什么时候用for,for me和to me的区别

首页 > 健康 > 作者:YD1662022-11-24 03:54:29




1、There's a letter for you;It's a book for children;We got a new table for the dining room. 这时for表示“给,对,供”,我们不要记这个,太不明确了,根据for的本质含义,我们认为此处的for为引出“物品供给的对象”,注意了,对象不一定是人,也可是某件事、。

2、What can I do for you;I took her classes for her while she was sick. 这里for表示“以帮助;为了”,我们不要这个,而是认为是引出“需要帮助的对象”。

3、They are anxious for her safety;Fortunately for us, the weather changed. “关于”,我们记为此处for为引出“关于的对象”

4、I am speaking for everyone in this department. “代表”,我们记为引出“代表的对象”。

5、She's working for IBM. “受雇于”,我们记为引出“打工的对象”,或者有些小伙伴调侃为“卖身的对象”也行。

6、Shaking your head for ‘No’ is not universal. “意思是”,我们记为引出“一个动作所表示的含义”,此时含义就是对象。

7、Are you for or against the proposal?They voted for independence in a referendum;There's a strong case for postponing the exam. 此处for译为“支持;拥护”,我们记为引出“赞成的对象”。谁赞成?谁反对?

什么时候用for,for me和to me的区别(1)

8、a machine for slicing bread;Let's go for a walk.Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work?What did you do that for?此时for译为“表示目的、功能”,我们记为引出“一个目的或功能”,此时目的和功能就是对象。

9、The town is famous for its cathedral;He got an award for bravery. “由于;因为”,我们记为引出“一个原因”,此时原因就是对象。

10、He came to me for advice;For more information, call this number. “为得到;为获取”,我们记为引出“想得到的对象”。

11、Copies are available for two dollars each.I'll swap these two bottles for that one. “换取”,我们记为引出“要换取的东西”,不管是物换钱,还是钱换物,都一样。

12、She's tall for her age;That's too much responsibility for a child. “就......而言”,我们记为引出“一个衡量的立场或角度”,

13、You'll feel better for a good night's sleep.This room would look more cheerful for a spot of paint.我们记为引出“一个建议”,此时这个建议就是对象。

14、Is this the bus for Chicago?She knew she was destined for a great future.“往,向”,我们记为引出“一个去往的对象”,可以是具体的某个地方,也可以是抽象的未来、梦想、目标等等。

15、I'm going away for a few days.“表示一段时间”,我们记为引出“一段时间”。

16、We're invited for 7.30;an appointment for May 12,“(安排或预定)在…时”,我们记为引出“一个指定的时间点”。

17、He asked his daughter what she would like for her birthday. “表示场合”,我们记为引出“一个特殊的场合”,这种通常很容易看出来。

18、The road went on for miles and miles. “表示距离”,我们记为引出“一段延伸的距离”。

19、It's useless for us to continue;There's no need for you to go;For her to have survived such an ordeal was remarkable;The box is too heavy for me to lift. 此时for译为“对(某人)来说(困难、必需、愉快等)”,我们记为引出“被评估的人”,此处对象只能是人。

20、How to spend the money is for you to decide;It's not for me to say why he left. “表示谁可以或应该做某事”,记为引出“一个应当做某事的人”。





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