
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662022-11-04 09:11:31


Part I

很多人学英语“人脉”,仅仅满足于用中文“懂得”“人脉”的英语单词是什么:social networking/business networking,or network(如果你是商人说“人脉”的话)

He has strong social/business networking




Part II:学英语(人脉)最好到英语语言环境中学(人脉),并在英语语言环境中“用”英语(“用”你学过的英语):


The Importance and Value of Business Networking

Even with LinkedIn, Alignable, FaceBook Live and the latest social media platforms, face-to-face interaction is the key for building trust. Making a personal connection with eye contact, an air kiss, bow, fist bump or handshake, and solid conversation is still the most powerful networking. By growing your network, opportunities arise, business partners appear, connections are made and trust is garnered in the local community. Here are just a few of the reasons networking is so crucial to success.



1. Okay.Got you.I will say Business Networking when I want to say 人脉 in English.

2. We have many ways to buikd/griw our business networking.For example,we can grow it on such social media platforms as Linkedin,or Facebook Live.

3.We can also bild it by face-to-face interaction,by eye contact,by an air kiss(blowing a kiss),by fist bump,or handshake,etc.

4. By growing your network, opportunities arise, business partners appear, connections are made and trust is built.

这些都是高中英语,部分四六级英语,你不需要把上面的英语统统记住,你能说几遍就好,尤其是你下次想到business networking时,脑子里出现的是英语 By growing your network, opportunities arise, business partners appear, connections are made and trust is buikt等,而不是中文“人脉”,你的英语就积累起来了(千万不要永远都是上来就是中文)。





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