
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-31 12:04:10


1, company =corporation =enterprise 公司,企业

2, improve=promote 提升,

3, professor=teacher=coach 老师

4, design=layout 设计

5, likely=probably=possibly 可能地

6, goal=target=aim 目标

7, impact=effect =influence 影响

8, effort =struggle 努力

9, view=opinion =point 观点

10, reduce=decline=decrease 减少

11, increase =grow=rise 增加

12, energy=power=force 力量

13, within=inside =inner part 里面

14, case=condition =circumstance=situation 情况

15, forward =ahead 朝前地

16, interest=benefit=profit 利益

17, infer=deduce 推断

18, refer =mention 提及

19, type =kind 种类

20, stress=pressure =strain压力

21, stress=emphasize 强调

22, focus =concentrate 集中,全神贯注

23, material =stuff 材料

24, position = location=site 位置,地点

25, base=bottom 底部

26, schedule =timetable 时间表

27, available =free 有空的

28, device =equipment 设备

29, exhibition =display=show 展览

30, attract =appeal 吸引

31, process =manufacture =produce 加工

32, accident =incident=event 事件

33, nest=roost 栖息处

34, human beings=creature 人

35, gain=attain=acquire 获得

36, mature=adult 成年人的

37, apartment=flat 公寓

38, attack=assault =aggression 袭击

39, prevent=prohibit=forbid=ban 阻止,禁止

40, figure=data=number 数字,数据

41, adventure=venture=risk冒险

42, major =main=crucial 主要的

43, march=parade 游行

44, concern=worry 担心

45, amount=quantity 数量

46, earn=get=win 赢得

47, therefore=accordingly=thus=hence 所以

48, disease=illness =sickness 疾病

49, prove=demonstrate 证明

50, calm=peaceful=quiet 平静的

51, audience =watcher=viewer 观众

52, help=assist 帮助

53, system=institution 制度

54, respect=honor 尊重

55, data=statistic 数据

56, average=normal=common 普通的

57, performance =behavior 表现

58, existing=surviving 现存的

59, style = fashion 方式

60, charge=cost =expense 费用

61, degrade =demote 降级

62, stage=platform 平台

63, replace =instead of 代替

64, opportunity=chance =occasion 机会

65, crowd=jam 拥挤

66, extra =additional 额外的

67, reward=award 奖励

68, approach =method =way =means 方法

69, rescue =save 拯救

70, permit =allow=approve 允许,批准

71, further =more 更远地

72, gather=assemble 聚集

73, damage =injure=harm 损害

74, tradition =custom=convention 习俗,传统

75, traditional =conservative 保守的

76, blank=puzzled=confused=vacant 困惑的

77, confidence =faith 信心

78, found=set up =establish 建立

79, regard =treat 对待

80, series =sequence=chain 一系列

81, determine =decide 决定

82, department=sector 部门

83, studio =office =workroom 工作室

84, practical =pragmatic =actual 实际的

85, sight =vision 视力

86, creative =innovative 创新的

87, vehicle =car 车

88, global =international 全球的

89, settle=solve 解决

90, argue=quarrel=debate 争论

91, handle with =deal with =address 处理

92, lack =shortage 缺少

93, favor=prefer=incline 更喜欢

94, advantage =strength 优点

95, publish =release 发布

96, responsibility =duty 责任

97, hire =rent =employ 雇佣

98, immediately =instantly 立刻

99, expert=specialist 专家

100, remove=dismiss=eliminate 消除




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