worry 过去式是什么,worry接动词

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worry 过去式是什么,worry接动词(1)

Unit 4 Growing up

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit


1. time n. 时期,时代        

2. whenever conj. 无论何时

3. through prep. 以,凭借

4. deal n. 很多


1. worry—worried(形容词)

2. wake—woke(过去式)—woken(过去分词)


1. not…until 直到……才

2. through_the_Internet 通过互联网

3. people_in_different_times_and_places



1. What's on_your_mind?你在想什么?

2. What's_up?You've been happy since I first met you.怎么啦?自从我第一次见到你,你就一直很快乐。

3. Don't wake_me_up until you finish building it. 直到你建好它才能叫醒我。

4. I like to learn_about the world through_the_Internet.


5. As_soon_as you click the mouse, there's a great_deal_of information.




1. junior_high n. 初级中学

2. score vt. & vi. 得分

3. stand n. 看台

4. change_one's_mind 改变某人的主意

5. leader n. 领导者

6. name vt. 命名

7. university n. 大学

8. simply adv. 仅仅;简直

9. national adj. 国家的

10. championship n. 锦标赛

11. succeed vi. 成功

12. scholarship n. 奖学金

13. although conj. 尽管, 虽然

14. graduate vi. 毕业

15. force vt. 强迫, 迫使

16. league n. 联盟, 社团

17. remain vi. 逗留;保持不变

18. achievement n. 成就, 成绩

19. prove vt. 证明

20. matter vi. 要紧, 有重大影响


1. bear—bore(过去式)—born(过去分词)

2. high—height(名词)

3. hard—harder(比较级)

4. achievement—achievements(复数)

5. proud—prouder(比较级)—proudest(最高级)


1. attend_junior_high 上初中      

2. be_refused_to_do_sth. 被拒绝去做某事

3. lose_heart 失去信心

4. from_then_on 从那时起

5. the_star_of_the_team 团队的明星

6. because_of_his_height 因为他的身高

7. practise_even_harder 练习得更刻苦

8. change_one's_mind 改变某人的主意

9. be_named_Player_of_the_Year


10. simply_because 仅仅因为

11. decide_to_do_sth. 决定去做某事

12. lead_sb. _to 带领某人到……

13. lead_to… 导致……

14. be_forced_to_do_sth. 被迫去做某事

15. remain_therestay_there 待在那里

16. take_notice_of_sb.

pay_attention_to_sb. 关注(注意)到某人

17. have_many_great_achievements


18. through_hard_work 通过努力工作

19. one's_proudest_moment


20. size_and_body_type 大小和体型

21. does_not_matter 无关紧要

22. get_a_scholarship_from…


23. an_NBA_player 一个 NBA 球员


1. While attending_junior_high, Spud tried_out_for_the_school_team, but he was refused at first because he was too small.


2. When he finally got_the_chance, he scored 20 points in his first game.

当他终于获得机会时,他在第一次比赛中得了20 分。

3. He practised even harder and got the coach to change_his_mind.


4. As_a_result, he succeeded_in getting a scholarship.


5. After he graduated, he was_forced_to play in another basketball league.


6. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took_notice_of_him.




against prep. 对抗;与……相反;违反


1. force—forced(过去式)—forced(过去分词) 

2. athlete—athletes(复数)


1. go_jogging 去慢跑

2. feel_tired_out 感到筋疲力尽

3. receive_a_call_from 收到……电话

4. be_crazy_about 痴迷于

5. become_serious_about_sth.


6. know_little_English 几乎不懂英语

7. end_his_basketball_career



1. Do not wake me up until you finish your work.直到你完成你的工作再叫醒我。

2. It began to rain as_soon_as I left the house. 我一离开家天就开始下雨了。

3. I can read books whenever I want to.


Integrated skills & Study skills


1. record n. 记录

2. victory n. 胜利

3. spirit n. 精神;幽灵;灵魂

4. German adj. 德国(人)的

5. thought n. 想法,看法,主意

6. courage n. 勇气


1. break—broke(过去式)—broken(过去分词)

2. write—wrote(过去式)—written(过去分词)

3. think—thought(名词)

4. imagine—imaginary(形容词)

5. bored—boredom(名词)

6. happiness—unhappiness(反义词)


1. break_out 爆发           

2. because_of_the_war 因为战争

3. a_record_of 一个……的记录

4. a_symbol_of 一个……的象征

5. the_victory_of ……的胜利

6. human_spirit 人类精神

7. die_of_illness 死于疾病(内因用 of)

8. have_her_diary_published 使她的日记被出版

9. write_down_her_thoughts 写下她的想法

10. get_away_from 从……逃离

11. survive_the_war 在战争中幸存

12. admire_sb. _for_sth. 因为某事而钦佩某人

13. a_best­seller 畅销

14. live_in_peace 生活在和平中

15. live_in_fear_of_their_lives 生活在生命安全的恐惧中

16. come_across 偶遇

17. a_Jewish_girl 一个犹太女孩

18. her_fear_of_discovery_and_death



1. It was a record of that time,and it has also become a_symbol_of the victory of the human_spirit.


2. They went_into_hiding in her father's office.


3. In her diary, Anne wrote_down her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her dreams_for the future.


4. Although we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world still live in_fear_of_their_lives.


Task & Self­assessment


1. unusual adj. 不寻常的

2. surprise n. 惊奇,诧异

3. research n. 研究;调查


1. fifty—fifties(复数)

2. usual—unusual(反义词)


