
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662022-11-18 22:10:26

16. as before 依旧

He gave the same answer as before(或 as ever). 他依然作了相同的答复. (原义:他给了与以前相同的答复。)

17. as compared with 和…相比

China today has produced much more steel as compared with China yesterday. 今天的中国已比过去的中国生产了多得多的钢。

18. as early as…早在…

As early as 1949, he suggested that plan. 早在 1949 年他就提出了那个计划。(1949 前不能用 in。)

19. as(或so)far as…is concerned(或 goes)就…而论

As (或 So) for as the quality of tones is concerned(或 goes), this radio-set is quite up to the standard. 就音质而论, 这架收音机已完全达到标准。

20. as(或so)far as we know. 就我们所知

  1. As far as we know, not all of us realize the importance of this step. 据我们所知, 并不是我们中间每一个人都明瞭采取这一步骤的重要性。

  2. Not so far as we know. 据我们所知, 并非这样。

21. as follows 如下

The text reads as follows. 原文如下。

22. As for(或 as to)至于, 讲到, 关于

  1. As for(或 As to)physics, it is not difficult at all. 至于物理学, 那一点也不难。

  2. As for us, we have no objection. 至于我们, 则并不反对。

23. as good as 跟…一样, 几乎等于

  1. She is as good as her words. 她遵守诺言。(或译:她实践诺言。)

  2. The noise of this machine is so low; it is as good as silent. 这台机器的噪音如此之低, 如同没有声音一样。

24. as if 好像…似的(参阅本节四、D)

25. as it does (或 did) 实际上(与现在分词短语连用时有原因意味)

  1. The process involves as it does the oxidation of CO. 这个过程实际上涉及到 CO 的氧化。

  2. The instrument is of great interest, involving as it does a new principle of work. 该仪器由于涉及新的工作原理而具有重要意义。

  3. Living as we did in a remote village, we rarely had visitors. 由于当时我们住在偏僻的村庄, 所以很少有客人来访。(当涉及的主体是人时, 则用其相应的人称代词。同时还必须注意主句所用的时态。本句内谓语用过去时态, 就用 as we did. 如果谓语用现在时, 则就应该用 as we do.)

26. as it is(或 was) 1. 在句首, 作“但在实际上, 实际上”讲;2. 在句末, 作“照原来样子”讲;3. 与分词连用有原因意味。

  1. As it was, we did help them. 事实上, 我们的确帮了他们。

  2. Carry out the plan as it is. 请照原样执行计划。

  3. It is good enough as it is. 照现在的样子够不错了。

  4. Leave the things as they are. 别动这些东西。(直译为:让这些东西照样放在那儿。)

注意 it 不是一成不变的, 可根据它实际上所代表的名词, 改用 we, they, you, he 等其他人称。上句前面为 the things, 故后面用 they。

  1. Burdened as he was, he could not walk fast. 由于负荷太重, 他不能走快。

27. as it were(插入语)仿佛, 好像, 可以说

The sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain. 天空好像被黑幕遮住了似的。


(a)as like as not 很可能;多半

As like as not, he is already there. 他很可能已在那儿。

(b)as likely as not 多半

She will fail as likely as not. 她多半会失败。


(a)as long as…如同…之久;如同…长(引出比较状语从句)

  1. Stay as long as you like. 你爱呆多久, 就呆多久。(句中 as you like 为比较状语从句)

  2. So the tree’s shadow will also be three times as long as the tree is high. 因此, 树影长度将是树高的三倍。(第二个 as 引出比较状语从句。)

(b)as long as …当……时(引出时间状语从句)

I will fight for the cause of science and education as long as I live. 我活一天, 就要为科学和教育事业奋斗一天。

(c)so (或 as) long as…只要……(引出条件状语从句)

You may use that dictionary so (或 as) long as you keep it clean. 你可以用那本辞典, 只要你把它保持清洁。

