
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 07:14:50


The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Beijing Regulatory Bureau have granted HSBC Insurance Brokerage Limited a fund sales license.


As a result, HSBC Insurance Brokerage has become the first domestic wealth management institution to hold both an insurance brokerage and a fund sales license simultaneously.

“保险 基金”:汇丰为你打开理财新思路

稳健类型的投资越来越受市场青睐,汇丰保险经纪给大家提供了新的理财思路。获批证券投资基金销售牌照后,汇丰借助158年来跨越数个经济周期的全球风险管理经验,其私人财富规划业务将专注于“保险 基金”模式,用人才 数字科技的手段将专业的财富管理解决方案带到更多个人和家庭身边,帮助更多客户在面对不确定的环境时更好地守护财富。

汇丰财富管理及个人银行业务全球行政总裁马励涛(Nuno Matos)表示:“除了不断加大对零售银行、私人银行和资产管理业务的投资力度外,我们还同时通过创新业务模式和平台,积极扩展保险和财富管理业务,致力于实现成为亚洲领先的国际财富管理机构的目标。”

"In addition to continually increasing our investments in retail banking, private banking, and asset management, we are also actively expanding our insurance and wealth management businesses through innovative business models and platforms, with the goal of becoming a leading international wealth management institution in Asia," said Nuno Matos, HSBC Global CEO of Wealth and Personal Banking.




对汇丰来说获发牌照是新的机遇也是新的挑战,因此需要扩充人才队伍,招贤纳才。汇丰保险(亚太)副主席的孙丹莹女士表示,“要在中国市场通过专注于‘保险 基金’模式寻求财富管理行业的新突破,人才对我们来说至关重要。”

Trista Sun, Deputy Chairman of HSBC Insurance (Asia-Pacific), said, "To seek new breakthroughs in the wealth management industry in the Chinese market through a focus on the 'insurance fund' model, talent is crucial for us."


HSBC Personal Wealth Planning is developing a versatile talent pool with comprehensive financial knowledge and professional wealth management experience. The plan is to recruit 3,000 Personal Wealth Planners by 2025 and provide complementary professional training programs to cultivate industry-scarce financial talents with an international perspective, offering a platform for lifelong growth for talent.



汇丰这个名字大家耳熟能详,它的英文名HSBC在国际上更是响当当,里面还藏着两个中国城市的名字!HSBC英文全称是 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation。为什么汇丰又叫“香港上海银行”呢?

创办汇丰的构想源于当时生活在香港,任职于铁行轮船公司的苏格兰人托马斯•苏石兰 (Thomas Sutherland)。他觉察到内地沿海城市和香港对当地银行融资的需求殷切,并协助创立了汇丰银行。

汇丰于 1865 年 3 月在香港开业,一个月后上海分行也开张营业,“香港上海银行”是它最原始的名字。但是香港人习惯万事都有个“好彩头”,于是就把中文名叫作“汇丰”,意为“汇款丰富”预示生意兴隆。

HSBC officially opened in Hong Kong in March 1865, and a month later, its Shanghai branch commenced operations. "The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation" was its original name. However, Hong Kong people have a tradition of attaching auspicious meanings to everything, so they named it "汇丰" in Chinese, which translates to "abundant remittances," symbolizing prosperity in business.






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