
首页 > 美食 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 05:15:58




《南海各方行为宣言》Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in South China Sea

L型走势 L-shaped growth

霸权 hegemony

背道而驰 run counter to

必由之路the path that must be taken

闭关锁国的过去 closed- door past

边境地区 border areas

摒弃冷战思维 reject the Cold War mentality

博大深远 extensive and profound


不结盟运动 the Non-Aligned movement

不可克服的困难 insurmountable difficulty

不流血政变 bloodless coup

不走样、不变形 without being bent or distorted

布置警戒线戒严cordon off

采取扎实有力的措施 take solid and vigorous steps

成功举办 be successfully concluded

成立大会 founding conference

承前启后inherit the past and usher in the future

承上启下continue from the preceding and introduce the following

持久安全 durable security

崇高的事业 lofty cause

崇高理想 grand ideal

处于领先地位 have leading positions in

打断骨头连着筋 connected by our flesh even if our bones are broken

担任serve as

电子通行证 e-permit

钓鱼岛是我国领土不可分割的一部分 Diaoyu Islands is an integral part of China's territory

独善其身 stand aloof

断崖式下跌 a cliff-like drop

对立情绪confrontational feelings

对遇难者亲属表示慰问 express condolences to the families of the killed

多元复杂的安全威胁 diverse and complex security threats

二十国集团 the Group of Twenty (G20)

发起 initiate

发扬光大carry forward

防范和化解潜在风险 prevent and defuse potential risks

分工division of responsibilities

风险隐患交汇 interwoven risks and dangers

否决权veto right


复杂局面 in a complex environment

感同身受share the agony of


港人治港 the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong

高官senior officials

高压态势tough stance


公道正义 equity and justice

共商共建共享原则the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration

勾勒美好蓝图draw a fine blueprint of

贯穿于……始终 through the whole process of

国内外 at home and abroad

海纳百川,有容乃大The sea is vast as it admits all rivers.

海外侨胞 overseas Chinese nationals

骇人听闻的恐怖袭击appalling terrorist attack

夯实安全根基 cement the foundation of security

合法权益the legitimate rights and interests

和睦关系harmonious relationship

和睦相处 live in harmony with one another

和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

贺电congratulatory message

互不干涉内政non- interference in the internal affairs of other countries

互不侵犯non- aggression

互不往来non- communication

互联互通 connectivity increase the level of ~

互相尊重主权mutual respect for sovereignty

缓解冲突buffer conflicts

积极参与 be actively involved in

激烈的竞争 cut-throat competition

极简主义 minimalism

艰巨任务arduous task

健康稳定的大国关系框架a sound and stable framework for major-country relations

进行国事访问 pay a state visit to

进入新常态enter a new normal

禁止使用abstinence from consumption

经济特区special economic zone

巨大成就 remarkable achievements

跨区域、跨流域trans-regional and cross-watershed

立起炉灶/重头再来 start all over again

两岸关系 cross-Straits relations

两岸一家亲 People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family.

亮点bright spot

领导及各级别 at the leadership and other levels

领土主权与海洋权益 territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests

乱则思定people experiencing turmoil are aspired by stability

埋头苦干 work hard in a down-to-earth way

盲目乐观blind optimism

媒体见面会 press briefing

面对 be confronted with

民间机构 non-government institutions

睦邻友好 good-neighborliness

南沙群岛及附近海域 Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters

难民潮 the influx of refugees

碰撞出许多思想的火花 spark new ideas

迫切愿望 desperately hope for

齐头并进 advance together

启动仪式 launching ceremony


前人栽树,后人乘凉 One generation plants a tree; the next sits in its shade.

侵犯 infringe on

亲近感 feel intimate with each other

求同存异 seek common groun while reserving differences

区域一体化 regional integration

取得丰硕成果achieve fruitful results

人道主义救援 humanitarian assistance

人口红利 demographic dividend

人脉资源 friend sourcing

人文交往 people-to-people and cultural exchanges


润物无声moisten everything silently.