上句中 as long as 和 so long as 还可用 if only 代替。

30. as many(与……)同样的;与(……)数相同的

  1. Those five days seemed to me as many years. 那五天对我好像等于五年一样。

  2. We expected to sell 500 tickets, but we sold twice as many. 我们原希望出售 500 张票, 但后来售出 500 张的两倍。

31. as many… as… 如…一般多…;凡…的…都

  1. From this library you can borrow as many books as you want to read. 在这个图书馆内, 凡是你想读的书都能借到。

  2. There are as many people in your class as in our class. 你班和我班的人数相同。


(a)as many (或 much, fast 等) again as…两倍于, 是…的两倍, 多(或快)一倍

(b)half as many (或 much, fast 等) again as…是…的一倍半, 多(或快)半倍

(c)half as many(或 much, fast 等)as… 是…的一半

  1. I have as many video discs again as he. 我有的影碟是他有的两倍。(表示:…比他多一倍。)(相当于:I have twice as many video discs as he)

  2. Wheel A turns half as fast again as wheel B. A 轮转动比 B 轮快半倍。

  3. They have produced half as much steel as we. 他们生产的钢比我们生产的少一半。


33. as matters stand 按目前情况来说

As matters stand, he does not like to make the plan public. 就目前情况而论, 他不愿公开那个计划。


(a)as much(与…)同量的;同样地

  1. Compared with steel, aluminium has a third its modulus of elasticity, weighs a third as much, and costs about three times as much. 与钢相比, 铝的弹性模数是钢的 1/3, 重量也是钢的 1/3, 而价格则是钢的三倍左右。

  2. I was in the least not surprised, for I had expected as much. 我(丝)毫不惊奇, 因为我早已料到会有这样的事。(意思接近于 so much。)

  3. I hope as much. 我也这样希望。

(b)as much…as… 如…一般多的…

  1. On the moon itself the force of gravitation is one sixth as much as it is on the earth. 在月球上, 重力是地球上的六分之一。

  2. You never get as much useful work out of a machine as you put into it. 你从机器得到的有效功, 永远不会等同于你输入的功。

35. as near as… 差一点…,几乎…

She was as near could be knocked down by a car. 她差一点被汽车撞倒。

36. as near as no matter 差一点…, 很接近于…

The child came as near as no matter being drowned. 这小孩差一点被淹死。

37. as of old 仍旧, 照旧

Such dresses are in fashion as of old. 这样一些服装仍然流行。

38. as often as not 常常, 屡次

We go to the exhibition hall as often as not. 我们常去展览馆。

39. as regards(或 concerns) 名词 至于, 提到, 关于, 就…说

As regards(或 concerns)that cutting machine, its moving parts have been worn out. 至于那台金属切割机, 它的活动机件已被磨损。

40. as shown…如…所示

The value of X, as (is) shown in Fig.2, is great. 如图 2 所示, X 值是大的。(引出非限制性定语从句)

41. as…(从句), so…(主句)如同……一样, ……

As the atom is the unit particle for elements, so the molecule forms an indivisible unit for compounds. 如同原于是元素的基本单位粒子一样, 分子形成了化合物的一个最小单位。

42. as soon as…(连接时间从句)一…就(参阅147三和四)

  1. As soon as the experiment was over, we went to the library. 那个实验一完成, 我们就去图书馆了。

  2. As soon as we disconnect one end of a wire leading to the electric-light bulb, the light goes out at once. 我们一把通电灯泡的一根金属线断开, 电灯立即熄灭。

  3. Speak to Prof. Lu as soon as you can. 你尽早对卢教授去说。

辨异:Speak to her as fast as you can. 你对她说话, 能说多快就多快。

43. as soon as possible 尽早地

We must improve our equipment as soon as possible. (或 as soon as we can). 我们必须尽早改进设备。

44. as such 像这样的人、事、物;作为这样的人、事、物;以…资格、名义、身份;因而

  1. He is our teacher, and as such must be respected. 他是我们的老师, 因此必须受到尊敬。

  2. He was a foreigner and was treated as such. 他是外国人, 所以受到对待外国人的待遇。

  3. History as such was often neglected. 以往历史本身常被忽视。

  4. Wealth, as such, doesn't matter much. 单是有钱财算不了什么。

45. as the case may be 看情况, 随机应变地

  1. In taking a picture, the shutter, the focal length and the other things must be adjusted as the case may be. 在拍照过程中, 快门、焦距等等, 必须按实际情况加以调整。

