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B. 比拟

“as … as 所比拟的事物”的含义为“如…一样”

  1. It is as white as snow. 其白如雪。

  2. as quick as lightning 速如闪电

  3. as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛

  4. as hot as fire 热如火

Ⅴ. as, just as, much as 和 as if(或 as though)引出行为方式状语从句或表语从句。

A. as 按照……样子、方式、办法……

  1. We must do as the doctor tells us. 我们必须按照医生嘱咐去做。

  2. You must try to hold the tool as I do. 你必须试着像我这样握住这个工具。

  3. Leave the things as they are. 让那些东西保持原状。(或:别动那些东西。)

  4. The result of this experiment is good enough as it is. 照现在这样,这个实验的结果够不错了。

  5. Everything happened as (had been) expected. 每件事情都按照所预料的发生了。

  6. The letter reads as (what) follows. 那封信的原文如下。

上述最后两句里 as 后的省略成分, 在一般情况下, 不必把它们加进去。

  1. Heat does not travel by convection in a solid, because the solid does not move as does a liquid. 热量在固体内不能靠对流传递, 因为固体不能像液体那样流动。(注意 as 引出的行为方式状语从句内有时可能有主、谓语颠倒现象. 本句末的 does 为代动词。)

B. 用 as…, (so)…;…as…;…just as…;just as…, so…表示出带有方式状语从句的主从复合句。

这里副词 so 的含义相当于 in the same proportion(按相同的比例或程度), in like manner(同样地), in the same way(以相同的方式或方法)。连词 as 作“如同“、”像”讲。as 前使用 just 是为了加强语气。有时主句中主语、谓语可能颠倒。例如:

  1. As two is to three, so is four to six. 四比六等于二比三。

  2. Air is to man as water is to fish. 空气对于人, 如同水对于鱼。

  3. Most plants need sunlight just as they need water. 大多数植物正像需要水那样需要阳光。

  4. Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases. 空气是气体中最重要的一种, 正像水是液体中最重要的一种那样。

  5. As you treat me, so I shall treat you. 你怎样对待我, 我也将怎样对待你。

  6. As is the teacher, so is the pupil. 有什么样的老师, 就有什么样的学生。(或意译为:有其师必有其徒。)

注:注意由 as 引出的方式从句内有时省略主语。

  1. Do as (it) seems best. 按看起来是最好的方式办事。

  2. You must do so much as (it) is required of you. 你必须做要求你做的那么多的事。

C. 用 much as 引出从句, 表示“和…几乎一样”的比拟意味。例如:

We are dealing with something that flows along a conductor, much as water flows through a pipe. 我们正在研究沿着导体流动的一种东西, 这种情况和水通过管道的流动几乎一样。

D. as if 和 as though 好像…似的(从句一般用虚拟语气)[参阅第144节二]

  1. Heat can flow from a hot body to a cooler body as if it were a fluid. 热好像流体一样, 能够从一个热的物体传到一个较冷的物体。

  2. Man has to look after his rivers as if they were blood vessel in a human body. 人类必须照管好江河, 好像它们是人体内的血管。

  3. She works hard as she never knew fatigue. 她努力工作, 仿佛她从来不知道疲倦那样。

注1:as if 比 as though 更为常用。注意现在也有人在 as if 后用陈述语气, 因为 as if 本身的语义已体现出后面的内容含有虚拟语气。例如:

It looks as if our team is (或 were) going to win. 看来我们队要赢。

注2:as if 后还可直接跟不定式。例如:

She opened her lips as if to say something. 她张开嘴, 好像要说些什么。

注3:注意 as if 或 as though 有时引出的从句省略了与主句相同的主语及其相应的 be 的变化形式。例如:

He reached out his hand as though (he was) trying to shake John by the hand. 他伸出乎似乎想和约翰握手。

五、用 as 引出宾语补语、主语补语

I. as 引出宾语补语的常用短语

  1. We regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light. 我们把太阳看成是主要的热源和光源。

  2. We consider radio waves as radiant energy. 我们认为无线电波是辐射能。

在科技文章里, 常见的有下列一些“动词(或短语动词) 名词(或代词) as 宾语补语”这样的结构:

  • to accept… as 把……承认为, 承认……是

  • to define… as 把……解释为, 对……下的定义是

  • to consider… as 把……认为是

  • to refer to… as 把……指为(叫做)

