
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-11 04:37:04


Let’s talk



Teaching Aims

1. Understand words______ and sentence pattern_______

2. Students can talk about______(主题) freely in daily life.

3. 升华情感(与本节课相关或课标当中的普适性情感)

Teaching Key Points

Students can use new words and sentence pattern to express ___(主题)

Teaching Difficult Points


Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warming-up

Sing a song “you are my sunshine”

Review words like_________(与本节课相关单词)

Step 2 Presentation

By presenting pictures(TPR, creating a situation), new words_______ will be taught.

Play a _____ game to practice new words.

Create a situation and then listen to the tape to teach new sentence pattern.

Step 3 Practice

Pick one student to have a dialogue with the teacher to set an example for other students.

Play a sentence dragon game.

Have a role play (根据时间长短确定是否添加)

Step 4 Consolidation

Divide students into groups; createa situation________ and let students do a survey (draw picture, have an interview).

Step 5 Summary

Conclude new words and sentence and mention the emotional aim.

Step 6 Homework(开放性)



Blackboard design


在let’s try的部分,有几次用到听力,而且每次任务都有不同。第一次听力是为了让大家对文章内容有简单的认识和理解,并能够做出正确选择;后面三次听主要是在lets talk部分,先让大家对单词和句子理解并能准确读出后,再完整感受本文的具体内容。所以在听说课的时候,应该更多借助听力,认识每次听的目标和任务,才能让学生们准确把握本节课的具体内容。所以在人教版小学英语中,教材编排清晰明确,设置的听说课只有通过学生大量地听和多次地说练习,更好的提高他们对于听说课的理解和把握。

Let’s learn


Teaching aims

Students can know the new words: tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet.

Students could use these new words to describe a person.

To emphasize the importance of friendship.

Teaching key point

Students could know the pronunciation and meaning of the new words and use it freely in life.

Teaching difficult point

The pronunciation of "thin" and "quiet".

Teaching procedure

Step 1 Warming up

Sing a song of "My friend" (套“找朋友”的调调/如果不会唱歌可以变成歌谣/如果无法找到和本堂课主题相关,可以准备个万能歌曲,起到热身目的就好。)

Step 2 Presentation

Pick 4 students who are respectively "tall and strong", "short and thin", "friendly" and "quiet" to come to the stage and teach the new words.

Step 3 Practice

Play a guessing game "Who is____?"

T: Who is tall in our class?


Let the students to point the person with the feature.

Play a "Stand up" game

Every students with the feature would stand up when the teacher call up the new words and see who stands fastest.

Step 4 Consolidation

Introduce your friend

Divide students into 4 groups with each group chooses one students to be introduced.

select the best one.

Step 5 Summary

Students summarize and teacher supplements and emphasize the importance of friendship.

Step 6 Homework

Introduce friends to parents.

Let’s spell


Teaching Aims

1.Students know how to pronounce ________.

2. Students can pronounce_______ correctly.

3. Enhance their confidence of pronouncing.

Teaching Key Points

Students can have correct pronunciation of certain words of the same rule.

Teaching Difficult Points

Students could be confident in pronouncing words.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warming-up

Sing a _____ song to have a warm-up.

Step 2 Presentation

By presenting pictures of words to let students have a review.

Listen to the tape and have an impression of the right pronunciation.

Explain the common feature of all these words.

Step 3 Practice

Play a game to practice the pronunciation of these words.(同单词训练游戏)

Find more new words of the same rule and let the students try to pronounce them.

Step 4 Consolidation

Divide students into groups with each group given the same amount of word cards. The group which pronounces the most will get the first prize.

Step 5 Summary

Conclude the rule and mention the emotional aim.

Step 6 Homework (开放性)

Read and write.





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