
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 22:04:04


1. Can you back up your claims with evidence? (你能用证据支持你的说法吗?)

2. I need to back out of our plans for tonight. (我需要取消今晚的计划.)

3. Don't worry, I've got your back. (别担心,我会支持你的.)

4. Let's backtrack and see where we went wrong. (让我们回过头看看我们错在哪里.)

5. I'll be right back. (我马上回来.)

6. Could you please back off a little? (你能退后一点吗?)

7. I'll back you up if you need to confront them. (如果你需要面对他们,我会支持你的.)

8. I'll back you all the way. (我会一直支持你的.)

9. I'll be your wingman, I've got your back. (我会当你的助手,我会帮你的.)

10. Let me check the back of the store, maybe it's there. (让我去后面的店里看看,也许在那里.)

11. We need to fall back and reassess our strategy. (我们需要撤退一下,重新评估我们的策略.)

12. He always talks behind my back. (他总是在背后说我坏话.)

13. I'll back you up on this decision. (我会支持你的这个决定.)

14. She's always got my back, I can trust her. (她一直支持我,我可以信任她.)

15. I need to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. (我需要退一步,重新评估情况.)

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