  • to think of… as 把……看作

  • to treat… as 把……当做;以……来对待……

  • to describe… as 把……描述成

  • to regard… as 把……看成

II. as 引出的宾语补语有如下几种表示形式

A. as 名词

We usually define energy as the ability to do work. 我们通常下定义说, 能能作功的本领。

B. as 形容词

  1. We often regard gas as compressible. 我们经常把气体看成是可压缩的。

  2. We accept the conclusion as true. 我们承认这个结论是真实的。

C. as 介词短语

We regard that conclusion as of consequence. 我们把这个结论看成是具有意义的。

D. as 分词或分词短语

  1. We consider the wire as disconnected. 我们认为这条线没有接好。

  2. We consider this machine as representing the best one in our plant. 我们把这台机器认为是我们工厂里最好的一台。(或:……认为是代表我们工厂里最好的一台。)

E. 下列各句里 as 也引出宾语补语

  1. The use of silver as a conductor is limited because of its cost. 由于成本高, 银作导体用是受到限制的。(as a conductor 作 silver 的补语, 可联系动词的搭配用法:to use silver as a conductor. 这里 as a conductor 作宾补。)

  2. I make it as a rule to go to our workshop before 6∶00 every morning. 我总是每天早上六点前到车间去。(it 为形式宾语, 后面的不定式为真正宾语。直译:我每天早上六点前去车间, 这件事我已视为惯例。)

III. As 引同主语补语


  1. 主动句:We regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light.

    被动句:The sun is regarded as the chief source of heat and light (by us). 太阳被认为是主要的热源和光源。

  2. 主动句:We cannot consider this suggestion as established.

    被动句:This suggestion cannot be considered as established. 这个提议不能(被)认为已成立了。

在主动句里, as 所引出的补语说明作宾语的 the sun 和 this suggestion, 所以叫做宾语补语。在被动句中, as 引出的补语变为说明作主语的 the sun 和 this suggestion, 所以叫做主语补语. 如果扩大主语补语概念, 对主语补足这个广义来看, 则下列各句内的 as 所引出的成分也可视为主语补语:

  1. As members of the environment protection committee we must set up good example. 作为环保委员会成员, 我们必须树立好榜样. (从意义上也可理解为原因状语。)

  2. Metallurgy as an applied science treats of the deriving of metals and their special properties. 冶金学作为一门应用科学, 是研究金属的提炼方法及其特性的。(从意义上也可理解为同位语。)

  3. How can this be described merely as lacking of experience? 这怎么能说成只是缺乏经验呢?

  4. We produce a lot of H2SO4, HCl and HNO3 which are known as the three main strongacids industry. 我们生产大量硫酸、盐酸和硝酸, 它们通称为工业中“三大强酸”。(省略 which are, 则 known as… 作后置定语。)


Ⅳ. 由 as 引出另一种形式的主语补语

  1. I have come here as a manager. 我以经理的身份来到这里。

  2. Many petroleum products serve as raw materials for the chemical industries. 许多石油产品用作各化学工业的原料。

  3. When coal burns, part of it is left as ash. 煤在燃烧时, 它的一部分作为灰烬留了下来。

六、用 as 引出表语或表语从句

  1. The society is as a stage. 社会好比是个舞台。

  2. It may be as it you say. 这也许是你说的那样。

  3. The answer is as it should be. 答案本应如此。

  4. Things are not always as they seem to be. 事情并不总是像表面上看来的那样。

  5. The room looks just as it did when her late husband worked in it. 这房间还是她的已故丈夫在那儿办公时的那个样子。

七、用 as 引出同位语

  1. Derek told us about his experiences as a young man. 德立克告诉了我们有关他年轻时的一些经历。

  2. Metals possess many special properties, as (或 such as) ductility, fusibility and malleability. 金属具有许多特有的性能,如延展性、可熔性和可锻性。

  3. As an insulator, oil is better than air. 作为一种绝缘体来说, 油比空气好。

  4. Sidney is their team leader, and as such has to sign this paper. 锡德尼是他们的队长, 而作为队长他就得在这文件上签字。

八、用 as 引出插入句

as 作“如同……那样, 正如……那样”解, 也可引出一个附带说明的句子, 表示说话人说出这句话的根据, 或对这句话的态度, 或作出某种解释或评论, 这种成分叫做插入句, 它一般必须用逗号隔开。

