to do做形容词,todo修饰形容词作什么状语

首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-05 18:11:25

【too 形容词 to do】句式,其意为“太…以至于不能…”。 举例如下:

She was too shy to ask for help. 她太腼腆,不愿向人求助。

We were too poor to buy new clothes. 我们太穷了,买不起新衣服。

She was too busy to attend the meeting. 她太忙了,不能出席会议。

I was too busy to attend the meeting. 我太忙不能参加会议,所以让我的秘书代我出席。

We were too poor to afford a doctor. 我们太穷了,看不起病。

He was too weak to feed himself. 他太虚弱,无法自己进食。

It's too late to turn back. We have to keep going. 现在返回已经太晚了,我们只能继续前进。

It's too soon to tell what will happen. 现在就说会发生什么还为时尚早。

It's too late to do anything about it now. 现在做什么都太迟了。

She's too tired to go out tonight. 她太疲倦了,今晚不能出去了。

It sounded too good to be true. 这听上去太好了,简直不像是真的。

Life's too short to worry about the past. 生命如此短暂,不要为过去烦恼。

I'm too sick to go to work. 我生病了,不能去上班。

I'm too heavy to be carried easily. 我太重了,轻易背不动。

He's too proud to beg. 他十分骄傲,从不低头求人。

She's too young to wear makeup. 她年龄太小了,还不宜化妆。

I'm too full to eat (any) more. 我饱得再也吃不下(任何)东西了。

She was too upset to speak to him. 她太气愤了,根本不想跟他说话。

It's too small to be of use. 它太小了,没什么用。

We're too busy to cook at home. 我们太忙了,没时间在家做饭。

He's still too weak to stand on his own. 他还很虚弱,自己站不起来。

Their warning was too late to help him. 他们的警告来得太迟,帮不了他了。

The soup is too hot to eat. 汤太烫了,不能喝。

The offer was too good to refuse. 这个提议太好了,让人难以拒绝。

He argued that it's far too early to make a decision. 他争辩说现在做决定还为时过早。




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