
首页 > 娱乐 > 作者:YD1662024-04-17 14:30:22

* ​​​I have a ballpark figure of what you'll be getting.大致的数字。

* ​Our oven is making its debut.我们的烤炉完成了它的首秀。(烤炉终于使用了第一次。)

* ​We're kind of pressed for the time.时间紧迫。

* ​This is none of your business, so could you please just drop it? 能不能不要再讨论这个话题?

*Because of the vast age difference. vast=Extremely large,

* ​ i sprinkled her ashes

* ​i scattered her ashes,

* ​i spreaded her ashes.

* ​We're about even in the betrayal department now.半斤八两,意思是两个人都背叛

* I can't thank you enough for opening your home

* ​Literally not have a roof over your head.只是强调语气

* ​ Don't be so nice, otherwise she'll take this place over. 接管这个地方。

* ​ Entirely blameless.

* ​Let's hit the road. 我们出发吧,我们上路吧。

* ​arn't you stopping there anyway to spread your aunt's ashes?

* ​ i I do want her ashes scattered at the field. 足球场,篮球场大操场

* honor her wishes.尊重他的意愿。

* ​ Could you please drop it, 你能不能不要再讲这个话题了?

* ​stop talking about the subject

* ​I'm just trying to stay out the way of the whole sparks that are flying.

* ​That Walter guy needs to stay miserable,保持痛苦的状态。

* ​ she'll still be here another 1 or two.

* ​Parade. if you people Parade. something, they show it in public so that it can be admired. 为炫耀而展示。

* ​ Carlos I know you're scared but give her some credit.给他一点信任。相信他

* ​ I sprinkled her ashes.

* ​Appreciate people while we still got them.珍惜

Let's just play dumb and Ride this thing out! Ride out. If someone write out a crisis, they manage to survive a difficult perioda .设法熬过一段艰难时光。

* ​Until this blows over, don't call me again. 风波,从风的那个意思引申过来。

* ​You price chemistry textbooks lately.你询问化学书的价格了吗?

* ​You watched and served refreshments.

* ​Don't buy into it, 不要相信他。

* ​ He can sleep just as soundly in a crib.





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