
首页 > 时尚 > 作者:YD1662023-06-15 23:32:55



Research可甜可盐,完全没有等级之分,它可以很高深,教授级别可拿捏,它也可以很接地气,小学生也可以挂在嘴边。Research最普通的用法其实可以说是查资料。它没有那么深奥。普通人想要百度一下任何信息的时候,就可以轻描淡写地来一句,I just did some research. 



但是其实许多大学生,中学生,甚至小学生课程中就已经有布置研究项目的课题,教育系统中其实一直就有这一部分,让学生自己去探索去找答案去思考去动手。但是许多人,甚至是老师,家长都忽略了Research不是一种技巧,学过了就会,它是一种技能,是一种习惯,是一种思维,它是一种倾向性,只有在成长生活中,在遇到每一次问题和困难中,不断强调强化这种解决问题的方式--go to do the research,孩子才能形成这种条件反射。爱提问题是天生的,这是好奇心驱使,但绝大多数孩子不能学会怎么自己去找答案,因为从小都看着身边的人靠别人给出提示。这种传统的灌输式方式培养出的只能是被动的信息接受者,而这是极其没有效率的传授和教育方式。在很多家长的眼里,大量的灌输才可能有好的收成,而老师恨不得一天24小时在学生耳边倒进去一湖水的知识点,觉得这样孩子才尽可能地多接收多记住。但是记住却不是学习最重要的过程,最重要的是探索的部分,是research的部分,这种手动式research养成的是理性判断和客观思维,它使自我探索和好奇驱使行动变成一种习惯,而这种习惯恰恰容易炼化创新的燃料。


What is Research? Why people need to do research?

Research is really a common word in English culture. It stands for every tool you are looking for to get the right information or an answer to a question. To be able to do some research is a skill that most students have to learn. It basically is the most vital capability for any learners. However, not many students would have developed the tendency to do research when they encounter difficulties and problems. Most people get used to be a passive info recipient being told or waiting to be told what they need to know. Even parents and instructors would not realize that when they manage to pass as most knowledge as recipients can get in every possible way, the passive learners are losing their chances to become rational and objective as they would not quest further by self-motivation or curiosity. This is fatal and miserable for the whole education system.

The process of researching is equivalent to learning. And it is a skill hard to acquire.




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