
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-21 11:18:04



used to 曾经……;过去……

be good for 对 ……有好处

make progress 取得进步

I used to…, but now… 我过去……,但现在……


My changes

I have changed a lot in the past few years. I used to like reading comic books when I was a child. But now I like reading novels and magazines. I used to like eating junk food because I thought it was delicious. But now I like eating healthy food because it's good for my health. I used to watch cartoons when I was young, but now I like watching action movies. I used to play games with my classmates at school, but now I like doing sports after class. I think I have made more progress than before because I'm growing up.



假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点写一封回信。


1. 看中文书刊、电视节目;

2. 学唱中文歌曲;

3. 交中国朋友。


Chinese characters 汉字;

sing Chinese songs 唱中文歌曲

I think you should... 我认为你应该……

...by doing... ……通过……


Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are a few suggestions. I think you should watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese if possible. Besides, it is a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese characters more easily. You can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.

Try and write to me in Chinese next time.

Best wishes!


Li Hua





1. 每年的农历五月初五;

2. 起源于数千年前;

3. 吃粽子、观看赛龙舟;

4. 喜欢端午节原因。


lunar calendar 农历

poet 诗人

in honor of 纪 念

Chinese lunar calendar 中国农历

make zongzi 包粽子

dragon boat races 龙舟比赛

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals. 端午节是最重要的中国传统节日之一。


The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals. It started several thousand years ago. It is on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese lunar calendar.

When the day comes, people celebrate it in many parts of China. People usually make zongzi. You can eat different kinds of zongzi. It is very delicious.Also, people watch dragon boat races to celebrate it. The festival is best known for itsdragon boat races, especially in some places with rivers.

Many people around China like the Dragon Boat Festival because they can have a lot of fun at this festival.



发明改变世界。不少中学生都梦想成为发明家,请你介绍一项自己喜欢的发明。请根据下面的要点提示,以“My favorite invention”为题,写一篇短文,谈谈你的观点。


1. 简要说明自己喜欢的发明是什么;

2. 发明它的人物、时间;

3. 发明的用途。


1. be invented by 由……发明

2. not only...but also... 不但……而且……

3. One of my favorite inventions is... 我最喜欢的发明之一是……

4. It is used for... 它被用来做……


My favorite invention

There are lots of inventions in our life. One of my favorite inventions is the mobile phone. The first mobile phone was invented by an American named Martin Cooper in 1973 and it was quite big. Then it was improved to be smaller. And people can carry it anywhere easily. It is used not only for communication,but also for taking photos, watching TV, playing games and so on. I love this invention because it is still developing quickly and bringing surprises to us.



假设你叫 Daming,你的美国朋友 Paul 要 到一个中国朋友家里做客,他对有关礼仪不是 很了解,请你根据下列提示给他写一封电子邮件,给他一些建议。要求词数不少于 80 词。


1. 准时或提前到主人家;

2. 吃饭时,等主人邀请你才能开始吃;

3. 中国人习惯用筷子吃饭,不能把筷子插进饭里,也不能用筷子指任何人;

4. 如果吃饱了,可以告诉主人并表示感谢。


be expected to 被希望去做某事

on time 准时

be supposed to 应该

chopstick 筷子

practice doing sth 练习做某事

stick ... into 插入

look forward to 期待


Dear Paul,

Welcome to China. The customs in our country are different from yours. You are expected to get to your friend’s home on time or a few minutes earlier. When you are at the table, you are supposed to wait until the host invites you to start eating. We eat with chopsticks and you are supposed topractice using them first. It’s not polite to stick your chopsticks into your food. It’s rude to point atanyone with your chopsticks, too. If you are full, you are supposed to say so and give thanks for the dinner. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.





假如 学生 双 语 报 社正 在 举 行 以“My Hometown”为主题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的家乡。


1. 家乡的名称及地理位置;

2. 家乡的人口及生活条件;

3. 你所了解的其他内容。


lie in 位于

have a population of 有...人口


My Hometown

My hometown is a village called Maoba Village. It lies in the west of Hubei. It has a population of 5,000. It is a beautiful village. It has a few high mountains and a small river. There are many trees in it. The best time to go there is in autumn.

In the past, my hometown was poor. People there lived a hard life. Great changes have taken place these years. Now the living conditions have been improved. Wide roads and many new houses have appeared. Some people have their own cars. Now every child in my hometown can go to school. I believe my hometown will become better and better.





1. 保护水资源,不污染水;

2. 节约用水(列举出节约水的方法);

3. 宣传有关保护和节约水的信息。


Hello, everyone,

We all know that water is very important to us. There will be no life without water. So we must do something to protect and save it.

First, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. The government should pass laws against water pollution. Second, we should save water in our daily life. For example, we should turn off the tap in time, take a shower instead of a bath, and always remember to collect and reuse water. Third, let's try to spread the message about protecting and saving water. Make more people around us know the problem of water shortage and the way to solve it.

Let's try our best to save water and our planet.



假如你是李华,昨天在《学生双语报》上有一篇题为“Life in the future”的征文,请你根据以下要点,写一篇英文短文。


1. 医学的发展使人的寿命延长;

2. 新能源的出现使污染得以控制;

3. 人们的日常生活将有很大变化,如:机器人可以为你做家务。


with the development of 随着 ... 发展


Life in the future

In the future, man's life will be very different from that of today. First,with the development of medicine, a person will enjoy a long and happy life. It is possible for most people to have no disease. Second, because of the new energy, the pollution will be controlled. You will enjoy fresh air everywhere. Third, people's daily life will change greatly too. For example, robots will do all your housework for you. And people can go into space by the new type of elevator for holidays. How amazing it is!



假如你是来自北京的张楠,在你们学校的留学生交流会上,你打算向大家介绍世界人造奇观 —— — 万里长城。请根据以下提示信息,写一篇短文向大家做一下介绍。要求 80 词左右,可适当发挥。


1. 长城是世界人造奇观之一,宇航员从月球上都能看到长城。

2. 长城历史悠久,有两千多年的历史。

3. 俗语 (old saying) 说得好“不到长城非好汉” (He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall isn’t a true man.)。


one of the man-made wonders of the world 世界上的人造奇迹之一

a long history of... 关于...的长历史

give a warm welcome to... 给予热情的欢迎

I’d like to tell you something about... 我很乐意告诉你

The old saying goes... 古语云


Hello, everyone! I’d like to tell you something about the Great Wall. The Great Wall is one of the man-made wonders of the world. The Great Wall stretches from Dandong in the east, to Lop Lake in the west. Astronauts can see it from the moon. It has a long history of over 2 thousand years. It attracts millions of visitors every year. An old saying goes: he who doesn’t reach the Great Wall isn’t a true man. The Great Wall gives a warm welcome to people from all over the world!



假如你是 David,你所在的城市新建了一个儿童博物馆。现在要向社会征集馆规和建议,请你给博物馆的馆长 Mr. Black 写一封信,谈谈你的建议吧。要求:80 词左右,可适当发挥。


throw rubbish 扔垃圾

be free to do sth. 可以做某事

do experiments 做实验

I’m glad to hear that... 很高兴听到...

I’d like to... 我很乐意...


Dear Mr. Black,

I’m glad to hear that the Children Museum will be open soon. And I make some rules for the museum. I’d like to tell you about them.

1. Don’t bring food or drinks to the museum.

2. Keep your pets out of the museum.

3. Don’t throw rubbish around.

4. Take notes if necessary.

5. Children can do experimentsin this museum.

Since the museum is a children museum, I think children should be free to enter the museum. Children under six should go with their parents.That’s all. Thank you!











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