
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-15 06:20:31

59. Which of the following can best describe Raphael?

A. Honest and brave. B. Cute and careful.

C. Outgoing and funny. D. Confident and responsible.

60. What can be inferred (推理) from the text?

A.Raphael will stop fishing for metal. B. More people will fish for fun.

C.The Seine will become cleaner by 2024. D.Raphael always cleans the river alone


China is entering a new age of quantum computation (量子计算). Chinese scientists have created the world's first light - based quantum computer. It’s called Jiuzhang. Its a new achievement in the field after Google finished building its own quantum computer last year.

The name Jiuzhang comes from an old Chinese mathematics text. Compared with today's best supercomputers, Jiuzhang can calculate(计算)100, 000 billion times faster. For example, it takes Jiuzhang only 200 seconds to finish Gaussian boson sampling(高斯玻色取样), a very time - taking calculation. Fugaku, the world's fastest supercomputer, would take about 600 million years to finish the same task.

Quantum machines' surprising computing power results from their basic building blocks, called quantum bits, or qubits (量子比特), according lo the University of Science and Technology of China. Traditional computers usually deal with data (数据) in binary (二进制) bits, presenting data as either a O or a 1. However, quantum computers use qubits lo process data. Qubits can be 0,1, or anything in between. As a result, as the number of qubits that are being used increases, the computing ability of quantum computers increases, too.

According to Pan Jianwei, one of the main researchers behind Jiuzhang, quantum computing has already become an area of strong competition in the world. With Jiuzhang, China has entered the race. Compared with Google’s qubit computer, Jiuzhang is easier lo make and keep. Google’s qubit computer must be kept at a very cold temperature so its materials can conduct (传导) electricity successfully. But most of Jiuzhang’s equipment can work at the room temperature.

At present, scientists can just use Jiuzhang for boson sampling. But in the future, it might be used for machine learning and other fields. Lu Chaoyang, another key researcher behind Jiuzhang,told China Daily that scientists will keep increasing Jiuzhang’s computing power.

61. Why do people regard Jiuzhang as a great achievement?

A. Because it’s an invention as great as Google's quantum computer.

B. Because it’s the world’s first light - based quantum computer.

C. Because it gets its name from an old Chinese mathematics text.

D. Because it can finish all calculation in 200 seconds’ time.

62. In Paragraph 2, the writer shows Jiuzhang can calculate pretty fast by _________

A. comparing it with other computers B. telling us an interesting story

C. showing us many good examples D. listing a lot of numbers and results

63. Which picture shows the computing ability of quantum computers?









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