弱肉强食的丛林法则the law of jungle where the strong prey on the weak

深刻变化profound changes

深谋远虑take into account both immediate and long-term interests

深知 be fully aware

渗透 infiltration


生效 put sth into force

盛会 a spectacular event

实用性 readiness

势头强劲 a strong momentum

疏导公众情绪 defuse (public) anger/discontent

双方 the two sides

顺应be in tune with

顺应共赢的时代潮流follow the trend of win-win cooperation

探索进取make headway

逃生run for one’s lives

挑衅行为 provoking actions

同胞 fellow countrymen and women

脱欧公投 Brexit referendum

完全不信任downright distrust

顽疾stubborn ills

万丈高楼平地起The construction of a tall building starts with its foundation


威胁升级escalating threat

为……搭好舞台 level the playing field for

为……投信任票cast a vote of confidence ion

为……指明方向 chart a course for

为大众谋利seek a common good

为人民带来实实在在的获得感deliver tangible benefits to people

卫国战争 the Great Patriotic War

未成年人权益 the rights of minors

无可争辩的主权 indisputable sovereignty

无情的事实inexorable facts

息息相关 be closely linked with

现状current state

献计献策 offer insights and wisdom

相辅相成 mutually complementary

相向而行 work together in the same direction

详细谈论elaborate on

向实现目标扎实迈进move towards the goal step-by-step steadfastly


携手make joint efforts/jointly/In joint with

新型 a new model of

新殖民主义neo- colonialism


兴旺发达、长治久安 flourishing and long-term stability

胸怀天下,立己达人develop ourselves to help others with the well-being of the world in our mind

宣誓就职 take the oath of office

寻求庇护者 asylum seekers

循序渐进 step by step

严峻的考验severe test

严峻挑战 grave challenge

炎黄子孙 a Chinese descendant

唁电message of condolences

业务考核 performance evaluation

一蹴而就 be completed overnight

一举多得、三方共赢 produce multiple benefits and win-win results among all three parties

一生的荣耀 the honor of a lifetime

一万年太久,只争朝夕Ten thousand years are too long; seize the day, seize the hour.

以……为准则guided by the principle of


以史为鉴,面向未来take history as guidance and look into the future

以新亚欧大陆桥等经济走廊为引领underpinned by economic corridors such as the New EurasianContinental Bridge

异军突起come to the fore

意外出局者 unexpected ouster

殷切希望 knee hope

引进来走出去bring in and go out

引起共鸣 strike a chord

引起恐慌spark panic

迎来了新的时期 usher in a new phase

迎难而上 rise to the challenge

应对挑战 rise to/tackle challenges

应急储备安排Contingency Reserve Arrangement

硬骨头 tough issue

永不屈服never yielding

有充足的历史和法律依据 have a sufficient historical and legal basis

有色眼镜 tinted spectacles

优势互补leverage respective strengths

与邻为善,与邻为伴 build friendship and partnership with neighbouring countries

与时俱进 keep up with the times

预祝圆满成功 wish a great success

远近兼顾 due attention to both short and long-range targets

立足自身on the basis of our current conditions

再创新高 reach another record high

在领导及各层 at the leadership and other levels

造福 bring benefits to

战风斗浪fight wind and waves

战胜艰难险阻 overcome any difficulty or hardship

战时衰lose vigor in times of war

站在和平稳定一边 stand on the side of peace and stability

长期以来over the years

着力抓好 focus on

着手处理approach a problem

政权交接the transfer of government

政治互信political mutually trust

政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识 maintain political integrity, think inbig-picture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment

志同道合 have the same values and ideals

智慧 ingenuity

智库think tank

中巴全天候伙伴关系 all-weather partnership of cooperation between Pakistan and China

中国与东盟高层交往频繁 China and ASEAN have maintained frequent high-level exchanges

种族隔离racial segregation

种族矛盾racial tension



诸多不稳定、不确定因素 multiple destabilizing and uncertain factors

主动作为 take an active approach

注入强劲的动力 give a strong impetus to

自古以来since ancient times

自我封闭self- reclusive

总体稳定 overall stability

走出去going global

钻石十年 a diamond decade

最具经济活力的地区the most economically viable region

尊敬的总统阁下Your Excellency President





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