  1. The difference, as I see it, is one of method and not of principle. 照我看来, 这是一个方法上, 而不是原则上的分歧。(one 代替 difference。)

  2. As it is, we cannot go there. 就目前情况而言, 我们不能去那儿。

  3. This old machine must be, as it appears to me, replaced by a computer-controlled machine. 依我看来, 这台旧机器必须换成一台由计算机控制的机器。

  4. The products of the chemical industry make a major contribution to present-day standards of living, and life, as we know it today, would be impossible without those products. 化学工业产品对今日生活水平作出重要贡献, 并且正如我们目前所知道那样, 要是没有这些产品, 我们的生活就不可思议。


九、as 的其它用法

I. 在下列句子里 as 所引出的从句, 从句子结构来看是方式状语从句, 作“像……那样的”讲, 从意义来讲, 是定语从句。因此, 能领会其用法就行。

  1. Copper as it comes from ordinary smelting works contains many impurities. 从普通熔炼厂出来的那样的铜, 含有许多杂质。

  2. He wrote about China as it was thirty years ago. 他曾写过三十年前的中国。

II. 下列句子里的“as 过去分词或过去分词短语”可用作定语

(联系下文,见本节[As 在各种句型和固定词组里的用法] 1、B):

See the answers as given at the end of this book. 请参阅本书末所给出的那些答案。

注 1:as 的基本含义是“像……那样的”。as given 之类的定语, 表示说话人对他所讲的话通过这样方式来加以解释, 对此提出他的看法, 或举例以证实他的观点。如果是平铺直叙的定语, 还可以把 as 取消。如:

See the answers given at the end of this book.

注 2:对于 the answers as given…, 也可以改为:the answers as they are given …。现在再举两个相类似的短语:

  1. the elements as (they are) pointed out below. 如下面所指出的那些元素

  2. the instruments as (they are) listed below. 如下面所列举的那些仪器

III. as many(用于可数名词)(与……)同样的, (与……)数相同的;as much(用于不可数名词)(与……)同量的;同样地

  1. There are sixty tools in that workshop; and there are as many in ours. 那个车间有六十件工具;我们车间里也有同数量的工具(或也有六十件)。

  2. He did it in three hours, but it took me as many days. 这件工作他用三小时做完, 可是却花了我三天(才把那件工作做完)。

  3. Fix fifty hooks to as many ropes. 在这五十个钩子上, 每一个都系上一条绳子。(意译)

  4. This car can run sixty miles in as many minutes. 这辆汽车在六十分钟里(或每小时)能跑六十英里。

  5. I think as much. 我也这样想. (或译:我想到的也是这些。)

十、as 用法的判别

I. 注意 as 和其前后的有关词(如so, such, same, many, much 等)的内在联系。现以其中 as 和 such 的搭配为例, 来说明内在联系的变化。

  1. X-rays can penetrate through many materials, such as wood, cloth and thin sheets of aluminium. X 射线能够穿透许多材料, 例如木材、布和薄铝板等。

  2. The programmed robot is such as I have never seen before. 这样的程控机器人我从未见过。(意译)

  3. Such materials as (are) copper and silver are called good conductors. 像铜和银那样的材料称之为良导体。

  4. This is a new type of precision instrument, and as such it is quite widely used. 这是一种新型的精密仪器, 因而十分广泛地(被)使用。


上面四句都用了 as 和 such 两词, 但它们在各句中排列组合和前后的相互联系不全然相同, 意义就不同。

第 1、2 句中都用了 such as, 但第 1 句中, such as 前有一个逗号, 逗号前是复数名词, 这时 such as 后所列举的东西是前面 materials 的同位语。第 2 句的 such as 前没有逗号, such 在该句中只能作表语用, 其后面的 as 又只能是 such 的关系代词, 引出定语从句。这时 such 就只能作“这样的人、事、物”解。

第 3 句中的 as 前有个指示词 such, 由于 such 是定语, 后面与之呼应的 as 从句必然是进一步说明前面的 such 的, 故从句也是定语从句。判别时抓住 as 前面有没有这个指示词 such 即可, 但与第 2 句的差别在于第 2 句中的 such 单独作代词用, 作“这样的人、事、物”讲, 而第 3 句中的 such 是形容词。只作 “这样的”讲。故后面必有 such 所修饰的名词 materials。

