
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-31 10:44:59


After being represented during the 2017 Chinese New Year as a giant rooster statue in a shopping mall in China, President Donald Trump has been once again displayed as a giant dog statue, ahead of the Chinese New Year in February. And this one could be particularly noteworthy for Trump, who was born in 1946, the Year of the Dog, and falls in the "fire" category of ancient Five Elements, which might explain his bad temper. Some Chinese astrologists would also associate the zodiac animal with good traits such as intelligence, loyalty and honesty.


But Trump is not a dog person himself. He doesn't raise one like many of the other world leaders, and if you look at his Twitter posts, he has employed canine similes to describe an opponent. In the Chinese zodiac culture, people's life can be met with misfortunes if it is their birth year. Maybe, Trump should wear his red tie more often to ward off evil.


1946年真是个盛产总统的年份,除了特朗普,还有韩国已故总统卢武铉、秘鲁总统托莱多,以及两位美国前总统小布什与克林顿。生于7 月6 日的小布什是美国第43任总统,这与他总统父亲的悉心培养不无关系,或许正应证了狗年生人“常有贵人扶助”的命运。但从就任开始,媒体总是嘲笑他在各种公开演讲中犯下发音和语法错误、还自造词汇,这似乎有违“沉稳”的传统狗年生人性格。另外小布什也因为发动战争备受指责,曾有伊拉克记者在2008年的一场记者会上向布什扔了一只鞋子,并大喊:“给你这条狗的吻别!”



Trump shares his birth year and Chinese zodiac sign with former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Bush served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009. Bush has been mocked by the media and other politicians for his linguistic errors he made during public speeches and clumsiness, which are not typically found on a "dog". But being born into the prominent Bush family matches the Chinese saying that dogs are always surrounded by helpful people.






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