1. in_his_fifties 在他五十多岁时

2. donate_blood_cells 捐献血细胞

3. to_one's_surprise 令某人惊奇的是

4. medical_research 医学研究

5. be_kind_to_sb. 对某人友好

6. a_heart_full_of_love 一颗充满爱的心


1. You will not find anything_unusual about him until you learn more.


2. My father has donated_blood many times since 1990.

自从1990 年以来,我父亲无偿献血许多次。

3. To_my_surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical_research after his death.


Unit 4 Growing up(默写版)

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit


1. ____________n. 时期,时代

2. ___________conj. 无论何时

3. ____________prep. 以,凭借

4. ___________n. 很多


1. worry—__________(形容词)

2. wake—__________(过去式)



1. __________直到……才

2. __________通过互联网

3. __________不同时期不同地方的人


1. What's ________?你在想什么?

2. ______________? You've been happy since I first met you.


3. Don't ______ until you finish building it. 直到你建好它才能叫醒我。

4. I like to ______ the world ____.


5. ________ you click the mouse, there's a _____ _____ information.




1. ____________n. 初级中学

2. _____________vt. & vi. 得分

3. _____________n. 看台

4. _________改变某人的主意

5. _______ __________n. 领导者

6. ____________vt. 命名

7. ____________n. 大学

8. ____________adv. 仅仅; 简直

9. ___________adj. 国家的

10. ___________n. 锦标赛

11. ____________vi. 成功

12. ____________n. 奖学金

13. __________conj. 尽管, 虽然

14. _____________vi. 毕业

15. ___________vt. 强迫, 迫使

16. __________n. 联盟, 社团

17. __________vi. 逗留; 保持不变

18. ___________n. 成就, 成绩

19. ___________vt. 证明

20. __________vi. 要紧, 有重大影响


1. bear—__________(过去式)


2. high—___________(名词)

3. hard—_________(比较级)

4. achievement—__________(复数)

5. proud—________(比较级)



1. ____________上初中

2. ____________被拒绝去做某事

3. _____________失去信心

4. ____________从那时起

5. _____________团队的明星

6. ____________因为他的身高

7. _____________练习得更刻苦

8. ______________改变某人的主意

9. ______________被誉为年度最佳球员

10. _____________仅仅因为

11. _____________决定去做某事

12. ______________带领某人到……

13. ______________导致……

14. ______________被迫去做某事

15. _____________待在那里

16. _____________关注(注意)到某人

17. ___________有许多巨大成就

18. ____________通过努力工作

19. ____________某人最骄傲的时刻

20. ____________大小和体型

21. ____________无关紧要

22. ____________从……得到奖学金

23. ____________一个 NBA 球员


1. While __________, Spud __________, but he was refused at first because he was too small.


2. When he finally _____________, he scored 20 points in his first game.

当他终于获得机会时,他在第一次比赛中得了20 分。

3. He practised even harder and got the coach to ____________.


4. ____________, he __________ getting a scholarship.


5. After he graduated, he __________ play in another basketball league.


6. He remained there for about a year before the NBA ___________.




_______ prep. 对抗;与……相反;违反


1. force—___________(过去式)


2. athlete—__________(复数)


1. ____________去慢跑

2. ____________感到筋疲力尽

3. ____________收到……电话

4. ____________痴迷于

5. ____________对某事变得认真

6. ____________几乎不懂英语

7. ____________结束他的篮球生涯


1. Do _______ wake me up ________ you finish your work.


2. It began to rain _____________ I left the house. 我一离开家天就开始下雨了。

3. I can read books ________ I want to.


Integrated skills & Study skills


1. ____________n. 记录

. _____________n. 胜利

3. ____________n. 精神;幽灵;灵魂

4. ___________adj. 德国(人)的

5. ____________n. 想法,看法,主意

6. ____________n. 勇气


1. break—__________(过去式)


2. write—___________(过去式)


3. think—_________(名词)

4. imagine—_____________(形容词)

5. bored—_____________(名词)

6. happiness—____________(反义词)


1. ______________爆发

2. ______________因为战争

3. ______________一个……的记录

4. _______________一个……的象征

5. _______________……的胜利

6. _______________人类精神

7. ______________死于疾病(内因用 of)

8. ______________使她的日记被出版

9. _____________写下她的想法

10. ____________从……逃离

11. ____________在战争中幸存

12. _____________因为某事而钦佩某人

13. _____________畅销

14. _____________生活在和平中

15. _________生活在生命安全的恐惧中

16. _____________偶遇

17. _____________一个犹太女孩

18. ____________她对于被发现和对死亡的恐惧


1. It was a record of that time,and it has also become _______________ the victory of the ______________.


2. They ____________ in her father's office.他们躲在她父亲的办公室。

3. In her diary, Anne ____________ her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her ______________ the future.


4. Although we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world still live _____________.


Task & Self­assessment


1. ___________adj. 不寻常的

2. ___________n. 惊奇,诧异

3. ___________n. 研究;调查


1. fifty—___________(复数)

2. usual—__________(反义词)


1. ______________在他五十多岁时

2. ______________捐献血细胞

3. ______________令某人惊奇的是

4. ______________医学研究

5. ____________对某人友好

6. ______________一颗充满爱的心


1. You will not find ____________ about him until you learn more.


2. My father has __________ many times since 1990.

自从1990 年以来,我父亲无偿献血许多次。

3. ______________, he has decided to donate his body for ____________ after his death.





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