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Jackson was a typical "dog" in terms of being diligent, tolerant, accountable and giving. He traveled the world attending events honoring his humanitarianism, and, in 2000, the Guinness World Records recognized him for supporting 39 charities, more than any other entertainer. For instance, Jackson in 1992 founded Heal the World Foundation, which brought underprivileged children to Jackson's Neverland ranch to enjoy the property's theme park rides, and sent millions of dollars around the globe to help children threatened by war, poverty, and disease.


The ranch was built in 1988 near Santa Ynez, California. Jackson installed several carnival rides on the 2,700-acre property, including a Ferris wheel, carousel, menagerie, movie theater and zoo. It can be seen as a retreat for the superstar, as a large part of his life was exposed to the public. The physical abuse by his father Joe also contributed to his strong "sense of self-protection" similar to that of a "dog-year-person".



1922 年7 月2 日,卡丹生于意大利水城威尼斯。小卡丹对读书不感兴趣。他在放学后经常溜到商店的橱窗前,站在那里痴迷地观看里面各式各样的服装。14岁是他中途辍学,在一家小裁缝店里当起了学徒。为了开阔自己的视野,他开始研究各种舞台服装的样式,到当地一个业余剧团当演员以积累亲身体验。17岁那年,尽管巴黎正处于战乱中,他仍骑一辆破自行车义无返顾地孤身前往欧洲的时装中心,甚至被德军关进过大牢中。1945年,卡丹参加电影美女与野兽的服装设计,作品大受好评,此后踏上了成功的人生道路。1974年12月,“完全是靠自己学”的卡丹登上了美国《时代》杂志的封面,该杂志评论他是“本世纪欧洲最成功的设计师”。即使如此,卡丹不给自己放假,他说自己不能停止工作,“如果有一天不工作了,那就是我的末日”。


There are two world-renowned fashion designers who were both born in the Year of the Dog, Pierre Cardin and Versace. The two successful tailors have another thing in common – they remained "hardworking and close to people", a good trait possessed by "dog people".

Born on 2 July 1922, Pierre Cardin is an Italian-born French fashion designer. From childhood, he was interested in dressmaking instead of going to school. At the age of 14, he began his career early working as a clothier's apprentice, eagerly learning the basics of fashion design and construction. In 1939, he left home to work for a tailor in Vichy, where he began making suits for women.






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