Varying building façade finishes of Parqal
Varying building façade finishes of Parqal
Breaking visual uniformity
一个“悬浮的天幕”将整个项目笼罩其中,这是Aseana City总体步行规划中的重要轴线。轻盈的天幕有机地上下起伏,为购物空间遮雨的同时,又能实现自然通风。设计采用ETFE材质,让阳光和紫外线倾泻而下,为购物空间中大面积的绿化植被营造出良好的生长环境,同时它极具柔韧性,可以良好承载包括马尼拉在内地震高发地区的强大张力。
The entire length of the development is enveloped by a "floating canopy" that serves as the flagship spine of Aseana City's sidewalk masterplan. The lightweight canopy takes an undulating and organic form that protects the retail environment from the rain while also allowing for natural ventilation. The use of ETFE, which is permeable to sunlight and UV rays, creates the opportunity to have extensive green areas with trees of substantial size. The flexibility of the ETFE foil also makes it able to withstand high tension in regions like Manila with high seismic activity.
Canopy concept sketches