第 4 句和前三句不同点是用了 as such, 而不是 such as。词序变了, 意思就变了。第 4 句表面上把 as such 译为“因而”, 这是翻译技巧问题。实际上该句原意仍是:“这是一种新型的精密仪器, 像这样的仪器它是十分广泛地被使用的。”

根据上述, 我们认为必须注意那些常用的一套一套的“排列组合”。

II. 根据上下文来判断 as 的语法功用。

单个 as 引出的从句有:时间从句、原因从句、让步从句、比较从句、方式状语从句、定语从句、表语从句和插入句(见本节、八)。由于在这些句中只有单个 as, 前后没有像 such, so, same, as, that, many, much 之类的有关词的搭配和衬托, 判别从句的语法意义就要靠上下文和逻辑性来进行。例如:

  1. We cannot see sound waves as they travel through air. 当声波通过空气时, 我们并不能看见它。(时间从句)

  2. As heat energy makes things move, it is a form of energy. 由于热能可使物体运动, 所以它是一种能。(原因从句)

注:用 as 引导的原因从句, 它与主句一般具有明显的因果关系。利用这一点, 就可基本上把 as 引导的原因从句和时间从句相区别开了。

  1. Much as she would like to see this film, I am afraid she is too busy to go to the cinema. 虽然她特别愿意看这部电影, 但我恐怕她太忙, 去不了电影院。(让步从句)

  2. When the circuit is closed, the battery sets these electrons in motion through the wires and motor back to the battery again, much as the pump sets the water in motion. 当电路闭合时, 蓄电池使电子流经电线和马达, 然后再返回蓄电池。这种情况和水泵使水流动的情况是十分类似的。(行为方式从句, 表示比拟)

  3. The result of his research is good enough as it is. 照现在这样, 他的研究结果够不错了。(方式状语从句)

  4. It may be as you say. 这也许是你说的那样。(表语从句)

  5. Gases as we know, expand more rapidly than solids when they are heated. 据我们所知, 当受热时, 气体比固体膨胀得快。(插入句意味的定语从句)

第 1 句和第 2 句只能从句义来判别(见上面关于原因从句的注), 语法本身无能为力。

第 3 句 much 是句中状语。由于位置挪到 as 前面, 就构成让步从句的结构(见本节四、Ⅲ)。但第 4 句从表面上看, 也有 much as 形式, 但由于句中不需要 much 作动词的状语, 于是就不能构成让步从句的结构。这样就意味着用 much as(作“和……几乎一样”讲)引出一个行为方式从句, 表示出和主句的比拟。

第 5 句如果按原因、时间翻译, 句义怎么也讲不通, 也不合逻辑。如果按方式状语从句译, 正好讲得通, 这就表示对该句判别正确。

第 6 句中 as you say 非作表语从句分析不可, 否则该句子成了没有表语了。

第 7 句 as 引出的从句前后有逗号隔开, 一般说来, 作插入句的可能性就比较大了。但作插入句用还缺少一个宾语 them(作 know 的宾语)。可是, 就其从句意思来看, 倒可译为“据我们所知”。如果把该从句分析为 as 代替整个主句意思的定语从句(参阅本节一、Ⅳ), 也未尝不可。因此, 希望不必过多地抠语法分析, 能领会其意就可以了。

As 在各种句型和固定词组里的用法


现把上面的“As 的主要用法和判别”中提到的或没有提到的 as 在各种固定词组里的用法归纳如下:


(A)单个 as 引出各种从句:

  • 时间从句(见本节四、Ⅰ);

  • 原因从句(见本节四、Ⅱ);

  • 让步从句(见本节四、Ⅲ);

  • 比较状语从句(见本节四、Ⅳ);

  • 方式状语从句(见本节四、Ⅴ);

  • 表语从句(见本节六);

  • 定语从句(见本节二和三);

  • 插入句(见本节八)。

  • 同位语(见本节七)

(B)“as 过去分词短语”, 一般构成定语、状语、宾语补语、主语补语或有省略成分的从句:

