说到英语谚语“Every dog has its day”,估计很多人都知道它的含义是:
Everyone, even someone of low social status, has a moment of glory or an opportunity for revenge.
二、渊源Every dog has his day.
荷兰的人类学家和神学家伊拉兹马斯(Erasmus)认为,该谚语可以追溯到公元前406年时期的马其顿谚语(a Macedonian proverb)。该谚语与当时的希腊悲剧诗人欧里庇得斯(Euripides)有关,据说他当时去拜见马其顿国王(the king of Macedonia)时,遭到了一群狗的攻击而致死,而这群狗是他的竞争对手放的。
该谚语最早的书面记录源于十六世纪早期(the early 1500s),当时在位的英国女王伊丽莎白一世(Queen Elizabeth I)在收到她兄弟向她索要她的画像时,她在回信中这样写道:
Notwithstanding, as a dog hath a day, so may I perchance have time to declare it in deeds.
从这个回复看来,说明这个谚语的确早就存在了,只是在后来的史料记载看来,女王是最早书面使用该谚语的人。英国著名的传记作者、历史学家John Strype在1550年出版的《教会纪念馆》(Ecclesiastical Memorials)一书中引用了女王的这封信。
1562年,英国著名作家约翰·海伍德(John Heywood)在的谚语集《Proverbs and Epigrams》里这样记载到:
As euery man saith, a dog hatha daie.
后来大约到了1603年,英国著名的剧作家莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)在他的名作《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)中引用了该谚语,从而让该谚语一夜之间家喻户晓:
三、例证Let Hercules himself do what he may. The cat will mew and dog will have his day.
Kevin: Steve, I have great news!
Steve: What is it?
Kevin: Do you remember how I never won any awards when I was younger? I tried so hard at so many different sports. I tried horse riding, soccer, and track and field. I even tried instruments like the violin. I always came in last in every contest.
Steve: I remember. What about it?
Kevin: I finally won a contest! I won the county fair’s hot dog eating contest! Whoo hoo!
Steve: Oh, er, congratulations! Every dog has his day I suppose.
从上面的例子可以看出,Kevin原本是个典型的loser,干什么都不行,总是落在最后,但是终于在一次吃热狗大赛上,他赢得了第一名。这尽管不是什么值得骄傲的成绩,他的朋友Steve在犹豫片刻之后,还是说出了这句“Every dog has his day”,虽然算不上是褒奖,但也总算是慰藉之词。