination 结合 n

53.co-existence 共存 n

54.constantly 持续不断地

55. r emark able 非凡的

56. c onsciously 有意识地

57.breathtaking 令人惊叹的

58.approximately 大概地

59.assist 帮助 v

60.transform 转变 v

61.persuade 说服 v

62.amateur 业余的;业余人士 n

63.elect 竞选 选举 v

64.enthusiastic 充满热情的

65.clarify 澄清 v

66.defend 防御 捍卫 维护 v

67.demanding 费时费力的 苛刻的 要求高的

2022 新高考 1

1.Grading ( v 评分 定等级) Policies

2.complete four assignments ( n 任务 ) during the course

3.be submitted ( v 提交) by the assigned ( v 分配 布置 指定) date

4.Class activities will vary ( v 变化) from day to day

5.previous 先前的

6.absence 缺席 n

7.Academic (学术的) article

8. be mindful of (留意 注意) food that goes to waste

9.resource 资源 n

10.donate 捐赠 v

11.obvious 明显的

12.waste food unintentionally (无意地) at times

13.Moral (道德 道德的) decline

14.Worldwide starvation 饥饿 n

15.Reduce food consumption 消耗 n

16.resident 居民 n

17.improve elderly people’s wellbeing 幸福安康

18.reported a reduction in

19.the charity (慈善机构) has been given financial (经济 金融的) support to roll it out(将服务 产品 计划等推出) countrywide

20 . embark on (开启) the project

21.Ensure (确保 v ) harmony

22.raise money for 筹集资金

23.promote the elderly people’s welfare 幸福安康

24.gained a sense of achievement 获得成就感

25.Oppose 反对 v

26.Profitable 有利可图的 盈利的

27.ground-breaking (开拓性的) , five-year study

28.align 对齐 v

29.agriculture 农业 n

30.confirm 确认 确定 v

31.a global (全球的)) change

32.increasing remarkably (显著地 惊人地)

33.variety 种类 n

34.distribution 分布 n

35.Their jaws were not conveniently structured (结构不便利)

36.A reasonable (合理的) doubt about

37.cultural diversity (多样性 n )

38.a complex (复杂度) and dynamic (动态的 变化的) system

39.It drives the evolution (发展 演变 n ) of human beings

40.Workout (锻炼 n )

41.subtle 微妙的

42.be physically fit 身体健康

43.flexibility 灵活性 n

44.core 核心 n

45.camp 露营 v

46.unfortunate 不幸的

47.checked out 结账

48.headed off 出发 离开

49.doubtfully 怀疑地

50.Conflict 冲突 n

51.Finalize (最后决定 敲定 v ) a plan to set up ...

52. i ntend 想要 打算 意欲 v




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