Peppa runs as fast as she can, but the kite still won’t fly.
Please be careful! Just a bit further, Daddy!
1. Fly a kite
阳光明媚的一天,Peppa一家去了公园,去干嘛呢?They are going to fly a kite! 他们要去放风筝。Fly a kite放风筝。
你曾经跟爸爸妈妈去放过风筝吗?Have you ever flown a kite? 有没有成功把风筝放起来过呢?
2. Wind pick up
Peppa和George一直跑啊跑,但是风筝怎么都放不起来。妈妈说We’ll just have to wait, until the wind picks up a bit. 我们再等一会儿,等起风了再放。
起风了就可以用pick up表达,Wind pick up是起风的意思。例如:现在这么热,如果起风了,我们是不是会感觉凉爽一些呢?The wind picks up, so we feel cool off.
那么“雾散了”怎么说呢?“雾散了”其实言外之意就是“天空放晴了”,直接用clear 这个形容词就可以表达啦~
clear adj. (天空,天气)无云(或雾)的;晴朗的。例如:The winds might pick up. It could clear as suddenly as it came in.很快会起风的,大雾会一下子被吹散
3. It’s getting windy
终于,等待没有白费。树叶被风刮起来了。Peppa兴奋的说Look, it’s getting windy! 瞧,起风了!It’s getting windy.起风了。
It’s getting cloudy. 天阴下来了。
4. The wind is strong
风太大了,The wind is quite strong now, 风把风筝刮上了天,还把试图抓住风筝的George一同刮上了天。The wind is quite strong,风太大了。
5. Get the kite stuck
爸爸放着风筝,突然风筝东摇西摆,妈妈赶紧提醒爸爸You might get the kite stuck in one. 你可能会让风筝卡到树上。Get the kite stuck in tree把风筝卡到树上。但是爸爸却觉得妈妈的提醒是多余的,他可是个放风筝的高手。
结果,风筝果然卡在树上了。Daddy pig has got the kite caught in a tree.
Got the kite caught in a tree风筝卡在树上了。
你有没有被什么东西卡到过呢?比如手或者脚卡在了什么缝隙里面?Have you ever got stuck in a gap?
6. Get the kite down
George看到风筝卡树上了,马上哇的大哭起来。妈妈安慰说Don’t worry, George. Daddy will get the kite down. 不要担心,George,爸爸会把风筝拿下来的。
Get the kite down,把风筝拿下来。
如果你家里的饼干放在高高的柜子里,你拿不到,那就跟妈妈说Mummy, Could please help me to get the cookies down? 妈妈,能帮我把饼干拿下来吗?
Nonsense! I know exactly how heavy I am.
Luckily, Daddy Pig hasn’t hurt himself and the kite is out of the tree!
1. kite: 风筝
fly a kite 放风筝
2. pick up: 改善,好转,增强
例句:We'll just have to wait, until the wind picks up a bit.在风没大之前,我们只能等。
3. windy: 多风的,风强的,坏天气的
4. stick: 钉住,粘贴,使停止,粘住,放置
例句:Watch out for the trees! You might get the kite stuck in one.注意那些树,小心风筝可能会粘在某棵树上。
5. nonsense: 胡说,废话,无意义
6. rescue: 营救,救援;搭救;挽救
例句:Daddy Pig has rescued the kite! 猪爸爸挽救了那个风筝。
7. be out of: 脱离了(状态)
例句:And the kite is out of the tree! 风筝已经脱离了那棵树。
-The End-