
首页 > 娱乐 > 作者:YD1662024-04-12 11:26:14

Want to Help Bees? Plant Flowering Herbs




1)Herbs are among the most useful plants in nature. We use them in food and medicines. We use them in skin care products. We even use them to scent the air.


herb: a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. Parsley , mint and oregano are all herbs.药草;香草; 草本植物

2)But human beings are not the only creatures that love herbs. Bees, butterflies and other insects love them, too – as do some birds.


3)People’s interest in herbs has been growing and herb sales are on the rise.


4)People are using fresh garden herbs for cooking, but their other interest in herbs is to support pollinators – creatures that help plants to reproduce.




5)Bee populations, for example, have been shrinking in many areas. Scientists suspect pesticide poisoning and climate change as among the main causes.


6)Bees enjoy many kinds of herbs.


7)“Herbs with the most nectar bring bees to the garden.” Bees love nectar-filled herbs, such as thyme, comfrey, oregano, lemon balm, lavender and rosemary.

“花蜜最多的药草能吸引蜜蜂到花园中来。” 蜜蜂喜欢充满花蜜的药草,如百里香、紫草、牛至、柠檬薄荷、薰衣草和迷迭香。

nectar: [ˈnektə(r)] a sweet liquid that is produced by flowers and collected by bees for making honey 花蜜

thyme: [taɪm] a plant with small leaves that have a sweet smell and are used in cooking as a herb 百里香(一种植物,叶小,有香味,可作烹饪调味品)

comfrey: [ˈkʌmfri] a plant with large leaves covered with small hairs and small bell-shaped flowers紫草科植物,聚合草(长细茸大叶,开铃状小花)

oregano: [ˌɒrɪˈgɑ:nəʊ] [əˈregənoʊ] a plant with leaves that have a sweet smell and are used in cooking as a herb 牛至(叶可用于调味)

8)Pollinators will visit most flowering herbs. But some, like cilantro and basil, lose other qualities when they grow flowers.


cilantro: [sɪˈlæntrəʊ] the leaves of the coriander plant, used in cooking as a herb 芫荽叶,香菜叶(用作调味香料)

basil: [ˈbæzl] [U] a plant with shiny green leaves that smell sweet and are used in cooking as a herb 罗勒(叶子碧绿芳香,用于烹调)

9)Some herbs, like cilantro, fennel and dill, produce very small flowers that interest very small bees. Fennel and dill also serve as food for black swallowtail caterpillars.


fennel: [ˈfenl] a vegetable that has a thick round stem with a strong taste. The seeds and leaves are also used in cooking.


dill:a plant with yellow flowers whose leaves and seeds have a strong taste and are used in cooking as a herb . Dill is often added to vegetables kept in vinegar.小茴香,莳萝,土茴香(味冲,用作佐料)

10)Bees – especially honeybees – find flowers by their color, not their smell.


11)In general, annual herbs are more important for butterflies, especially swallowtails. Annuals are plants that must be replanted each year.


12)Pollinators are necessary for a huge amount of the world's food production, but European honeybees are especially important.


13)”They're the king of the pollinators". But other kinds of bees can often be accidental pollinators. Honeybees are also greater in number and more active than other pollinators.


14)Bees must collect syrup and pollen from early spring through late autumn to support a healthy bee colony. That means gardeners should plant many kinds of flowers and herbs to lengthen the flowering season.






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