
首页 > 娱乐 > 作者:YD1662024-05-17 00:09:06

英文习语“through thick and thin”表示“through good and bad times”,也可以翻译为“share weal and woe”。



We've been together through thick and thin, and we won't desert each other now.


His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin.



爱怎么做 怎么错 怎么看 怎么难 7 6 怎么教人死生相随 8

We should know it is not so easy for lovers

to go through thick and thin

爱是一种 不能说 只能尝 的滋味 13 试过以后不醉不归 8

Love is a taste it is hard for us to say

but we can never get it away

等到红颜憔悴 6 它却依然如此完美 8

Love is still in the best state

while rosy faces wear away

等到什么时候 我们才能够体会 13

For a miracle to come we are all willing to wait


爱是一朵 六月天 飘下来的雪花 13

Love’s the snow falling from the heavens inJune

还没结果 已经枯萎 8

It is nice but desolate

爱 是 一滴 擦不干 烧不完 的眼泪 13

Love’s a tear that can not be wiped away

还没凝固 已经成灰 8

It disappears without hatred

等到情丝吐尽 它才出现那一回 13

True love will knock on your door after all the sufferings

等到红尘残碎 6它才让人双宿双飞 8

Only with bravery can lovebirds fly together


啊 啊 有谁懂得 个中滋味 8

.... who knows the love’s taste?

爱是迷迷糊糊天地初开的时候 13那已经盛放的玫瑰 8

Heaven and Earth were-in primary chaos

Love blossomed into roses already

爱是踏破红尘 望穿秋水 10

只因为 3

爱过的人 不说后悔 8

Love is what we have seen through but we’re still longing for

Those ones who loved never regret

爱是一生一世一次一次的轮回 13 不管在东南和西北 8

Love- is- a circle of life one after another

No matter we’re in east or west

爱是一段一段 一丝一丝的是非 13 教有情人再不能够说再会 11

Love is woven by the rights and wrongs oflovers

And we’re gonna give our all without regret



爱是一朵 六月天 飘下来的雪花 13

Love’s the snow falling from the heavens inJune

还没结果 已经枯萎 8

It is nice but desolate

爱 是 一滴 擦不干 烧不完 的眼泪 13

Love’s a tear that can not be wiped away

还没凝固 已经成灰 8

It disappears without hatred

等到情丝吐尽 它才出现那一回 13

True love will knock on your door after all the sufferings

等到红尘残碎 6它才让人双宿双飞 8

Only with bravery can lovebirds fly together


啊 啊 有谁懂得 个中滋味 8

.... who knows the love’s taste?

爱是迷迷糊糊天地初开的时候 13那已经盛放的玫瑰 8

Heaven and Earth were-in primary chaos

Love blossomed into roses already

爱是踏破红尘 望穿秋水 10

只因为 3

爱过的人 不说后悔 8

Love is what we have seen through but we’re still longing for

Those ones who loved never regret

爱是一生一世一次一次的轮回 13 不管在东南和西北 8

Love- is- a circle of life one after another

No matter we’re in east or west

爱是一段一段 一丝一丝的是非 13 教有情人再不能够说再会 11

Love is woven by the rights and wrongs oflovers

And we’re gonna give our all without regret



爱是迷迷糊糊天地初开的时候 13那已经盛放的玫瑰 8

Hea--ven-- and Earth were-in primary chaos

Love blossomed into roses already

爱是踏破红尘 望穿秋水 10

只因为 3

爱过的人 不说后悔 8

Love is what we have seen through but we’re still longing for

Those ones who loved never regret

爱是一生一世一次一次的轮回 13 不管在东南和西北 8

Love- is-a circle of life one after another

No matter we’re in east or west

爱是一段一段 一丝一丝的是非 13 教有情人再不能够说再会 11

Love is woven by the rights and wrongs oflovers

And we’re gonna give our all without any regret


爱怎么做 怎么错 怎么看 怎么难 7 6 怎么教人死生相随 8

We should know it’s even harder for love-chasers

to go through thick and thin





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