  2. He arranges matters as the case may be. 他按照实际情况安排事情。

46. as things are 就目前情况而论

As things are, we cannot put the plan into pratice. 就目前情况说来, 我们还不能将此计划付诸实施。

47. as things go 按事态发展来看

As things go, they are looking at this problem. 就事态发展来看, 他们正在分析这个问题。

48. as though…(行为方法状语从句)好像……似的(用法同 as if, 详见上文第 24 条)

49. as to 关于, 至于

  1. As to this home computer, it can be guaranteed for one year. 至于这台家用计算机, 它能保修一年。

  2. A question arises as to how we shall refit the equipment. 关于如何改装那个装置的问题提出来了。(as to 接一个介词宾语从句。)

50. as touching (或 concerning) 名词 关于…, 有关…,涉及…

Please inform me as touching (或 concerning) the matter. 关于那件事的情况, 请你通知我。

51. as usual照例, 照常

  1. He arrived on schedule (或 on time) as usual. 他照常准时到达。

  2. The notebook computer operates well as usual. 这台笔记本电脑与平时一样, 运转良好。

52. as well 又, 也, 同样

  1. He speaks English as well. 他也讲英语。

  2. The board president has knowledge and experience as well. 这位董事长既有学问, 又有经验。

  3. This law is true of other gases as well. 该定律也适用于其它气体。

  4. Not only does the distance travelled in unit time remain the same but the direction as well does not change. 不仅单位时间内的移动距离不变, 而且其方向也不变。(由于 Not only 在句首, 后面主、谓语要用颠倒语序。)

53. as well as 和…一样, 不但…而且…

  1. He works as well as he can. 他尽可能地做好工作。

  2. You workd as well as he. 你和他都一样工作。(原义:他工作, 而你也工作。)

  3. Those Chinese pupils study English as well as Chinese. 那些中国学生不仅学汉语, 而且还学英语。(注意先译后面的 Chinese, 然后再译前面的 English。)

  4. He has skill as well as knowledge. 他既有学问, 又有熟练技能。

  5. Air, as well as water, is needed to make plants grow. 空气同水一样是植物生长所必需的。(注意句中两个逗号也可不用。后面不能用are。)

  6. Small towns as well as big cities are being rapidly industrialized. 小城镇和大城市一样, 都在迅速地工业化。

  7. The three gas laws are true of all gases, as well as of air. 气体三定律适用于空气, 也适用于所有气体。

  8. We can turn electric energy into light energy as well as into heat energy. 我们不但能把电能转化为热能, 也能转化为光能。

  9. He agrees with you, as well as I. 不但我同意你, 他也同意你。

  10. He agrees with you, as well as with me. 他不但同意我,也同意你。

54. as yet 到目前为止

  1. He has not finished the work as yet. 他到现在还没有完成那项工作。

  2. The laptop (computer) has worked well as yet. 到目前为止这台膝上型电脑运转正常。

55. according as…(从句)随…而定, 依照…

The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold. 温度表随着空气的热冷而升降。

56. in as much as…(引出原因从句)因为…

In as much as the pressure increases with depth, there is a greater pressure at the lower surface of the submerged body than at the upper surface. 因为压力随深度而增加, 所以浸入水中的物体的底面所受到的压力比顶面大。

57. In so far as …(从句)在……范围内, 在……限度内

Insofar as I can see, they are all satisfied with this arrangement. 据我了解, 他们对这一安排都感到满意。

58. be known as 叫做, 通称为

This microcomputer is known as a palmtop PC. 这个微型计算机叫做掌上型电脑。

59. just as well 正因如此

Since water is so universally present, perhaps it is just as well that its properties have been studied. 因为水到处存在, 也许正因为如此, 对水的性质已经作了研究。

60. just as with… 正如同…一样(比较状语)

