
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-05-15 08:18:19


体育类 公办 普通本科

南京体育学院(Nanjing Sport Institute),简称“南体”,位于江苏省南京市,是一所为社会培养各类应用型体育专门人才的省属体育类本科院校。 学校的前身是始建于1956年的南京体育学校,1958年与江苏省体育干部训练班和江苏师范学院体育专修科合并,成立南京体育学院。 截至2016年7月,学校占地面积600余亩,下设8个教学单位,拥有教职工 657 人,其中专任教师 256 人;全日制在校生 3762 人。设置10个本科专业和3个专科专业。

Nanjing Institute of Physical Education

Physical education public general undergraduate

Nanjing Sport Institute (Nanjing Sport Institute) is located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is a provincial sports undergraduate college training all kinds of applied sports professionals for the society. The school was formerly known as Nanjing Physical Education School, which was founded in 1956. In 1958, it merged with Jiangsu Sports Cadres Training Class and Jiangsu Normal University Physical Education Specialty to form Nanjing Physical Education Institute. As of July 2016, the school covers an area of more than 600 mu, with 8 teaching units and 657 teaching staff, among which 256 are full-time teachers. The total number of full-time students is 3762. It offers 10 undergraduate programs and 3 junior college programs.




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