  1. He hopes we will be able to carry out everything as planned. 他希望我们能按计划行事。(状语)

  2. The nucleus is heavy as compared with electrons. 和电子相比, 核就较重。(状语, 或相当于状语从句:if it is compared with electrons. )

  3. The electrons, as shown in Fig. 5, are very light. 电子非常轻, 如图5所示。(定语或相当于非限制性定语从句。在后一种情况下, 从句中省略is, 而as代替主句整个意思。)

  4. See the answers as given at the end of this book. 请参阅本书末给的答案。(定语)

  5. We can think of an atom as made up of nucleus and electrons. 我们可把原子看作是由核子和电子组成。(宾语补语)

  6. Matter is spoken of as electrically constituted. 我们说物质是由带电粒子构成. (主语补语)

  7. If the separator is(或 goes)out of order, check and clean as(it is)required. 如果该分离器出故障, 则根据需要进行检查和清理。(省略句本身是状语从句。)

(C)“as 介词短语”(这种结构前后多半有逗号, 可译为“如…”、“像…”):

  1. The flow of current in a semiconductor can be formed by a flow of negative charges, as in the case of conductors. 半导体中电流的流动, 像导体内情况一样, 是通过负电荷的流动而形成的。

  2. As in the first method, the gas must be preheated to 150℃. 如同第一种方法, 该气体必须预热到150℃。

  3. I heard the whir as from a car. 我听到了好像汽车的呼呼声。

  4. Without intelligence and diligence on the part of the students, as indeed without the leadership and the coaching of the teachers, a good examination result will not come. 在部分学生身上, 如果他们没有智力和勤奋, 确实如同没有老师的指导和训练一样, 就不会有好的考试成绩.

2. as a matter of fact 事实上, 其实

  1. As a matter of fact, mathematics finds its application in every science. 事实上, 数学在各门科学中都有它的用处。

  2. As a matter of fact, I know nothing about the constructions of the information products. 其实我对这些信息产品的构造一无所知。

3. as a result 结果, 终于, 因此

  1. She studied hard. As a result, she made fast progress in the studies. 她学习用功。因此她在学习方面进步很快。

  2. The production has begun, as a result, to rise rapidly. 生产终于开始迅速地上升。(或译:结果是生产已经开始迅速上升。)

4. as a result(或 consequence)of…作为…结果, 由于…结果

  1. As a result of(或 As a consequence of, In consequence of, Consequent upon)its rise in temperature the gas expands. 由于温度上升, 气体就膨胀。

  2. Science means systematic knowledge possessed as a result(或 as a consequence) of practice and study. 科学是由于实践和研究的结果而获得的系统知识。

5. as a rule, 作为一个常规, 通常, 习以为常

  1. As a rule, we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. 我们通常总是对所有的实验都作记录, 以便得到足够的资料。

  2. They sum up their experience at the end(或 close)of every year as a rule. 他们通常年终总结经验。

6. as a whole 作为一个整体(来看)

  1. We should analyse the problem as a whole. 我们应该把这个问题作为一个整体来分析。(状语)

  2. He is to be responsible for the work as a whole. 他将要负责整个工作。(定语)

7. as above 如上

It has been explained as above. 这件事已在上面解释过了。

8. as against 与…对照, 与…对比

  1. There are more than three hundred middle schools in Tianjin this year, as againstonly 80 before liberation. 今年天津有三百多所中学, 而解放前只有八十所。

  2. The production of various electron tubes has been increased four times as against1958. 电子管产量已比 1958 年增加了三倍。

9. as…as 像…一样, 如…一样(详见前文本节四、Ⅳ-A、B)

10。“as 形容词(或副词) as 形容词(或副词)” 又…又…

  1. This method is as simple as practical. 这种方法又实用又简单。

  2. The wheel turns as fast as stably. 这个轮子旋转得又快又稳。

11. as…as any (或 anybody) 不弱于任何的…, 史无前例的…

He is as great a scientist as any. (他是一位少有的大科学家。)

12. as…as anything 非常地…, 无可比拟地…

  1. The work is as easy as anything. 这项工作特别容易。(相当于:…as easy as can be)

  2. I will make it as clean as anything can be. 我将尽量把它弄干净。(也可改为:…as clean as possible。)

13. be as 形容词(如 clear, easy 等) as 与前相同的形容词 can be

The facts are as clear. 这些事实十分清楚。

14. as…as ever 像往常一样…

She works as hard as ever. 她工作一贯努力。(原义为:她和往常一样, 努力工作。也可写:She works as hard as before. )

15. as…as possible 尽可能地…

  1. We should study as hard as possible. 我们应当尽可能地努力学习。

  2. as soon as possible 尽可能早

  3. as big as possible 尽可能大, 越大越好

  4. as carefully as possible越仔细越好






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