
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 07:59:14

Topic 8: Talking about social situations. 聊聊社交

A: Hey. You made it. I’m glad you’re here.

B: Yeah. Me too. Thank you so much for inviting me.

A: No worries. There’re a few people I’d like you to meet. Come on. You’re not shy, are you?

B: Not at all. I love to mingle with people. I am very social.

A: Good. Hey fellas, may I introduce my best friend to you guys? This is Tom. We grew up together. We go way back. You wanna make a brief introduction ?

B: I would love to. Hey guys. I’m Tom. I’m an Interior designer. I’ve been working for TBS for 5 years. I moved to LA back in 2009. And I’ve been in love with this city ever since.

C: Hey Tom. I’m Peter. Nice to meet you. Actually, I’ve heard so much about you. John is always telling us how funny and cool you are .

B: Oh yeah? Nice to meet you too, my friend. What do you do for a living?

C: I work in an English-training company. Been doing that since 2012.

B: Really? That’s cool. What do you like to do for fun? Do you go out often?

C: Yeah, kind of , but not as much as I used to. You know, we’re all getting old. Can’t party too much any more.

B: Yeah. I’m with you. I miss the days when we were out partying till the sun came up.


  1. meet 遇见;碰面 meet既是陌生人的初次遇见;又可以是朋友间的碰面;例句:(1) We met 3 years ago. 我们是三年前认识的; (2) I have to meet with him tomorrow. 我明天必须得跟他碰个面。
  2. shy 害羞的shy经常前面加名词,:pee shy 不好意思让别人知道自己小便:I’m pee shy; camera shy 不大喜欢照相:She’s camera shy.
  3. Mingle 使…混合mingle with…与…混合;交谈;例句:I love mingling with people.我喜欢跟别人交谈交朋友。
  4. Social 社交的;社会的;social status社会地位;social smoker 应酬时才抽烟的人;例句:Tom is a social drinker. 只有应酬或跟朋友一起时,Tom才会喝酒。由名词society社会转变过来;动词为socialize.交际;社会主义化。例句:You have to socialize with people.你得与别人社交啊。
  5. Fellas,表示‘大家’,常用的还有guys=folks=everyone,都表示‘大家’。
  6. Introduce 介绍; 短语为introduce A to B..把A介绍给B;名词为introduction.
  7. Brief 简短的简要的; make a brief introduction即做个简单的自我介绍。
  8. English-training 英语培训的; the English-training business.英语培训行业。


  1. made it. 成功了;成功赶过来的;活过来了等等;原形为make it. 例句:(1) I’m sure you will make it.我肯定你会成功的; (2) Sorry, I can’t make it tonight.对不起,我今晚来不了了。
  2. no worries 不客气,也可以表示没关系。用来回答thanks和sorry,同义短语还有No problem和No sweat.
  3. Not at all.一点儿也不. 例句: I’m not hungry at all.我一点也不饿;She doesn’t like you at all.她一点也不喜欢你;同义短语为not whatsoever. 例句:I can’t sing whatsoever. 我根本不会唱歌。
  4. Love to…表示非常喜欢;I love to sing.我非常喜欢唱歌。
  5. Grew up together 一起长达的;类似短语还有spent our childhood together. 例句:We spent our childhood together.我们从小一起长达的,一起度过童年的。
  6. Go way back.交情很深,很早就认识。
  7. Would love to… 非常想要做…; 例句:I would love to be your boyfriend.我很想做你男朋友;She would love to come.她很想来。
  8. Interior designer 室内设计师interior是‘室内的,内部的’。Graphic designer是平面设计师。
  9. Moved to LA 搬到洛杉矶;move表示搬家;例句:I’m moving out soon.我很快就搬出去住了。
  10. Be in love with..爱上…例句:I’m in love with you.我爱上你了;She’s not in love with you.她才没有爱上你呢。
  11. Ever since 从那之后,放在完成时句子里。例句:We haven’t talked ever since.从那之后我们再也没有说过话. She has been my bestie ever since.从那之后她就一直是我的闺蜜了。
  12. For a living 为谋生。例句:I teach English for a living.我以教英语为谋生。
  13. For fun 为娱乐。 例句:I like to travel for fun. 我喜欢旅行来度过闲暇时间。
  14. Go out often 经常出去玩儿。
  15. Not as much as…. 没…多not as much as you.没你多;例句:I don’t love English as much as you.我没你那么喜欢英语。
  16. Used to.以前曾经经常;例句:When I was 20, I used to travel a lot.我以前20岁的时候经常旅行的。
  17. Get old 变老get adj变得..; 例句:It’s getting cold.慢慢变冷了;He’s getting angry.他发怒了。


  1. I’m glad… 我很开心…例句:I’m glad you apologized. 你道歉了我很开心。
  2. I’d like you to…我很想让你….例句:I’d like you to join us. 我很想让你加入我们。
  3. You’re not shy, are you? 你不害羞,对吧。假装问,其实只是确认。类似的还有:You don’t like her, do you?你不喜欢她对吧;You can’t dance, can you?你不会跳舞对吧。 前否定后肯定,前肯定后否定。You can speak English, can’t you?你会说英语的对吧。You’re not coming, are you?你不来的对吧。注意前句所用的动词是be还是do还是can还是其他。
  4. May I… 在正式场合非常礼貌时用,表示‘我可以…’,比如:May I have your attention please? 大家能听我说两句吗?
  5. I’ve heard so much about you. 我已经听过很多关于你的事情,即久仰大名。I’ve done so much 表示‘已经…’.例句:We’ve learned so much from you.我们从你身上学到了很多。
  6. Be always doing… 总是在… 经常用来表示‘抱怨’的情感。例句:My mom is always working late.我妈妈总是加班。
  7. What do you do? 你是做什么的?
  8. Can’t …. Any more. 不能再…;例句:I can’t trust you any more.我再也不能信任你了。
  9. I’m with you.此处表示‘我和你一样,我赞同你的想法’。
  10. The days when…. 过去时 表示‘曾经的岁月’,例句:I miss the days when we were just students. 我怀念曾经我们只是学生的日子。The days when we talked about everything are gone.曾经我们无话不说的日子已经结束了。

















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