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Cardin moved to Paris in 1945, where he worked with Elsa Schiaparelli until he became head of Christian Dior's tailleur in 1947. Cardin founded his own brand in 1950 and introduced the "bubble dress" in 1954.

范思哲有着同卡丹类似的奋斗经历。他1946 年 12 月 2 日出生于意大利的雷焦卡拉布里亚,打小就在母亲的缝纫店里干活。九岁时,在母亲的帮助下设计了他有生以来第一套礼服。对缝制时装更感兴趣的范思哲在中学时决定辍学,和母亲一同经营店铺。1972年,范思哲为佛罗伦萨一家时装生产商设计的针织服装系列畅销,成为他创业史上的第一个契机。不久以后,范思哲品牌创立,其时装王国开始成形。1997年7月15日,范思哲在美国迈阿密的豪宅门前被枪*,自此时装界失去了这位可与意大利另三位时装大师乔治·阿玛尼、古奇和瓦伦蒂诺比肩的奇才。


Gianni Versace was an Italian fashion designer and founder of Versace. He was born in Reggio Calabria in 1946 and began his apprenticeship at a young age at his mother's sewing business. He moved to Milan at the age of 26 to work in fashion design. In 1973, he became the designer of "Byblos", a successful Genny's youthful line. Later in 1978, his first boutique was opened in Milan's Via della Spiga. In 1994, the brand gained widespread international coverage due to the "Black Versace dress of Elizabeth Hurley". Versace was shot and killed on July 15, 1997, at the age of 50, on the steps of his Miami Beach mansion.


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