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The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th monthof the lunar month. It is a time for family members to congregateand enjoy the full moon, which is a symbol of abundance,harmony and luck. Adults usually indulge in fragrant mooncakesof various kinds with a good cup of hot Chinese tea, while thechildren run around with their brightly-lit rabbit lanterns. Thefestival was endowed a mythological flavour with legends ofChang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon. According to Chinesemythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. Hou Yi,shot down 9 of the suns to save all the lives on carth. He stole theelixir of life, which can make people immortal. However, his wife,Chang-E drank it. Thus the legend of Chang-E flying into themoon came into being.


腊八节(the Laba Festival)在农历最后一个月的第八天庆祝,标志着春节庆祝活动的开始。“腊”指“腊月(the 12th lunar month)”,是农历第十二个月,“八”指的是数字8。腊八节通常在1月中旬。大多数汉族人遵循腊八节喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的习俗。腊八粥最早在宋朝传入中国。据史料记载,一些大型寺庙会为穷人提供腊八粥来表达对佛祖(Buddha)的虔诚。明朝时,腊八粥成为皇帝在此节日赏赐群臣的神圣食物。

Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunarmonth, marking the beginning of celebrating the Chinese SpringFestival. La means the 12th lunar month and ba means thenumber eight. The date usually falls in mid-January, The majorityof people from Han nationality has followed the tradition ofeating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival, Laba rice porridgewas first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty. According tohistorical records, some large temples would offer the poor Labarice porridge to show their faith to Buddha. In the Ming Dynasty,it became a holy food that emperors would use to award theirofficials on the festival.#南宁灯光秀400多架无人机被吹飞#




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