
首页 > 社会 > 作者:YD1662024-04-14 20:25:33











This summer, I had planned to learn a skill in a training course, but the epidemic situation in my area, Two Rivers New District, was suddenly so severe that all the training courses, cinemas and teahouses were closed. My original plans were disrupted when a friend invited me to volunteer at a street vaccination office and I gladly accepted. I felt a lot of emotions during these few days of volunteering.

Firstly, volunteering is really hard work. I had to get up after 5am every morning and then go to the vaccination point to take out the registration forms and so on and wait for people to come in for their vaccinations. After a busy morning, I take a short break from 1am to 12pm and then continue with my work. Once the information is recorded, it's back to the street office to get the information into the computer before you can go home at around 7pm. Although the work is hard, I think it brings me something I have not felt before. One is the sense of achievement. I met many, many people in the past few days, including the elderly and the disabled, who belong to the disadvantaged groups in this society. When I offered them help, such as helping them to register for the nursery pass, health code, etc., they would keep giving me thanks and their eyes were so sincere and honest. The look on their faces also brought me deep emotions. I think this is the reason why more and more people are volunteering, helping others sincerely brings us infinite joy.

Apart from this sense of achievement, I also felt a real sense of difference in people. There were office workers who came in early for work; there were young secondary school students following their parents; there were construction workers with their faces covered in dust; there were also bright and shiny people with delicate make-up. But it was the elderly who struck me most. Some of them came with their partners, some came in groups with friends, some had their children in front of them, but others came alone with their hobbling steps. The community has told residents in their area that it is best for people over 65 to be accompanied by their children, but there are still some very old people, even those over 80, who come alone with crutches to take their vaccinations, and they have difficulty with their legs and ears, so I have to speak very loudly to communicate with them. Whenever I see such elderly people, I always feel sad inside. Then I think of the elderly in my family and I feel that I have to be good to them.

Best of all, I have to mention how I feel about the national government, which is really getting stronger and stronger, and this is really reflected in the way the government has handled the epidemic. Vaccinations are really free for all and available to all. Batches of vaccines are being sent down to the grassroots to ensure that everyone can be vaccinated. The nucleic acid test is also easy to access, just ask your doctor for a prescription and it can be done.

I have gained a lot from volunteering, feeling the genuine emotions between people, experiencing all kinds of people and marvelling at how strong the country is. All these things are things I have never felt before and after this experience, I will continue to devote myself to volunteering and helping others in the future.






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