in tears of,intears意思

首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-17 16:53:47


一、 Doing..., 主 谓...

Seeing tears in her eyes, Annie decided to give her a hand to help her out of trouble.

1. 靠近这个小动物的时候,我十分紧张。

_____________________________, I was filled with nervousness.

2. 紧紧抱着Tom,Jane放声大哭。

__________________________, Jane burst out crying.

3. 爬到树上,Jane摘了一些浆果吃。

___________________________, Jane picked some berries to eat.

4. 发现妈妈很生气,我们只能乖乖搭帐篷。

__________________________________, we could do nothing but put up the tent.

5. 搭建完帐篷之后,我们躺在帐篷里,感觉非常惬意。

_______________________________, we lay on our back in the tent, feeling great.

二. 主1 谓..., 主2 doing/done(独立主格结构)

He stood there, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes.

1. 她打开信,双手激动地在颤抖tremble。

She opened the letter, ___________________________________________

2. 我们一起躺在帐篷里,妈妈给我们讲故事。

We lay in the tent together, ____________________________________________

3. Mark紧紧抱住他的朋友,眼泪汪汪。

Mark hugged his friends tightly, _______________________________________.

三 表情感类的形容词, 主 谓...

Eager and excited, she flagged her yellow blouse, trying to attract others' attention.

1. Jane躺在石头旁边,精疲力竭十分害怕,心里思念着她的家人。

__________________________, Jane lay down near a stone, missing her family.

2. 我坐在地上,十分绝望。

I sat on the ground, _______________________________________________.

3. 我们坐在一起,十分放松开心。

We sat together, _________________________________________________.

4. 又饿又累,Jane在一块石头上睡下了。

___________________________, Jane lay on a stone and fell sleep.


_________________________________, he decided to turn everything around.

四.地点状语或表示运动方向的副词 谓(vi) 主 (倒装句)

At the front door stood her dear husband who suffered great anxiety when Jane was nowhere to be found.

1. 在他们后面是可怕的狼。


2. 在她手里,是一张钞票。


3. 在我们头顶,是漫天的繁星。


4. 在我们前面,站着我的叔叔和他的工人。


5. 又一只兔子从草丛里冲出来。


五. 主 谓1..., 谓2..., and 谓3....

Grandma sighed, stood up and turned towards the kitchen.

1. Jane跑向Tom,紧紧拥抱他,放声大哭。


2. 我从马上跳下来,悄悄走向兔子,并且扑过去(flutter)。

I _____________________________________________________________

3. 老妇人叹了口气,拍了怕我的肩膀,跟我说道:“…”

The old lady __________________________________________________, “”

4. Mark从自行车上跳下来,打开车门,跳进了车里。

Mark ____________________________________________________________

六.方式副词(ly),主 谓...

Quickly, she followed the sound to a stream.

1. 我小心翼翼地跟在兔子的后面。___________________, I followed the rabbit.

2. 我好奇地问她,为什么要帮我. __________________, I asked why she helped me.

3. 爸爸很耐心地教我们搭帐篷。___________, father instructed us to put up the tent.

4. 难以令人置信的是,他的两个朋友竟然没有碰到狼。

______________________________, his two friends didn’t come across the wolf.


He fought the illness with courage and determination.

1. He went into the cave ___________________(非常好奇地).

2. He looked at me ________________(困惑地) and did not answer the question.

3. Desmond eyed her anguished face ________________(同情地).

4. Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers ________________(热情地).


Dead silence suddenly fell.

1. 微风抚摸着他的头,好像在安慰他。

__________________________________his head, as if comforting him.

The gentle wind/breeze stroked

2. 珍妮演讲完,班上立刻爆发出一阵热烈的掌声。

Immediately Jenny finished her speech, __________________________________.

3. 我突然想到一个可怕的想法。

______________________________suddenly hit/struck/occurred to me.

4. 顷刻间,黑暗笼罩了整个森林。

Immediately, ___________________________________________________.




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