Just as with the parallel water pumps, the currents from these parallel generators will add together to make a total flow of 100 amperes. 正如同并联的水泵一样, 这些并联的发电机所产生的电流将加在一起, 以构成 100 安培的总电流。

61. may as well, might as well(后者婉转)还是……好, 不妨, 也好

  1. You may (或 might) as well repeat the experiment. 你还是把这个实验重做一次为好。

  2. You may as well begin at once. 你不妨立即着手。

62. may (或 might) as well…as (…)与其(…)宁肯…做为好

  1. One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly. 与其一知半解, 不如完全不知为好。

  2. You might as well advice me to give up my plan as my argument. 你要我放弃我的论点, 还不如要我放弃我的计划。(句中 might 并不表示过去时, 而是虚拟语气, 实际上表示:要我放弃自己论点和计划均不可能。)

63. no…so…as (…) 没…像(…)那样

No substance so completely permeates our lives as do water, air and the like. 没有一种物质像水、空气等那样为我们生活所必不可少。(as 引出的比较状语从句内有主、谓语颠倒现象。其中 do 为代动词。)

64. not so…as (…)不如(…)那样…

He does not study so hard as you. 他学习不如你用功。

65. not so much as…甚至连…也不, 竟未…

  1. He does not so much as understand this law. 他甚至连这个定律都不了解。

  2. There is not so much as an error in his answer. 他的回答连一个错也没有。

注:当 not so much 和 as 分开时, 其用法有异。例如:

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. 与其说海洋分割世界, 还不如说海洋连接世界。

66. not so much…as… 与其说……不如说……(这里 not so much 相当于 less, 而 as 相当于 than。)

  1. He is not so much a teacher as a writer. 与其说他是教师,不如说是作家。(=He is less a teacher than a writer. )

  2. A man’s worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is. 一个人的价值不在于他拥有什么, 而在于他是什么样的人。(句中两个 what 分别作 in 的介词宾语从句。)

67. same …as…(接定语从句)和……相同的(参阅本节一)

I am reading the same book as you read yesterday. 我正在读的书就是你昨天读的那本书。

68. so as to (后接不定式动词)为的是, 以便…;以致…

  1. We must go early so as to be in time. 我们必须早去, 才能准时。(目的状语)

  2. He worked hard so as to end the task with success. 他努力干, 终于胜利完成了任务。(结果状语)

69. so…as to(接不定式动词)如此地…以致…;若前与 be 连用, 则表示祈使句中“请”之意。例如:

  1. He wrote so carefully as to make every word clear. 他写得如此地小心, 所以每个单词都很清晰。

  2. Heat treatment is used so as to improve the properties of some metals. 使用热处理可改进某些金属的性能。

  3. Petroleum maybe of low viscosity or so viscous as to be nearly im-mobile. 石油有低粘度的, 也有粘得几乎不能流动的。

  4. Be so kind (或 good) as to help me in doing (或 making) the sum. 劳驾帮我算一下。

70. so long as…(条件从句)只要…(上文第 29 条)

Every wire carrying an electric current has a magnetic field so (或 as) long as the current flows. 只要有电流通过, 每根带电的金属丝都产生磁场。

71. so (或 as) far as…(条件从句)就…而论

  1. So (或 As) far as the quality of tones is concerned, this radio set is quite up to the standard. 就音质而论, 这台无线电完全达到标准。

  2. The scientific research is well on the way so far as I know. 据我所知, 这项科学研究正蓬勃开展。


72. such as…像…那(或这)样的(详见本节二)

73. such…as 像…那(或这)样的(详见本节二)

74. such (…) as to 不定式短语 如此的…以致(结果状语)

This problem is such as to interest only a few people. (= It is such a problem as tointerest only a few people.) 这样的问题只能使少数人感兴趣。(联系第53节二、Ⅶ-C 第 4 句)

75. without so much as 动名词短语 甚至连…也不;竟然没有……

  1. He left the room without so much as closing door. 他连门都没关就离开了房间。

  2. She went away without so much as saying good-bye. 她竟然不辞而去。





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