大量的用英语怎么说,lots of和a lot of用法

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First, let’s clarify the difference between “number” and “amount” – we use “number” with countable nouns, and “amount” with uncountable nouns. (首先,我们来明确一下“数字”和“数量”的区别——我们把“数”和可数名词连用,而“量”和不可数名词连用。)


A large number of people:很多人

A massive amount of damage:巨大的损害

A significant number of countries:很多国家

A considerable amount of money:一大笔钱

A tiny number of computers:很少的电脑

A miniscule amount of alcohol:少量的酒精

句子1:Numbers and statistics can increase or decrease (more formal), rise or fall (also formal) or go up and go down (more informal). When a number goes up or down very fast, we can describe this as sharp or dramatic – for example, the sudden improvement in the economy has resulted in a dramatic drop in unemployment and a sharp rise in consumer spending. When a number goes up or down slowly, then we can talk about a gradual increase in population or a slow decline in the number of violent crimes. And if a number doesn’t change, then it remains steady or remains constant.


1. increase:增长

2. decrease:减少;降低

3. rise:上升

4. fall:下降

5. go up:上升

6. go down:下降

7. sharp:剧烈的;迅速的

8. dramatic:巨大的;剧烈的

9. dramatic drop :急剧下降

10. sharp rise :急剧上升

11. gradual increase :逐渐增加

12. slow decline :缓慢下降

13. violent crimes:暴力犯罪

14. remains steady:保持稳定

15. remains constant:保持不变


数字和统计数据可以increase增加decrease减少(更正式),rise上升fall下降(也正式)或go up上升或go down下降(更非正式)。当一个数字上升或下降得非常快时,我们可以用sharp或dramatic来形容——例如,经济的突然好转导致了失业率的急剧下降和消费支出的急剧上升。当一个数字缓慢上升或下降时,我们可以谈论人口的缓慢增长暴力犯罪数量的缓慢下降。如果一个数字没有变化,那么它就保持稳定或保持不变




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