
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-11 23:49:10

屋顶表皮细节 Roof Facade Detail

Single-layer aluminium panels and glassing panels are selected for the outer skin in terms of a weather protection consideration. The inner skin involves thermally insulated aluminium panels and double-layer glassing panels so as to achieve a reduction on heat transmission to the internal space of the building. It also prevents from condensation forming on the inner façade when the temperatures are different between inside and outside. Louvres are fitted in under the outer skin. When the sun position changes, they automatically adjust to protect from direct sun radiation.


8米层平面图细节 Detailed Floor Plan of Level 8.00m

The passengers accede to the terminal from the entrance situated under the large T3 “tail”. The wide terminal bay is characterised by white conical supporting columns rising up to touch the roof like the internal space of a cathedral. On the ground floor, the terminal square provides access to the check-in desks, departure and arrival areas as well as coffee houses and restaurants, offices and business facilities. The departure hall houses the check-in desks, airlines info. points and few help-desks. The double and triple height spaces of the hall establish a visual connection between the internal levels and create a passage for the natural light. After checking in, the domestic and international passenger circulation flows are spreading out vertically for departures.


剖面细节 Detailed Section Drawing

The concourse is the airport key-area and is made up of three levels. Each level is dedicated to three independent functions: departure, arrival and services. Its tubular shape is derived from the idea of motion. The “crossing” is the intersection point where the 3 levels of the concourse are vertically connected to. It creates full-height void space which allows natural light to filter from the highest level down to the waiting hall on the ground level.


商业区域设计 Commercial and Retails Design

The honeycomb motif is also applied to interior design. Shop boxes, facing one another, reproduce the alveolus design on a larger scale that is replicated in different articulations along the concourse.






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