Suddenly a lttle rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. My horse turned to the 1eft to avoid the ittle rabbit as I held on tightly and tried not to fall. Then my dad turned around and shouted, Hoid on! All of a sudden the horse began to run My dad tried to keep up behind us. For a few minutes my horse slowed down to a trot and then stopped beside a river. I looked around and realized that we were way off the track.
We had no idea where we were and it got dark. Luckily the stars came out and gave us a little light when we were looking for the way to the farm house. After what must have been several hours, we suddenly heard the sound of sheep in the distance. My dad and I both rode our horses towards the sound of the sheep. As we got closer we saw Uncle Paul with a flashlight waving us over. What a night!
"衡水体”实质上是衡水中学学生书写的手写印刷体, 随着中考高考电子阅卷的普及,采用简洁、工整、快速的字体进行书写成为必需,极大地迎合了阅卷老师心理和电脑显示特点。一定程度上有助于大家在书写上占先。下面来看看衡水体的特点: